I Can Pause Time

Chapter 893: Memories 300 years ago

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In 2299, early January.

Lei Yi returned to China.

Riding on Xiao Hei, he galloped along the coastline, quickly traversed the small half-person world, and returned to the place where the memory began.

In the sky, he saw Jingui City and Jinying City, but they all flew in hastily without staying for a moment.

Finally, he saw the magic city.

Compared with the turbulent undercurrent of the outside world, the magic city seemed quite calm.

This prosperous metropolis that was rebuilt after the cataclysm is still the same now.

There are people coming and going on the street, everyone is very busy, showing vigor and vitality.

Lei Yi did not hesitate, and after pointing the way, he landed directly outside the Lu Mansion.

Although Sifangmen Street is located in the prosperous downtown area of ​​Magic City, it is located outside Lufu on North Street, and there is not much traffic.

Otherwise, if you see a unicorn carrying people down, not to mention causing a commotion, at least someone will report it to the Wushu Association.


Lei Yi had to knock on the door because he didn't know if anyone was in the Lu Mansion.

After all, he is a guest here, but he has never been the host.

Whatever the guest, if there are people in the mansion, you have to do everything you want to say.

Soon, the door of Lu Mansion opened.

"Oh, isn't this kid Lei? Why are you here?" Ah Fu, the housekeeper, was still very energetic, and greeted Lei Yi with a smile.

"Afu, you..." But at this moment, Lei Yi felt a sense of disharmony from Afu's body.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the corpse he encountered before in the underworld.

"Hey, Little Friend Lei can actually see it. How can this be possible? Ordinary people can't see what the master uses?" Ah Fu heard this, somewhat surprised.

But then he smiled indifferently and explained: "Since Xiaoyou Lei can see it, then I won't hide it..."

"Actually, I am dead long ago. This body is also a puppet body from Puppet City. I asked the master to do this at first, because our family has served the Lu family for generations, and I have no heirs, so In order not to let the family's mission be cut off, I can only become the body of this puppet and serve the Lu family for life."

As he said, A Fu's eyes showed a hint of joy, like a person who served the Lu family, it was a kind of honor to him.

"Your kid is not dead!" But at this moment, an unexpected voice rang in the courtyard.

"Senior Lu!" Lei Yi heard the other party's voice and instantly reacted.

I saw Lu Yu wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, and black sunglasses, appearing in front of him in a very trendy dress.

I don't know, I thought the other party was a young man, pursuing fashion trends.

But Lei Yi knew that Lu Yu's grade was at least three hundred years old, and he was considered the ancestor of Lu Wushuang's family.

"Boy, come in quickly!" Lu Yu pulled Lei Yi over, and after confirming that there was no one around him, he pulled him into the mansion.

Afterwards, he saw Xiao Hei next to Lei Yi, slightly surprised, but then immediately thought of something.

"This isn't the black jade unicorn from the Kingdom of God, the stupid dragon Long Xingyun brought out from the ancient immortal world, right?"

"Yes, you guy is quite discerning, you can actually see the origin of this seat!" This is the first time that Xiao Hei has seen such a "eye-powered" person, and suddenly raised his head.

After all, after he shrank his body before, everyone thought he was a puppy following Lei Yi.

"Haha, now I have become a mouse crossing the street, wanted by the kingdom of God, and I still have a look on my face!"

But Lu Yu's next sentence made Xiao Hei immediately stunned.

"You guy, how do you speak, you can be wanted by the Kingdom of God, that's my skill!" After being scolded, Xiao Hei immediately quit, raising his hooves and roaring.

Lu Yu smiled when he heard the words, and joked: "Oh~ like this, being wanted is what you can do! Then I'm hanging at the top of the most wanted list of the Kingdom of God every day, and I want to change it, or I will give you this position Come on?"

"Top of the list, your surname is Lu, is it possible that you are..."

When Xiao Hei heard this, he immediately thought of something, and was suddenly shocked.

The top of the most wanted list of the Kingdom of God, Shenkong Jian Lu Yu, this name has been at the top of the most wanted list for three hundred years, and it has not changed until now.

On the most wanted list of the Kingdom of God, the names of other people are always changing, either ascending, descending, or disappearing.

But only Lu Yu has been on the list ever since.

This also explains his ability in disguise.

Knowing the identity of the untuned person in front of him, Xiao Hei was completely persuaded this time, and he didn't even dare to push him loudly, lying on the ground like a puppy, shrugging his head.

And Lu Yu didn't have the time to care about him, so he grabbed Lei Yi and rushed into the Cang Yue Pavilion.

Later, Lei Yi was thrown into a primitive room with blessings.

The room is very large, with only some wooden furniture inside, making it a bit simple.

But Lei Yi found that the spiritual power in this room was extremely strong, even reaching the level of the ancient immortal world.

"this is……"

"This is the formation method. The formation method of the Spirit Gathering Formation is strengthened. In the entire Lu Family Mansion, the Honghuatang, Cuifengju and Yinxuezhai are all secondary buildings, and Cangyue Pavilion is the top priority. Because cultivating here is about to catch up with the vitality density of the ancient immortal realm spirit veins!"

"Boy, although I don't know why you died and resurrected, Lei Yuce actually failed to kill you. I have to say that this incident surprised me more than anything in the world."

At this point, Lu Yu's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and he said with a serious face: "Now I ask you, after you went to the Tower of Time, did you find something?"

Lei Yi was stunned by the other party's question, and subconsciously asked: "What is it?"

"This..." But after Lu Yu heard it, he helplessly said, "I don't know too!"

Lei Yi: "..."

He thought that Lu Yu was going to say something important, but the other party was so endless, how could he answer these words?

"No way, although your father had a plan at the beginning, he himself was not sure, and I was just a layman, I don’t know the specific rules. I only know that he intends to use the power of the infinite emperor to send you to another Place, just to find new possibilities."

"My father, is he the Emperor Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God?"

"Yes...but not!" Lu Yu shook his head, and then explained to Lei Yi's surprised eyes: "They are actually the same person, both named Lei Yuce, and they look exactly the same, but they are in a sense. , Two people again."

"I know you have a lot of questions, so I want to tell you what happened three hundred years ago. It's time to tell you the truth!"

When Lei Yi heard this, his expression became very solemn, because he finally wanted to know his life experience.

As Lu Yu said, he raised his finger and pointed it at the center of Lei Yi's brow.

"Words can't directly tell you the answer, so you can witness it yourself!"

Lei Yi's mind was instantly pulled, and then he entered a memory.


Three hundred years ago.

Somewhere in a very cold place, the sky was blowing down with snow, and the earth was covered in silver.

Lu Yu walked slowly in a piece of woodland, rippling silver spatial power fluctuations all over his body, blocking all the snowflakes that fell from all around him.

Amidst the wind and falling snow, he walked to a clearing in the forest. In front of him was a small wooden house with smoke.

"Little bunny, you're itchy again, aren't you, who made you come back by catching so many prey all at once?"

"Father, I am in charge of hunting, and you are responsible for unplaning the prey. We have a clear division of labor. This is agreed in advance!"

"Hmph, you want to be exhausted, your father and me!"

"What about you, I go out every day to fight with snow bears that are several times larger than me, or to ambush the wolves, but you are at home every day to solve the problem, or let's change it?"

"Fuck, father, I'm cultivating your autonomy, besides, it's not that you didn't teach you self-defense, and guide you to practice boxing every day, isn't it just to deal with those wild beasts!"

In the open space in front of the cabin, two figures, one large and one small, were busy living.

It was a pair of ordinary-looking father and son, but the father's eyes were unusually bright, as if light was flickering.

"Okay, you kid go into the house and rest!" The man urged the boy next to him, and drove him back into the house.

Then the man put down the beast corpse in his hand, untied the animal skin apron on his waist, and placed all the tools for the planing, before he got up and walked towards Lu Yu.

"You are here, Lu Yu!" The man smiled, with a hint of honesty and affinity in his face.

"You are still the same, taking your son here at ease, how many years have you been hiding?"

"No more, no less, it should be 16 years ago. That kid has grown to be as tall as mine since he was a little bit old, hahaha."

When the man talked about his son, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he was obviously happy.

"All right, but I don't have time to delay, it's time to talk about business!" The playfulness on Lu Yu's face disappeared, and then he said in a serious tone: "According to the news, the group of people from the Kingdom of God recently appeared in the vicinity. Trace, your hiding place should be almost impossible to hide!"

"Is it here again?" The smile on the man's face at www.ltnovel.com was also reduced.

"Why, you didn't think about preparing for the next hiding place this time?"

"No, I am not going to hide this time, I have to face him directly!"

"Face him directly, you can think about it, have been hiding for so many years, is it just..."

"Because I have thought it through, I am not going to hide. Do you know how I spent the past 16 years? I have nightmares every day, dreaming that he found me and found our family..."

The man said, his eyes flashed.

"If that's the case, then why are you hiding for 16 years? If you and I joined forces, you could have been with them long ago..."

"No, you and I can't win together, because he is me, I am him, I know everything about him, know that we can't beat him."

"Does that person really have such strength, and what do you mean by that?"

The man smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and then explained: "It's very simple, because I am a time afterimage created by him, a clone of him at a certain point in time. He is the ruler, and I, like other afterimages, are both It's just a creation that comes and goes as soon as he calls..."

Hearing this, Lu Yu's expression also changed.

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