I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1188: Shi Xiao

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After Lei Yi cleared away the chasing soldiers of the Qingluan clan, he also left the place of right and wrong.

However, in his heart, he was very unhappy with the last move of the dragon bird.

Good guy, the human race has always calculated the demons, when is it the turn of the demons to calculate the human race.

And it's the other party calculating himself, how can he swallow this breath.

It's a pity that the dragon bird has already run away, and the Ninth Prince who has the blood of Kunpeng screams with the wind.

Even Bai Jiaojiao didn't show up, but after meeting with them, they returned to Kunpeng's base camp together.

Under this condition, Lei Yi returned to the state of walking alone.

But this is the best way, what he expects is to act alone.

"Never mind, first find a hidden place to temporarily solve the problem of staying!"

Lei Yi quickly made it clear that if he wanted to gain a foothold in northern Xinjiang, he had to have a shelter.

It's a pity that he doesn't know much about Northern Xinjiang, and he doesn't know what it is except knowing that this place is the base camp of the demon clan.

"It would be great if there is someone who is familiar with this place, but unfortunately there are very few human monks in Northern Xinjiang. Even if there are humans, they are also evil figures who can't get along in the world of cultivating immortals. They have taken refuge in Northern Xinjiang!"

Lei Yi curled his lips, thinking of this, he extinguished his plan to find a fellow of the human race.

Most of these people are not right in their minds, otherwise they would not be forced to travel far to the north and end up with the demon clan.

Lei Yi recognized a direction and flew up from the sky, deep into the northern Xinjiang region.

He intends to take one step at a time, and make do with it for the time being.

A few days later.

Lei Yi came to the sky above a bare rock mountain.

"Well, it's here!" After observing for a while, he landed smoothly on the top of the rock mountain.

After that, Lei Yi immediately turned his head and looked in the direction from which he had flown.

"Friend, after having been with me for so long, it's time to come out and meet each other!"

It turned out that he had already noticed that someone was following him.

However, the other party thinks that the means are good enough, and his whereabouts are secret enough that he will not be discovered by Lei Yi, so he will follow him along the way.

But as everyone knows, who Lei Yi is, he noticed it the first time the other party followed him.

Seeing that the other party hadn't appeared for a long time, Lei Yi smiled: "Why, do you think you haven't been discovered?"

"If you want to track someone else, the first thing you need to do is not to hide your whereabouts, but to control your own killing intent, so that your mood does not fluctuate. Your concealment method is indeed powerful, but the tracked person feels the killing intent, which is tantamount to failure. Up!"

"Hahaha, that's the case. It seems that Venerable Mountain Seeking's method is nothing more than this, and this has been seen through!" At this moment, there was a wild laugh from the rear.

"No, no, brother Shi Xiao, didn't you listen to the other person? It was someone who had been sensed by someone's killing intent. And among the two of us, only you have the intent to kill this person. Then the other party discovered the problem, But it’s on you!"

After the laughter, another shrill voice came out, which surprised Lei Yi's heart slightly.

Because he only sensed the killing intent of one person, and did not find the second person.

But what's the matter with these two voices, there is another person on the other side?

"How come they are two people, and I haven't sensed the second person's position until now!" He was jealous, but his gaze remained silent and he looked forward.

The first person to speak has already appeared.

This is a tall man in a gray robe, with a braid on his head, gray feathers hanging from his head, and bulging muscles all over his body. He looks like a strong man.

"In the middle stage of the Celestial Realm, the number of divine orifices should be more than 50!" Lei Yi instantly judged the strength of this person, and the realm alone should be stronger than himself.

But a strong realm does not mean that it is really strong.

What Lei Yi cares about is the second person, who hasn't been seen yet.

Just after the gray-robed man arrived, there was also a ray of light flying in the ground near the rock mountain, and soon came to the brawny man.

This person is a fat man with a short beard, with a rich face, and looking at Lei Yi with a smile, like a smiling tiger.

However, he was wearing a golden brocade embroidered with copper coins. He didn't look like a monster, but rather like a businessman with a smell of copper.

"Venerable Xunshan, this is the kid!" The strong man asked Lei Yi after seeing someone appear.

"Brother Shi Xiao, don't worry, it's this one!" The fat man squinted his eyes and replied with a sharp voice: "My people saw him kill the clan chief of the Qingluan clan. You can't go wrong, let's talk about it. It is my word-of-mouth, Venerable Xunshan, that is well-known throughout Northern Xinjiang!"

"That's the best!" The strong man nodded, took out a storage bag from his waist, and threw it into the fat man's hands.

The latter took the storage bag and shook it in his hand for a few times. After opening it, he said happily, "Well, yes, I like these shiny things!"

"Since everyone has been found, then Brother Shi Xiao, let's say goodbye!" The fat man then said goodbye directly, and left without even looking at Lei Yi.

It seemed that he couldn't wait to go back and count his gains. He was simply a businessman.

When the fat man left, Lei Yi once again solemnly looked at the person who appeared in front of him.

The other party was called Shi Xiao, and the fat man was the Venerable Mountain Seeker. He couldn't tell what the origin of the two came from.

"It's you, the human monk, who killed the son of Brother Qingluan?" Shi Xiao looked at Lei Yi, hehe smiled and asked: "But I'm very curious, my northern frontier is the territory of the monster race, you human monk He is so courageous that he dare to set foot here!"

Lei Yi stared at each other without replying.

"Well, after killing you, bring your head to see Brother Qingluan, I think he will be very satisfied!"

After Shi Xiao finished speaking, he didn't wait for Lei Yi to think about it, and immediately shot.

Behind him, a pair of huge gray wings spread out, and then instigated several times.

A storm hit the area where Lei Yi was located, strong wind surging, and air waves rushing in.

However, Lei Yi stood in the wind and waves, his figure remained unchanged, and even a strange color appeared on his face.

"That's it?" After waiting for a while, he teased Shi Xiao when he saw that Shi Xiao hadn't followed up.

"Hmph, I'm warming up!" Shi Xiao laughed, and then changed the conversation and shouted, "Now the warm-up is just over, take it!"

His feet suddenly stepped out, and the void under his feet trembled, like a nine-day thunder, thundering and cracking.

"This is..." Lei Yi felt a gust of wind coming on his face, and his body almost couldn't stand firm under the impact.

Afterwards, a huge figure in front of him was killed, and at the same time a fist the size of a water tank came head-on.

Under the opponent's attack, it was covered with an incomparably powerful aura, as if facing an oncoming Five Sacred Mountain.

Lei Yi took a sharp breath, crossed his arms in front of him, and then the opponent's fist struck him.


A crisp sound of fractured bones and muscles sounded, but was quickly overwhelmed by the roar.

"This power!" Lei Yi almost couldn't help but exclaimed after feeling the mighty power from his arm.

Under the impact of this force, his body was swarmed by the storm and flew out completely.


The rock mountain under his feet was also instantly turned into powder by this blow.

The sky is full of dust, and a huge sinkhole is also taking shape at this time.

Shi Xiao flapped his wings and landed in the middle of the sinkhole, smiling at the corners of his mouth, looking straight ahead

"The monks of the human race are known for their intensive Taoism. Unlike my demons, their physical bodies are extremely weak. If they do not rely on magic weapons, almost no one dares to get close to the demons. This person is a human race, if I force my full punch, Presumably it should be crushed by the fist directly into the flesh!"

"Hey, he is still angry!" But soon, the smile on Shi Xiao's face disappeared.

Because in his induction, not only did Lei Yi not die, but on the contrary, the aura in the opponent's body became stronger and stronger.

"What's the matter?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze penetrated the dust in front of him, and he was about to lock on Lei Yi.

"Cough cough cough, this dust is so much, I almost choked!" Amidst the smoke, a cough sounded.

Lei Yi walked out slowly and came to Shi Xiao, with a slightly surprised tone: "I didn't expect to encounter a monster that can compete with me in strength, and it's still a bird. Unexpectedly!"

"You are a human monk, what do you mean by saying this?" Shi Xiao frowned when he heard the words.

"Meaning, you have to compare strength with me, I can't ask for it!" Lei Yi laughed, and his body disappeared in an instant.


With the sound of breaking through the air, his figure crossed a hundred steps and smashed in front of Shi Xiao.

Lei Yi clenched his right fist, the silver runes flickered at the fist gangway, and a torrent of power hit the opponent's face.

"What!" Shi Xiao's complexion changed drastically when he saw the silver rune.

But then, his eyes condensed, and the same punch came out.

Not only that, but the surface of his boxing gang also has silver runes flashing, which is exactly the same as the power of Lei Yi's law.

"The power of the law of power!" This time, Lei Yi was surprised when UU reading www.uukanshu.com was replaced.


Afterwards, the two fists bumped into each other, and an explosive wave spread, and the two figures flew out towards the rear, smashing thousands of meters away.

Lei Yi's figure broke through the layers of mountains, crashing into one tree and one tree, and finally settled.

"There are monsters who are also proficient in the laws of power, and they are relatively weak-physical monsters. This is incredible. There are people who do not play cards according to common sense among these monsters?" He moved his limbs a little. After the joint, he got up.

And the other side.

"It's really unexpected that the human race gave up the Taoism and focused on the physical body, and also cultivated the power of the law of strength. This is really unexpected. The body refiner has almost no combat effectiveness in the early stage, and even the flying sky can't handle it at the low-level. Even more crushed by the magic weapon of the same-level cultivator, this person has also reached the middle of the Celestial Realm, and it seems that he has some means!" Shi Xiao also stood up, his tone changed, and he no longer had the unhurriedness he had before.

However, he was boasting in the Qingluan clan that he went to the sea, and wanted to capture the murderer who killed the clan chief's concubine.

If this is not done, where will he put Shi Xiao's face?

"Interesting!" Shi Xiao grinned slightly and laughed again.

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