I Can Pause Time

Chapter 894: Father's plan

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(Written at the beginning: It’s the weekend, I’ll update everyone early^_^)

"What are you talking about, are you a time afterimage created by that person?"

Lu Yu was stunned at this moment, his mouth slightly opened, and his face completely changed.

"Yes, this is the case, and I don't have to hide it. At a certain point in time, I was created by his ability, but this time I was a little bit biased, which led to my self-consciousness to break free. Finally, by chance, coincidence He left his control and became a free man."

"Although I know that even if I am outside for a day, it may arouse his vigilance and arouse his hatred, but I chose to do so. Although I am only a time afterimage, I have flesh and blood. I have my own thoughts and my own. I want something, so even if I know that the road ahead is difficult, I resolutely chose this path."

As the man said, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What I didn't expect was that in this short life, I met the best friend of my life and the love of my life..."

Hearing this, Lu Yu raised his arm, and finally put it down, sighed: "So, you are Lei Yuce, and Lei Yuce is you. You and that person have exactly the same abilities, the same memories, and even the same personality? "

"No, not exactly. His ability is to completely control time, and he has reached the end of the law of time, and you know, at the end of the law, only one person can reach it. Since he occupies that position, then these afterimages of us, Naturally, he can't shake his position, and he will be suppressed by him on the Avenue of Time."

"Of course, except for me, the time afterimages he made are all under his orders, under the orders of Lei Yuce of the kingdom of God, and I am an unexpected variable."

Hearing what the person in front of him said, Lu Yu was shocked and said: "He has mastered the power of the supreme law and has become the master of the time avenue. Except for those who control the origin of space or the law of destiny, no one in this world can match. he?"

Lei Yuce nodded, and also smiled bitterly: "If you cultivate the power of space, you should also know whose hands are the origin of the laws of space. As for destiny, it is even more illusory, so no one in this world can beat the kingdom of God. Lei Yuce!"

"This also means that he will not let the time residue like me drift out and get rid of his shackles. Otherwise, there will be the first, and there will be the second, and he will try to obliterate all existence that can threaten his status. "

Having said that, he looked at the cabin behind him and murmured: "Of course...this also includes the children of Qingcheng and I. Although he is considered Lei Yuce's child, it is a pity that he will not admit it. "

"Then, you decided not to escape today. Is there any way?" Lu Yu also looked at the cabin, worried again.

"Yes, I have already thought of a way!" Lei Yuce nodded, and then solemnly said: "The kingdom of God Lei Yuce occupies the origin of the law of time, but his existence is also a limitation. Although in this world, No one can beat him, but what if someone comes from another world?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just a literal meaning, you should have heard it!"

Lei Yuce said, raising his hand and swiping, there was a golden streamer passing in front of him, like a ribbon floating in the air, floating not far away.

"This is the trajectory of my life. I recorded it with the power of time. You can see that this trajectory is very short. There are ups and downs in it, but it is more of my incomplete life."

"And God Kingdom Lei Yuce also has such a life trajectory, but he is much longer than mine. But have you ever thought that even so, his life trajectory is not infinite, even if the end is unknown, but he I also have a starting point that I know."

When Lei Yuce said this, he pointed to the starting position of the streamer in front of him.

"This is my starting point. Here I became Lei Yuce, gained the consciousness of autonomy, broke away from his control, and became a free man. Then, by the same token, his life trajectory also appeared at a certain point in time. Then until today, if someone can go to the time and space before he appeared, doesn't it mean that there is no threat from God's Kingdom Lei Yuce in that era?"

Lu Yu finally understood.

"Are you going to travel through time and space to the era before the emergence of the Kingdom of God Lei Yuce, but in this case, wouldn't you be affected?"

"Of course I will be affected. I am his creation and I will also be restricted by the rules. Although I am a free person now, I am a non-existent person in the time and space before the emergence of Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God..."

"However, I can't accomplish this, it doesn't mean that others can't..."

"You mean, you and Qingcheng's child... can he do it?" Lu Yu finally understood Lei Yuce's plan.

The person in front of him is ready to send his children to different time and space to end the road of Lei Yuce of the kingdom of God.

"Yes, this is my goal, but I can't do it with my strength alone, so I use external forces."

"What did you use?"

"This method was not what I thought of, but what the Infinite Emperor told me. He allowed me to find new possibilities and ways to change everything."

"Hey hey hey, why are you stupid, isn't the Infinite Emperor a legend?"

"At first I thought it was impossible, but I saw his deity in the Tower of Time. Although he was wearing a mask, we didn't communicate too much, but he told me a lot..." Lei Yuce shakes I shook my head, revealed this item, and continued: "Let’s get down to business. In order to complete this plan, I need your help. With the strength of your time and space, Lei Yi can be sent to different time and space, but because Lack of accurate "coordinates", so we cannot guarantee whether the time and space sent is the place where we want to send him. "

"Then where do you want to send him, or at what time?"

"My idea is to send him to the future, to the future. I can feel that the future world is not as peaceful as it is now, where he can quickly gain strength and get rid of the chase of the kingdom of God, he can go on his own Seek what you desire. In the same way, only in the future time and space will it be possible to meet you and get your help. If you send him to the past, there is no guarantee of accurate positioning, and there is no guarantee that there will be no kingdom of God in that era. Lei Yuce."

"But even if it is sent to the future, isn't it also threatened by the kingdom of God?"

"But in the future, he will have the opportunity to gain the power to resist strong enemies. The Infinite Emperor told me that in the future world, Lei Yi will rely on himself to find the right path, so I chose to believe him!"

"Unexpectedly, you actually believe that someone who has died a long time ago, and really feel that the other person can bring new possibilities?"

When Lu Yu heard this, he finally shook his head, somewhat suspicious.

"The Infinite Emperor did not die, and I also found the Tower of Time. This means that destiny has not given up on me, and has not given up on the allure." Lei Yuce smiled bitterly, but said with satisfaction: "Destiny has always been taking care of me. , Otherwise I will not be out of the control of Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God, will not encounter Qingcheng, and will not give birth to Lei Yi. All of this makes me enjoy the happiness of being a human being. It is a pity that such a day is doomed. It won't last long..."

"Speak, you want me to do this?"

"Your divine tool Kongche can inject the power of space, and then use the power of my time as the main force to break through time and space and send him to the future. In that case, you can still take him one or two in the future. But promise me, if Lei Yi’s growth has not reached your expectations, so don’t help him. Although I have placed all my hopes of preventing the kingdom of God on him, I actually hope that he can spend his life peacefully, even if it is a deed. An ordinary person is also happy."

"Understood, you are willing!" Lu Yu nodded solemnly.

"There is nothing to be reluctant to do. I am destined not to live for too long. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, I would rather believe in the infinite emperor. After all, there are so many variables in the future, who knows what will happen!"

Lei Yuce smiled again, this time there was no bitterness in his smile.

"If this is the case, then I won't say much. You have your own plan, but it's a pity. Lei Yi will lose a good father."

"But I sometimes wonder, are you and that Lei Yuce really the same person? Why are your personalities so different? It's like taking two extreme roads?"

"Hahaha, I am me, he is him, even if I have the same memory and all abilities, there is a difference between me and him. If he represents evil thoughts, then I am his good thoughts..."

Lei Yuce was half joking, then turned around and walked towards the cabin.

"Wait for a while, I'm going to say goodbye to that kid. Although I don't want to give up, but if he knows all this in the future, UU reading www.uukanshu.com believes that he forgive me, my wayward father."

Lu watched the man in front of him walk into the cabin. At this moment, this ordinary-looking man showed an unspeakable aura.

"Unexpectedly, you and that person are actually in this connection. But since that person can create time afterimages, is there no other countermeasures, or the person who manipulates time, will not be able to know what will happen in the future?"

He murmured to himself that everything he heard today was beyond his cognition.

But he knew one thing, Lei Yuce was destined to live soon, because the kingdom of God Lei Yuce had decided to obliterate this mistake.

And want to change all of this, the hope lies in that boy.

"If you see this scene now, you don’t know how you feel in your heart, but what I want to say is that your father Lei Yuce has always loved you deeply. In order to set you free, he even made it. Sacrifice his own preparations. Although he doesn't know where the Tower of Time is, he must have spent unimaginable energy in finding this place."

Speaking at the end, Lu Yu sighed: "Juvenile, I hope you don't blame your wayward father, he did this because he loves you!"

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