I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1185: The Yaozu is not at peace either?

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Lei Yi didn't expect that with a few words, he would scare off the three of Huo Ruliu.

However, his heart was clear, the other party was not afraid of himself, but the Unintentional Divine Sect in his mouth.

But that's okay, the three of them retreated, which also saved a lot of effort.

Now there are only little chickens left here, the Dragon Bird King, and the three of Bai Jiaojiao.

"Boy, you call me a little chicken, what does this mean!" The Dragon Bird King disliked this title very much, and always felt that it was an insult to him.

But Lei Yi was used to this. After all, Meng Shiqi yelled like this, so he followed up.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" But Lei Yi was not afraid of the Dragon Bird King at the moment, looking straight at the other party.

"You..." After hearing this, the Dragon Bird King wanted to beat people wherever he could stand it.

But at this moment, Bai Jiaojiao grabbed him.

Then the woman came to Lei Yi and smiled: "Thank you for your help, Brother Lei Yi!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, everyone is a classmate after all!" Lei Yi waved his hand, indicating that it was not in the way.

"Classmate?" Bai Jiaojiao didn't realize what it meant when she heard this future vocabulary.

But the woman didn't care. After thanking her, she said again: "Since I'm already safe, I will bid farewell to the brother, and there will be a period of time later!"

After finishing speaking, this woman returned to the team and was about to leave with the Dragon Bird King and others.

"Hold on!" But at this moment, Lei Yi suddenly spoke and shouted to the three of them.

"Senior brother, what does this mean? Is there something else?" Bai Jiaojiao asked in a puzzled manner after hearing this.

Lei Yi walked towards a few people and said with a smile: "Although I am here to help you, but there is no free lunch in the world. You don't think that a word of thanks can send me away, right?"

"Boy, what do you mean!" Seeing this, the Dragon Poultry King couldn't bear it, and replied very unceremoniously.

"Why, I naturally ask you to ask for some benefits, otherwise I will work hard to help you, and I won't get any benefits. Isn't it a big loss!"

Bai Jiaojiao never expected that Lei Yi had a warm-hearted look before, turning his head and turning his face, turning into a silly face.

But in fact, this is not Lei Yi deliberately acting, but he suddenly came to the idea, so he wanted to ask the other party for some benefits.

"Brother Lei Yi, what benefits do you want? I waited this time to walk in a hurry. I didn't have any treasures with me, and I don't know what you want. But our northern frontiers are also rich in products, and there are a lot of treasures. If you want any treasure, we can help you find it and wait for the future..."

"No need for the future, now you can give me something!"

Lei Yi waved his hand and interrupted Bai Jiaojiao.

Then he pointed to the nine princes who were shrinking behind Sun Lie, and said: "I heard that this prince has the Kunpeng bloodline. I want to ask him for a drop of blood. I wonder if it would be convenient?"

Although Lei Yi's attitude was fairly polite, Bai Jiaojiao and the others turned their faces at the request.

They never expected that the other party wanted the blood of the Ninth Prince.

"Boy, you know what you want, you are blatantly provoking my Northern Frontier Demon Race!" The Dragon Bird King couldn't help being the first one to do it.

"Haha, Northern Frontier Demon Race, I really want to say that I'm scared!" Lei Yi naturally didn't persuade him, but just hardened the opponent.

He is a monk of the human race, and it is impossible for him to go together with the demon race. How can you be a big name for the demon race in the northern border?

Could it be possible that the demon race and the human race can still sit down and have a very happy conversation?

Now, Lei Yi's attitude is already here, and the next thing is that Bai Jiaojiao and others will not give blood.

"This...Senior Brother Lei Yi, the Ninth Prince has a special status. It is very difficult for us to give you a drop of his blood..."

"Why, if I don't show up today, everyone will know what the consequences will be. Can you guys contend with Mrs. Qin from Black Mountain City, or Huo Ruliu and the others?" Lei Yi chuckled and asked each other.

This is also a fact. Without his help today, with the help of Bai Jiaojiao and the Dragon Bird King, even if he escaped from Madam Qin, how could he escape from the encirclement of Huo Ruliu's trio.

So what Lei Yi did today is equivalent to them being in a sea of ​​suffering.

"But, I can't wait for the essence and blood to do the lord..." Bai Jiaojiao's face was embarrassed, with tears in her eyes, she almost cried.

"Student Bai, put away your magical powers, this trick is useless to me!" But Lei Yi sneered again and motioned to the other party to stop acting. He is also an old drama player and doesn't eat this one.

Seeing this, Bai Jiaojiao's small face with rain just now returned to her original appearance, and her face was depressed.

"Brother, can we discuss it for a while?" In the end, she could only compromise.

Lei Yi did not speak, but nodded.

After that, Bai Jiaojiao pulled the Ninth Prince and discussed with the Dragon Bird King.

During the discussion, Lei Yi vaguely heard the Dragon Bird King vent his dissatisfaction, and occasionally glanced at him with unkind eyes.

But Lei Yi's face was thick enough to ignore it.

Soon, the result of the negotiation came out.

Bai Jiaojiao brought the Ninth Prince and came to Lei Yi.

It was just what reason this woman used to persuade the Dragon Bird King to get her to agree.

All in all, when the blond child walked in front of Lei Yi, cut through his fingertips and squeezed out a drop of golden blood, Lei Yi knew that his goal had been achieved.

"Thank you, a few!" Lei Yi quickly took out a container, put away the blood, and then thanked him.

"The mountains and rivers meet, we will have a period later!" Then, without delay, he flew up directly and left here.

But Bai Jiaojiao and others watched Lei Yi leave, all a little surprised.

"Isn't that direction going to Northern Xinjiang?" Sun Lie on the side asked where Lei Yi was leaving.

"Perhaps he is going to Northern Xinjiang, so let’s avoid the limelight. After all, he just fought against the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm in Black Mountain City. The Demon Dao of the Western Regions might want him. He can't go back to Zhongzhou. It is normal to go to Northern Xinjiang to avoid the limelight The matter!" Bai Jiaojiao guessed.

"It's not too late, let's leave as soon as possible!" The Dragon Bird King didn't care about Lei Yi, and hurriedly urged.

Now that the Nine Princes have been brought back, it is the most important thing to quickly return to the Northern Frontier Demon Race.

But let Lei Yi get a drop of Kunpeng true blood from the Nine Princes, which made this demon a little intolerable.

If Lei Yi was not in the middle of the Celestial Realm, he said he couldn't just do it.

Then they quickly evacuated and left this place.

Cultivation realm, northern territory boundary.

Northern Xinjiang is different from the Western Regions, and even more different from Zhongzhou.

This area is vast and there are countless spirit mountains and rivers, but sparsely populated, and some unmastered spirit veins abound.

After arriving in northern Xinjiang, Lei Yi flew for several days without seeing a single figure.

On the contrary, it was the monster beast in the mountain. He didn't know how many he saw, all kinds of miscellaneous, he could call it by name, and he could not call it by name.

Lei Yi didn't care about the number of monsters, anyway, with his mid-celestial realm strength, as long as he didn't encounter multiple demon kings acting at the same time, it would be impossible to threaten him.

As for those low-level monsters, they were just adding meals to him.

No, when Lei Yi was advancing, he found a mountain with fairly good spiritual veins. After annihilating a magic phase realm monster guarding this place, he roasted the opponent's meat.

"Well, this animal leg tastes good, eat it with energy!" Lei Yi said with emotion while chewing on the animal leg.

Although the monster beasts are rampant in Northern Xinjiang, he is still in the outlying area, which is not too dangerous.

On the contrary, Lei Yi felt at ease in this place.

Because this place is far from the world, there is less fear and deceit, and it is more like a paradise for him.

This night, Lei Yi rarely slept well.

The next day, early in the morning.

Lei Yi was awakened by a wave of fighting technique fluctuations.

He never expected that he said that Beijiang is a good place yesterday, but he was beaten in the face today.

"Who, do you have a sense of ethics, don't you know that disturbing people's dreams is very immoral?" Lei Yi walked out of a cave cursingly, and then looked ahead.

"Huh, what's the matter?" As a result, he saw that a group of eagle-headed demons with two wings on their backs were actually hunting down an acquaintance of his own.

This person is Bai Jiaojiao. As a monster, she was actually chased and killed by the monster.

"Student Bai, what are you guys doing, aren't they all monsters, why are you still being chased by them?" He hurriedly called forward.

"Brother Lei, you really are here!" After Bai Jiaojiao saw Lei Yi, her face was overjoyed, and she ran away quickly.

"Human cultivator!" Seeing this, the group of eagle-headed demons issued a scream, and also killed them.

"This..." Seeing this, Lei Yi knew what the idea was in Bai Jiaojiao's heart. It was treating herself as free labor.

Although he felt a little unhappy, Lei Yi also decided to take action when he saw that the other party and Fatty belonged to the same race.

"You demons, why do you want to bully your own people!" He shouted sharply, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com rose into the sky and killed the opponent.

At the same time, along with his shots, a powerful force in the middle of the Celestial Realm also spread.

"No, it's the cultivator of the human race!" Upon seeing this, the demons all exclaimed and turned around and fled.

Just kidding, they are just a group of magical realm monsters, and they are still chasing Bai Jiaojiao because they are many to one, occupying the advantage of numbers.

But in front of the cultivators of the Heaven and Human Realm, it would be useless to double the number of people.

"Want to go, have you ever asked me!" Lei Yi sneered when he saw this, his body was divided into ten, and he slew the monster in front of him.

But within a moment of effort, this group of monster races fell under the hands of his body and clone.

The blood mist drifted in the sky, but Lei Yi was puzzled.

"Student Bai, what's the situation with you guys, you are beating your own people, fighting in the nest, and the monster clan is not at peace?" He turned his head and asked the master.

"Senior Brother Lei said that we are really fighting in the den!" Bai Jiaojiao did not hide it, admitting this fact.

There are many demons, so if you say that there is no contradiction between them, it is naturally impossible.

And this time the cause was because of the nine princes of the demon clan.

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