I Can Pause Time

Chapter 895: The Kingdom of God must have big moves

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At this point, the screen ends.

Lei Yi's mind returned to the body.

But his expression at the moment was dazed, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you everything when we first met, because it was the first time we met in the true sense. I still can't be sure of your heart. I don't know what you desire?"

Lu Yu said, apologizing.

"But now, I think I know what you crave. Judging from your journey in the devil world, you crave strength and want to get rid of all the shackles. This is why I entrust everything to you."

"I long for strength and change together, but now I can't do it!"

Lei Yi stared at his hands in a daze. Even if he had recovered his previous strength, he couldn't stop the kingdom of God.

"So I asked you at the beginning whether you found that thing, whether you found a new possibility, although I don't know what it is, but this is an opportunity to change everything!"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, Lei Yi thought of some possibilities.

"My father said that because of the lack of "coordinates", he couldn't send me to the past time and space, and he couldn't send me to the era without the gods Lei Yuce, so he can only send me to the future, that is, the present time and space. , Because you help me in this era. So the new possibility, is it the so-called "coordinates"? "

"Coordinates, don't you..."

"I was in the Tower of Time and got help from Cecil, the Emperor of the Underworld. He gave me the "coordinates" when I left the Underworld. Unfortunately, I don't know how to use it! "

"You got the coordinates from the Underworld Emperor!" Lu Yu was a little surprised when he heard this.

The Emperor Cecil, he has been in the Demon Realm for so many years, and he has also heard the legend of the other party.

But it's a pity that he has never seen each other before, but he didn't expect the kid in front of him to see it.

"All this is the arrangement of the Infinite Emperor, and his guidance allowed me to obtain "coordinates." "

Lei Yi thought of this, and then asked: "Senior Lu Yu, what happened to my father? I don't have any relevant memories of this."

He can only ask the person in front of him, although he may already know the answer.

But Lei Yi still wanted to get a different answer from the other party.

What if, what if the father is not dead?

But when Lu Yu heard the words, his expression was slightly dim, and he sighed: "Your father, after joining hands with me to send you away, he was ambushed by the Kingdom of God. Although he was not weak, he defeated the generals of the Kingdom of God, but in the end Under the action of Lei Yuce of the Kingdom of God, your father was ultimately defeated and died in their hands."

Hearing this news, Lei Yi seemed to have touched something in his heart, and his hands twitched unconsciously.

He felt a burst of inexplicable sadness, that was the longing for the loved ones, the sadness for the fall of the loved ones.

"Boy, I advise you to turn grief and anger into strength, because the kingdom of God may take action within a few months. What you need to do is not grieve, but restore strength, and then find the way to new possibilities. Only in this way can you be worthy of your father's sacrifice!"

"Yes, Senior Lu Yu, you are right. I want to find new possibilities, I want to restore my strength, and I want to stop the kingdom of God!"

Lei Yi said, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Lu Yu also quietly withdrew from Cang Yue Pavilion at this moment.

Although he didn't say much, there was not much time left for them.

Judging from the information he has obtained, the Kingdom of God will make major moves in the near future, and this deadline may be the end of this year.

This year, it is destined to not be peaceful.

"After this year, it will be 2,300 years. It is a whole year. Unfortunately, I don't know if I have a chance to live this good year!"

Lu Yu shook his head, dispelled the unrealistic thoughts in his heart, and then slowly left Lu Mansion.

Because he still has a lot of things to do, at least he has to go to Kongshen Island and bring out the three little guys.


At the same time.

Headquarters of the Kingdom of God.

Somewhere that cannot be described in words, within the golden palace.

A group of high-level leaders of the Kingdom of God have gathered here at this moment, including the Nine Fang Envoys, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Queen and the Leng Queen, and the Emperor Lei Yuce.

Although among the nine envoys, Wanyao, Zhezi, Shangge, and Danong fell one after another, and Xiaohei betrayed.

But there are still Lei Bingning, A Liang, Nan Li and Muyanluo.

However, at this moment, the state of the smoky root is not very good, not only the face is old, the head is full of silver hair, and even the skin is wrinkled.

At this moment, she and Mu Ren stood apart once, what a father and daughter it was, it was like a combination of grandma and grandson.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how the Young Master Hall is responding, Yanluo's injuries..." Mu Renli stopped talking.

"It's okay, the god-given injury has recovered, but it still takes some time to erase the power of the law of time. Now that it has been delayed for so long, it is time to treat Yanluo!"

Lei Yuce, who was at the front, gently raised his hand, and a golden light shone out, covering the body of Muyanluo.

Then a layer of golden light appeared in the woman's body, and countless golden runes flew out of her body to counter this power.

"Sure enough, it is the power of the law of time. That kid's growth really exceeded my expectations. If you let him go for a while and wait for him to advance to the Celestial Realm, it might be a threat comparable to Lu Yu!" Lei Yu Ce commented while feeling the power in the wood smoked Luo's body.

After a few breaths, he gathered his five fingers together, and a pulling force pulled out all the runes in the wood smoke.

When this force left Muyanluo's body, the breath in her body began to gradually recover. Although it was slow, it was indeed changing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Seeing this, Mu Ren finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And Lei Yuce, after doing this, there were a few more golden runes in his hand. This was the power that Lei Yi had penetrated into the body of the wood smoke.

"This power has my breath, but it's not the same as me. It looks like that kid has a different time attribute than me!"

"Your Majesty, why waste your tongue on a stubborn species, and still a dead person!" The topic of Mei Hou Jian has been entangled with Lei Yi, slightly displeased.

If she didn't know that Lei Yi was dead, she might have gone crazy.

But Lei Yi did fall, so no one spoke about it, because it was a waste of time to talk about a dead person.

Even A Liang and Lei Bingning did the same, although they were a little sorry for Lei Yi's experience, but they were only sorry.

"Yes, there is really nothing to talk about for a dead person!" Lei Yuce nodded, and then said: "Then let's start talking about business!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the people in the Kingdom of God were sitting in distress, not daring to speak.

"Everyone, the great cause of the unification of my kingdom of God will be completed this year. The devil world is our ally, not to mention, the human world and the ancient immortal world will become our bag, and then my kingdom of God will have people. With the huge population resources of the world, as well as the rich land and properties of the ancient immortal world, the strength of our kingdom will rise again at that time and become the first power in the true sense to dominate the world, and we will also dominate everything in the world!"

"Yes, what your Majesty said is extremely true!"

"What your Majesty said is extremely true!"

"What your Majesty said is extremely true!"


The generals of the Kingdom of God, including the Four Heavenly Kings, all bowed their hands and showed excitement.

Long Xingyun, Mu Renli, Su Baiyuan, and Yan Chixiao, even if they are the four heavenly kings of the Kingdom of God, all of them were more or less excited when they heard these words.

Born and alive, no one wants to dominate the world.

Now, there is this opportunity in front of them, and they will naturally not let it go.

They know that following the person in front of them, they will surely realize this dream.

"Of course, before ruling everything, there are a few small issues that need to be dealt with. The Caesar Empire in the Western world is a force we support, and the people in the dark have heard that they keep stumbling us again. The old bat seems to be dissatisfied with our kingdom of God. what!"

Hearing this news, Yan Chixiao, the hottest temper among the Four Heavenly Kings, finally couldn't help it.

He has red hair and a three-foot red beard, swaying like a flame.

Hearing Lei Yuce talking about the power of the Night Kingdom in the Western world at this moment, he directly asked for orders: "Your Majesty, leave it to me, deal with such sneaky and evil things, and use my magical powers to suppress them!"

Yan Chixiao practices the fire system Dao law, ranks among the heavens and humans, and has a natural advantage against the blood races of the kingdom of the night.

"It's okay. The Caesar Empire will help us deal with it in the dark night. It is not enough to pose a threat. Our focus is on another place. The Chinese warriors are blocking the obstacles in front of us. You don't need to pay attention to the West. Here. I heard that Lu Yu also went to China a few days ago. Once the group of people have his help, it can be regarded as a big threat."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the cataclysm has passed for three hundred years, and there has been no war in the last hundred years. The human world has become accustomed to peaceful days. How can it be possible to withstand the elite teachers of our kingdom of God." Su Baiyuan arched his hands. , Said: "Moreover, Huaxia is not integrated internally. There are also people who take the initiative to approach our Kingdom of God. Su Mou has even reached an agreement with one of the senior leaders, and the other party will help us."

"Traitor?" Lei Yuce only smiled when he heard the words. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

He doesn't like traitors, but sometimes the role of a traitor is better than thousands of troops.

"If that's the case, then get ready!" He waved his hand and motioned everyone to leave.

"Your Majesty, I am waiting to retire!"

"I'm waiting to retire!"

All the generals of the Kingdom of God, including the Four Heavenly Kings and others, also retreated as many as possible.

Only the queen, there is no action for the time being.

"Your Majesty, after Godsend recovered from his injury, he told me something about the two little girls he fell in love with."

"Huh, it's this time, I still have the heart to pay attention to these!" Lei Yuce was a little unhappy, but then said: "But don't worry, that girl from the Lu family is interesting, so I have already sent Luo Tai Sui to Kongshen. The island."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, God will be very happy when he hears this news!" After hearing this, Mei Empress showed a touch of pride and thanked him.

"As for the other girl, Wuxiang seems to be planning to seek a marriage, and is also planning to set up a martial arts arena, inviting all the young talents of the demon world to compete in the past. It is really boring!"

Lei Yuce shook his head, and had no intention of continuing to understand.

For him, the devil world is not the focus, only the human world and the ancient immortal world are the current goals.

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