I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1189: Shi Xiao and Fa Tian Xiang Di

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Shi Xiao was surprised, because the monk of the human race actually chose to compete with the demon race for physical strength.

But apart from the accident, a long-lost excitement rose in his heart.

It is rare to encounter a human body refiner who is also a physical practitioner, so it is natural to compete.

"Human cultivator, since you think you can compete with me and other monsters in the flesh, then I will let you understand that some things can make up the gap without relying on cultivation!" Shi Xiao grinned and said in a deep voice.

"Really?" Lei Yi walked out slowly in the smoke and dust, looking at Shi Xiao with the same fighting spirit.

As a person who killed countless powerful enemies with his fist, he naturally had absolute confidence in his physical strength.

Although the demon clan was born with a strong physical body, the man in front of him had cultivated his physical body to this level with the identity of the bird demon clan.

But fighting strength, he has never been afraid, not now, nor will he be afraid in the future.

If you abandon Taoism and simply fight hard and compare strengths, Lei Yi is confident that even if he comes from Yuanzhong Sheng, he will probably be counseled.

"Kill!" Shi Xiao yelled, flapping his wings, and his whole body jumped and flew into the air.

His figure stayed in the air for a while, and the rune of the law of body strength emerged, and then dived down.

Lei Yi saw a huge comet carrying shocking power, rushing towards him, the strong wind pressure, even blowing his cheeks hurt.

"Interesting!" But not only was he not afraid, on the contrary there was a hint of excitement in his expression.

It's rare to meet an opponent who wants to work hard with him. As a fitness practitioner, how can he not be happy.

The same powerful law emerged on Lei Yi's body, and the silver rune was condensed in his fist gang, and then under the movement of his figure, he greeted the attacking Shi Xiao.

The positions of the two are getting closer, fifty steps, thirty steps, ten steps, five steps, one step...

Both sides slammed close, each punching in succession.

Bang bang bang!

In the shadow of the boxing, Shi Xiao and Lei Yi collided like the sky collapsed, and the surrounding void screamed.

The two fought hundreds of moves, all of which poured their greatest strength on their fists and bombarded the opponent's body.

At first, the two sides may also block one or two, but as the time of the fight increases, both of them gave up the defense and changed to a life-threatening style of play.

The fist wind screamed, bombarding the opponent's body, but then he would immediately get a punch on his body.

Under the impact of the strong wind, the two of them did not move, but the ground behind them had collapsed layer by layer.

Hundreds of moves passed, and neither of them took a step back, but the ground around them had completely collapsed, forming dense sinkholes like the surface of a planet.

In the end, Lei Yi hit Shi Xiao's chest with a punch, and with the huge punch, he finally flew out.

But he himself was also retreated by the counter-shock force of this punch, kicking back several steps, and the ground he walked on was also cracked, leaving footprints several feet deep.

Shi Xiao flapped his wings to stabilize his figure, and then landed steadily.

But there was a trace of blood overflowing at the corner of his mouth. This was the blood oscillating in his body. After he received Lei Yi's punch, he obviously did not suppress it.

"Human monk, you actually have such power!" After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he said with a look of surprise.

Being able to fight with oneself for so long, and also winning one and a half strokes, shows the strength of the opponent.

"In terms of strength, you and I should be considered equal, but in terms of moves, you are far inferior to me!" Lei Yi raised his fist and said defiantly.

This is the truth, even if the Yaozu cultivates the physical body, it only focuses on strength and does not study the so-called moves.

This is different from the human race, the monk pays attention to the magical powers, but the warrior will practice various moves.

Lei Yi has been practising his fists since the weak chicken period. In terms of the subtlety of his moves, he can almost be said to be the number one cultivator in the heaven and human realm.

Therefore, in close combat, he rarely has an opponent. Shi Xiao has also relied on his strong physique to fight with him so far. If the opponent is not a monster, he may have been slammed with his fist within dozens of moves since the start of the fight. Flew out.

The moves of the warrior are using the least strength in exchange for the greatest efficiency of hurting the enemy, which is an effective means of saving strength.

"Movement?" Shi Xiao's face instantly sank, because this was something that the Yao Clan had never touched.

But soon, he thought of something, and his face stretched out again.

"In my eyes, only strength is everything. The so-called moves in your mouth are nothing but impure things!"

After Shi Xiao said, his arms swayed, and the wings behind his back also flapped.

His figure rose into the sky again and flew into the air.

But this time, he didn't continue to attack, but stopped his body at this height, and at the same time, his hands actually began to pinch and cast spells.

With his movements, countless runes emerged around his body, converging towards the center area.

"Hey hey hey, this technique, could it be..." Lei Yi saw this scene, his heart suddenly tense.

It can't be wrong, that technique, and the cohesive performance of the power of the law, is the recruitment of the other party to use the domain.

"The domain is unfolding..." As expected, at this moment, Shi Xiao's eyes burst, and he actually roared.

An invisible field spread over a hundred miles, covering Lei Yi and the surrounding environment.


At the moment when the domain was unfolding, a huge pressure poured in, smashing his body into the ground.

In the realm, Lei Yi seemed to have a shackle on his body. Although he walked out of the ground, every step he took took a lot of effort.

He raised his head and looked at the looming silver runes in the sky, but he had an illusion in his heart.

This field seems a bit rough.

The power blessed on him was caused by the law of power, but as long as he poured the law of power into his body, this pressure would also be weakened.

In addition, there is nothing else in the entire field, and even at the edge of the field, there are some gray areas.

This shows that this realm has not actually reached the creation realm at all, it is just a general realm evolved from the prototype of the realm, and it is not even as good as the realm of some early cultivators of the Celestial Realm he has fought before.

"What's going on, this is your domain?" Lei Yi exclaimed unexpectedly as he felt the changes in the surrounding space.

As a powerhouse in the middle of the Celestial Realm, Shi Xiao's realm is not worthy of his realm.

Of course, this is fifty steps and one hundred steps, he hasn't cultivated out of the domain himself, and he is worthy of mocking others?

"You are not mistaken, this is my domain!" Shi Xiao admitted without hiding it.

"My domain does not have a name, because I have not cultivated the magical powers of the domain, but only injected the law of power into it, and this has formed this area. Moreover, I am not using the domain to use the domain's ability, just for the next thing. one move!"

At this point, Shi Xiao roared, and the law of strength appeared on his body.

In the void of his body, the power of the laws floating in the domain began to converge towards his body.

His body changed in an instant, becoming more and more massive.

Ten feet, twenty feet, fifty feet, one hundred feet...

With the change of time, Shi Xiao's body is also growing rapidly, almost almost reaching the sky.

"Hey hey hey, this magical power, could it be..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally knew what Shi Xiao was going to use.

Shi Xiao's eyes burst, and he shouted: "Faith is like the earth!"


A huge shadow with a body as high as one hundred feet landed, and under the vibration of its wings, the nearby void burst into bursts, and huge storms swept all around, as if to destroy the nearby ecosystem.

This is Shi Xiao, he actually displayed the supernatural powers of Dharma, Heaven, and Earth. This is a supernatural power that can only be displayed by real powerful cultivation.

"Hahaha, monk of the human race, let you have thousands of tricks and all kinds of magical powers, I will use this trick, and see how you resist!" After turning into a huge giant, Shi Xiao said again, his voice trembling in the sky, like a billowing sky. mine.

After speaking, Shi Xiao didn't waste time either, a huge fist bombarded directly.

This punch was more violent than the previous attack, and the silver runes covered in the fist gangway were as many as stars, making Lei easy to look forward to and daunting.

"No, with my current state, I can't take this blow!" Seeing the attack, Lei Yi knew that he couldn't hide himself.

Although Shi Xiao's domain is not strong, or even weaker than the same level, the opponent's real ultimate move is not the domain's supernatural powers, but the magic heaven and earth that he casts subsequently.

With the blessing of this supernatural power, the opponent's body is raised hundreds of times, and the strength is also increased.

After this conversion, Lei Yi can take the opponent's fist, and that's the problem.

"Drink!" At the critical moment, Lei Yi also let out a loud shout like a bolt from the blue.

After that, his body also swelled, his limbs became extremely sturdy, his whole body hair grew, and his figure instantly transformed into a ten-foot tall ape. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com

The change in his shape is nothing compared to Shi Xiao, but under this change, the strength in his body has also increased several times.

The giant ape raised his arms high and stood in front of him, and then the huge fist finally fell.


The fist smashed through, and the ground was cracked, and a rushing wave broke out in the center, spreading around, like a violent wind sweeping the earth.

"Huh?" But just after a round of attacks, a touch of surprise appeared on the face of the giant Shi Xiao.

Because he could sense that this punch seemed to be blocked by something.

"The transformation of this human monk was due to the power of the monsters like me!" He recalled carefully, the method that Lei Yi used to incarnate into a giant ape just now seemed to have some ways.

When the smoke dissipated, he withdrew his fist and saw this scene later.

A great ape was half kneeling on the ground, his arms raised, blood was faintly overflowing from his arms, but his figure did not retreat half a step.

"Your strength is nothing more than that..." Just after Shi Xiao punched, the giant ape made the same loud voice.

On his face, there was a hint of mockery.

This seems to be laughing at Shi Xiao, your fists are not strong enough!

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