I Can Pause Time

Chapter 892: 1 year later

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The entrance to the underworld, the gate of the underworld.

"Thank you, Master Underworld, for your help, I already know the way I am going next!"

Lei Yi nodded his head, then left in a certain direction.

Soon, he disappeared from Cecil's sight.

"Thank you for my help..." Cecil looked at each other, discarded the empty box in his hand casually, and then murmured:

"It should be said that I am honored to meet you, because you are the fierce star in that fable..."


In 2299, early January.

The ancient country of Huangsha, the entrance to the ancient ruins.

The people of the Kingdom of God have already been withdrawn, and at the same time, there are also all the horses of the Emperor of Yu, the Lord of the Flies and even the Dark Emperor.

The Tower of Time, just like when they evacuated, disappeared here.

Even the underground temple of the dark sun disappeared with the departure of many people.

When it comes, the wind and dust are full, the stairs are still there, when it goes, there is wind and sand, and everything returns to nothing.

But in the wind and sand, a black shadow was shuttled.

"Damn it, **** it, that **** mad woman actually put this seat on the wanted list, labeling it as a traitor to the Kingdom of God, what a good thing!"

This black shadow is only as big as a puppy, with four hooves, and it shuttles quickly in the wind and sand.

As he ran, he cursed at the same time, among which the words that appeared the most were "Queen of Charm", "Bi Chi", "Mad Woman" and so on.

And he complained like this, and has been complaining for a whole year.

At the beginning of each month, he would come here, trying to search for something, but every time he returned without success, he could only leave with hatred.

But the world is so big that there is no place for him anymore.

Damn it, if it wasn't for that kid...No, it was mainly because we were greedy, we had to stare at those rewards, so we were greedy! "

"If it weren't for Wanyao, and for a little reward from that old bitch, how could we enter the Demon Realm and hunt down that kid."

"If there is no such thing, this seat will not be captured alive, and the snake will not be killed by the mad woman. We are still the envoy of the nine directions. How good is it to continue to be at ease in God!"

This cursing black shadow is naturally the black jade unicorn Xiaohei.

As soon as the exploration of the Tower of Time began, he was sent out of the Tower of Time area by the mind of the Infinite Emperor.

After coming out, Xiao Hei lurked, waiting for Lei Yi's news.

But after the exploration was over, he learned the news that Lei Yi had fallen.

When he first heard the news, although he was a little sad in his heart, there was still a hint of joy.

Because Lei Yi is dead, isn't he free?

So without even thinking about it, Xiao Hei rushed back to the kingdom of God without stopping, wanting to return to the ranks of the nine angels.

But it is a pity that what is waiting for him is not returning, but the fact that he has become a wanted criminal in the Kingdom of God.

Fortunately, since he was captured alive, he has acted more cautiously. He didn't swagger back. Instead, he asked someone to investigate the news after hiding his body.

As a result, when he learned that he had become an enemy of the kingdom of God, his expression was as exciting as it was.

At the same time, he also knew that this was a wanted order issued by Queen Mei.

For this woman, Lei Yi was a big worry, but as the exploration of the Tower of Time ended, this hidden danger was finally resolved.

The emperor of the Kingdom of God personally took action to kill Lei Yi, which is an indisputable fact.

But Lei Yi's death does not mean that Empress Charm can let go of his hatred.

Even Xiao Hei has become the target of revenge from the Queen.

She did this in two ways. The first was that Xiao Hei had helped Lei Yi in the Demon Realm. This has been confirmed through the intelligence network of the Kingdom of God.

The second is that in order to frame Lei Yi, the queen personally killed the snake and planted the blame. Xiao Hei is the insider.

So she took the lead and classified Xiao Hei as a traitor, so she could just kill the snake in perfunctory way.

After all, the elder of the snake is Long Xingyun, one of the four heavenly kings, and his status in the kingdom of God is also not low.

No one would believe what a traitor said, so even if Xiao Hei wanted to return to the Kingdom of God, Empress Mei would not give him this opportunity.

This is also the reason why Xiao Hei has nowhere to go and can only stay in Huangsha Gu in the end.

There is still a thought in his heart, if Lei Yi is not dead, he will have a place to stay again.

Of course, this is just a thought.

Everyone in the Kingdom of God, including many in the Demon Realm, knew that Lei Yi was dead and could not survive.

At this moment, Xiao Hei wandered near the relics of the ancient country of Huangsha.

"Boy, you are alive or dead, but you should give you a right word. Now you can't see people or corpses when you die. What should I do!"

Xiao Hei sighed, and walked on the road that had been walked more than ten times.

He would come here once a month, trying to find the location of the Tower of Time, or the trace of Lei Yi.

But every time, he returned in defeat.

"If you are really dead, then under the influence of the oath, I should also be backlashed, but why didn't I have an accident? Is this unreasonable?"

There is another reason that drove Xiao Hei to come, that is, Lei Yi once took away one-third of his soul.

According to the original prohibition, if Lei Yi confirms his fall, he will not be able to retreat all over, and will inevitably suffer a strong backlash.

And he hasn't been okay so far, which means that Lei Yi may be still alive.

Although the hope is not great, this is the motivation for Xiao Hei to come every month.

Just as Xiao Hei was muttering, under the yellow sand in the sky, a vague figure suddenly appeared.

"What's the matter, there are people here?" Xiao Hei immediately stood on guard, lying on the ground, looking for cover.

After all, the power of the kingdom of God is huge, and he doesn't want his whereabouts to be exposed, otherwise what is waiting for him is the endless pursuit of the Galaxy Organization.

Soon, the outline of that figure gradually became clear.

It was a figure wearing a broken cloak, thin and stumbling. It swayed a few times with every step, and looked very weak.

"God, it's that kid, he's still alive!" But Xiao Hei, the moment he saw the figure's true face again, was extremely excited.

Emperor Tian is worthy of painstaking efforts, of course including monsters.

What did he see? He saw Lei Yi and he was still alive.

"Boy, I want to kill you. I didn't expect you to be really not dead!" Xiao Hei immediately jumped to his feet when he saw each other.

"It's been a year, and you can still survive. How did you do it?"

"I... have left... a year?" Lei Yi saw Xiao Hei, and after hearing what the other party said, he was stunned.

After his "resurrection", he returned to the remains of the ancient country of Huangsha, but he did not expect a deviation in time.

He thought he hadn't been delayed for too long in the underworld, but he didn't expect that a year had passed.

Feeling the breath of the person in front of him, Xiao Hei was a little worried, and asked: "Boy, why are you so weak? The vitality in your body is not right. Is there something wrong with your body?"

"My current weakness is temporary. Anyway, has anything happened this year?" Lei Yi asked instead of talking about it.

"There is really a big event. It is said that the Kingdom of God has made a big move recently, and it seems that it is already in the layout?"

"Big move?"

"Yes, a very big move, it seems to be to launch a war sweeping the human world. The Kingdom of God wants to bring the entire human world into its own rule. Of course this is just my guess, but I do see a lot of things. People from the kingdom of God go everywhere in the human world, and even the ancient kingdom of Huangsha has people from the kingdom of God stationed here. Every time I come here, I must be careful."

"What, the kingdom of God wants to do something to the human world?"

"Of course, the strength of the Human Realm is inherently weak. Once the Kingdom of Gods takes action, the Human Realm is absolutely unstoppable. Although the land of humans and machines is barren and there are not many resources, the goal of the Kingdom of God is obviously to use the Human Realm as a springboard. Invading the ancient immortal realm that connects the human realm, that is where the resources are rich. At the beginning, supporting the Heavenly Dao League was the plan of the kingdom of God, but unfortunately it was destroyed by your Chinese warriors."

"Is the Kingdom of God going to take action against China?"

"More than that, even the Western world has been affected, and even the impact is no less than that of China. I heard that the Western world has changed, but I don’t know exactly how it is. Now I have to hide from the kingdom of God, but I don’t know. Ways to actively collect information."

Xiao Hei said this, with a worried expression on his face: "There is no place for you and me anymore in this whole world."

He himself was wanted by the Kingdom of God, and Lei Yi had died once.

If the Kingdom of God finds out that he is still alive, the emperor cannot guarantee that he will not make another move.

"There are still wars in the Western world. This is no surprise. After all, the Kingdom of God supported the Caesar Empire and it also supported the dark night, but after Dracula's resurrection, it should change."

Lei Yi knew that the Kingdom of God had caused chaos in the Western world in order to prevent them from supporting China, and even restrained China's attention to hide the traces of actions in the Kingdom of God.

The power of the kingdom of God is huge, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com power is amazing, but it has chosen such a cautious operation, it has to be said that the Kingdom of God attaches great importance to China.

"Xiao Hei, let's go and take me home!" After Lei Yi thought for a while, he chose to return to China.

Although he still has a lot to do, his current state does not allow him to worry about it.

Ye Kong Ling, his mother, these are the people he is worried about.

But now the most important thing is to return to China, he needs rest and recovery.

"Where are you going? Where can we hold both of us?"

"Yes, the magic city of China, I'm going to Lu Mansion, there should be the only place that is still safe now!"

"All right, now I can only follow you. But if there is a chance, I must make that **** look good, so I dare to reverse the right and wrong, I want this seat, I am really angry!"

Xiao Hei raised his four hooves, his body grew larger, and carrying Lei Yi, he flew in the direction of Huaxia.

Xiao Hei's escape speed is not too slow, and the road from the ancient country of Huangsha to China is all by sea. As a black jade unicorn who is a true spirit in the water, he has a unique advantage.

It didn't take long for Lei Yi to rush back to China.

But in his heart, he began to feel uneasy.

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