I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1190: Venerable Mountain Seeker

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"Your strength is nothing but that!"

This ridicule made Shi Xiao's face completely difficult to look at.

He is known for his strength, not to mention the bird family, even among the entire northern border monster clan, it is also famous.

Even the four major demon guards under the demon emperor's command, the patriarchs of the top ten races, would give him a bit of face.

But that's the case, he was actually mocked by a human monk, and he said that his strength was nothing more than that.

Really can't bear it!

"Human monk, you have to pay for your words and deeds!"

Shi Xiao was really angry, this time both fists were held high at the same time, and then suddenly fell.



Originally, his punch was already incalculable, but now that dozens of punches fell, it really broke the ground.

Amid the huge roar, the giant ape that Lei Yi had transformed was completely overwhelmed by his fists, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

"Dead, die, die!" Shi Xiao roared, waving his arms and bombarding continuously.

This storm-like attack lasted more than ten breaths of time.

But at the last moment, from the smoke and dust of the explosion, a dark dragon claw protruded and grabbed Shi Xiao's fist.

"Why..." Shi Xiao was naturally stunned when he saw this scene.

He originally thought that Lei Yi's incarnation as a giant ape had already used his magical powers, but he didn't expect that the other party could transform into another monster.

Moreover, the huge black shadow in the dragon's claws and smoke made him a little jealous and horrified inexplicably.

This is not because of an opponent's hideous appearance, but because of some instinctive suppression of blood.

"This transformation, this is..."

When the smoke gradually dissipated, Lei Yi's figure finally appeared.

He turned into a black dragon, covered with black scales, and was glowing with purple light. He looked monster and hideous.

This is the Yuanlong Transformation, one of the Twelve Capital Tianshen Transformations, and the strongest transformation he has currently made.

"I said, your strength is nothing more than that, I can follow, and naturally I can counter!" Yuanlong opened his mouth and let out a loud dragon chant.

"Impossible, under the law of heaven and earth, my power is almost invincible at the same level. You can never beat me in power, your transformation..."

"Stop talking nonsense, take me a dragon claw!"

Lei Yi didn't intend to waste time anymore, a dragon claw stuck out again.

Above the dark dragon claws, silver and dark runes appeared at the same time. This attack not only possessed the law of power, but also covered the law of darkness.

Seeing this, Shi Xiao's huge body instinctively took a half step back, but then he found his subconscious reaction, angrily appeared on his face.

He roared and fisted back.

The fist and the dragon claws slammed hard again, and the void collapsed in midair, and a huge roar of the heavens and the earth echoed in the entire field.

"That's it..." But at this moment, Yuan Long let out a sneer.

Because Shi Xiao had only a pair of wings on his back besides his double fists, and Yuanlong, as a dragon, had more than two claws.

Yuanlong's two dragon claws firmly clamped Shi Xiao's arms, and the third dragon claw came next to him.

This time, Shi Xiao really couldn't resist, he could only watch the claws with pitch-black light stab his body.

The claw mang swept across like electricity, bringing up three huge bloodstains.

The large showers of blood spilled and stained the ground, making Shi Xiao's face completely gloomy.

He was actually injured, and his tempered body and powerful physical defenses were easily torn apart by the opponent's attack.

He couldn't accept that he was actually under the power, so he couldn't help the opponent.

"No!" Shi Xiao shook his arms, relying on brute force to break free from the shackles of the dragon claws.

After regaining his mobility, he shook his arms, fists out, and took the dragon's head straight.

But at this moment, Yuanlong's huge body twisted like a snake, avoiding the attack of the double fists with incredible speed.

"How is it possible!" Shi Xiao never expected that the opponent's body was so huge, but he could move so fast.

But with such a distraction, the space in front of him was wide open, and a dragon's tail followed.


Shi Xiao's body was hit by the dragon's tail frontally, and his huge figure also retreated several steps under the blow.

There was a big earthquake trembling under my feet, and the edges of the field were cracked. It was obviously also affected by the injuries of the surgeon.

Shi Xiao's body was shaky, as if it might fall down at any time.

"How is it possible!" After he suppressed the qi and blood churning in his body, he looked forward.

As a result, he found that he had lost the target and Yuanlong had disappeared.

"How come, such a huge body disappeared silently?" Shi Xiao's head swayed, scanning left and right, but could not find the other side's figure.

This domain is good for him, but he doesn't have magical powers related to the domain, and he has limited control over the domain, so he can't use some induction methods.

But there is nothing in this field, he only needs to use his eyesight to see everything in his eyes, and he doesn't need to sense magical powers.

But even so, he still couldn't find Lei Yi's trace.

At this moment, in the space under his feet, a large group of shadows wriggled and struck towards him.

"What!" At this moment, Shi Xiao finally couldn't help it.

He never expected that Yuanlong actually sneaked into the ground, or into the shadows on the ground.

A large amount of black liquid rose up and covered his body.

This is the ability of dark fluid, and this is also a method Lei Yi discovered. Yuanlong is a fierce beast with dark attributes, and it fits well with the ability of dark fluid.

So even in the form of Yuanlong Transformation, he can also use dark fluid.

The dark fluid is now gradually covering Shi Xiao's body, not to mention restricting his movement, but also swallowing the opponent.

"What kind of ability is this!" Shi Xiao felt the huge pulling force coming from the ground, and his expression completely changed.

Because his power is strong, the dark fluid is not a solid, but a fluid, no matter how much he resists, he can't break free.

Not only that, with the continuous action of the dark fluid, his feet have gradually sunk into it, and he will soon sink into his waist.

Shi Xiao knew that he had fallen into Lei Yi's supernatural powers, and if one was not good, he might be completely swallowed.

As for what would happen after being swallowed, he didn't dare to imagine, it was not a good thing anyway.

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, but they were all rejected one by one, because they couldn't help him out of the predicament.

In the end, Shi Xiao finally made a decisive decision.

With a burst of harmony, countless silver runes flickered on the surface of his body, but then these runes quickly pulled out of his body and left his body.

The domain collapsed in an instant, but it was not that Lei Yi cracked it, but Shi Xiao took the initiative to release the domain.

To release the field, Shi Xiao broke free from the dark fluid in order to facilitate it.

Because Dharma is a magical power that can only be displayed in the realm.

Sure enough, as the domain disappeared, his huge body shrank rapidly.

Although the dark fluid is fluid, after the opponent's body becomes smaller, there is still a gap.

After Shi Xiao's body shrank to the normal state, his feet were also drawn away from the dark fluid, and at the same time, all the fluid covering the whole body lost the target.

"Drink!" Shi Xiao then let out a neigh, and his body surface flickered with gray.

His head turned into a bird's head, and his gray robe exploded, revealing large feathers.

He abandoned the human form and turned into the monster body.

"Human monk, you are considered powerful today, but I will kill you when I see you again!" Shi Xiao turned around and let out a ruthless word at Lei Yi, then fluttered his wings and was about to flee.

"Want to leave, have you asked me!" Lei Yi snorted coldly, rushing out of the dark fluid, and was about to kill Shi Xiao.

After all, the other party has provoke him, and he is not a good-tempered person, how can he let the tiger go.

Seeing Lei Yi rushing out, Shi Xiao's eyes flashed with misfortune, but then he seemed to think of something, and he retreated instead of advancing.

"Venerable Mountain Seeker, help me hold him!" At this moment, he shouted to the surroundings.

"Brother Shi Xiao, what you said, I am not your thug." From the ground below, a lazy voice came from the mountain-seeking Venerable who had already left.

After Shi Xiao heard this, his face changed for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and shouted: "Three earth spirit stones!"

"Okay, the deity agrees. Brother Shi Xiao walks quickly, we trade in the same place!" After the people below heard the three words "Di Lingshi", they immediately agreed.

Then Lei Yi felt a strong wind coming from behind, and the mountain-seeking Venerable took action.

His eyes flashed with misfortune, but in the end he chose to turn his head back.

Seeing this, Shi Xiao fluttered his wings, fleeing quickly, and disappeared to the horizon within a few breaths.


Lei Yi blasted a magic weapon with a punch, but in the ground below, countless magic weapons flew up and sealed his body.

"Your Excellency really want to do it!" Lei Yi saw this, but suddenly stood up without further attacking.

But as he stopped, these magic weapons actually stopped attacking and all flew down.

After a while, a figure slowly flew up from the ground and came to Lei Yi. It was the fat man in Jinyi with a rich face before, the Venerable Mountain Seeker.

"Hahaha, fellow daoists joked, I'm a business man below, how can I get involved with others? It was really helpless to make a move just now, please forgive me!" After Venerable Xunshan appeared, UU read www. uukanshu.com smiled at Lei Yi and apologized.

"Oh, in business?" Lei Yi looked at the kind-looking fat man in front of him, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

The fat man gently twisted the two small beards on his face and said with a smile: "Yes, I am just a businessman. Although my colleagues call me Venerable Xunshan, I prefer the elegant title of'Northern Xinjiang Intelligence Chief'! "

"Beijiang intelligence chief?" Lei Yi's mind became active when he heard this.

He looked at the other party, rolled his eyes, and asked, "Since you are in business, can you do business with Human Race?"

As soon as this statement was made, a strange color appeared on the face of Venerable Mountain Seeker, but it quickly disappeared.

"Hahaha, fellow daoists joked. I am doing business. In my eyes, it is naturally the most profitable. Regardless of the identity of the human race and the monster race, isn't it the same with whom to do business?"

"Oh, if you say that, you also did business with Human Race?"

"No, no, I have never admitted this, even if a fellow daoist asks that, I will answer no!"

Although Venerable Mountain Seeker was shaking his head at this moment, Lei Yi already knew that the other party must have done business with a human monk.

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