I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1184: Little chicken, meet again!

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The old woman was blown out by Lei Yi, and finally fell to the ground with serious injuries.

But as the caster was seriously injured, the domain was finally unable to be maintained. Under the waves of changes, the layers diminished, and finally disappeared completely.

The surrounding scenery recovered again, and after the sea of ​​flowers disappeared, the three demon Bai Jiaojiao also showed their figures under the cover.

Lei Yi landed slowly and came to the middle of the area where the three people and the old woman fell to the ground.

At this moment, the three of Bai Jiaojiao still had a trance on their faces. They also seemed to have been affected by the sea of ​​flowers and did not recover.

But Lei Yi's attention was not on the three of them. He knew that the old woman was not dead.

Now the opponent is seriously injured by his own fist, but with the strength of the middle stage of the old woman's heaven and human realm, there is bound to be a battle.

"The old man is angry!" Sure enough, in a scream, a figure rose into the sky, it was the old woman.

Although she took Lei Yi's punch, her breath was disordered and the corners of her mouth were bleeding, but she still stood up.

Not only that, the old woman's face was distorted, her silver hair was flying, and her face was about to become an evil spirit because of her anger.

"Old man, so angry, be careful to burn yourself to death!" Seeing this, Lei Yi still shook his head and sighed.

This old woman didn't know if she had eaten gunpowder. From start to finish, she looked like she saw her enemies, and she didn't provoke them.

"Boy, if I don't kill you today, I won't be called Mrs. Qin!"

But the old woman could not care about the three-seven-seven-one, she reluctantly rested for a while, and after recovering some injuries, she would take action again.

But Lei Yi was always paying attention to each other, so he was one step faster than the old woman.

His figure disappeared in place first, and when the old woman took the shot, he had already rushed to the front of the opponent.

"Stupid, you have gotten into my handprints, and you dare to come out presumptuously. It seems that you really want to die. Fortunately, your domain has been defeated, now it's my turn to fight back!"

After saying this, Lei Yi's hands were sealed, and he was about to use some magical powers.

"Not good, domain!" Seeing this scene, the old woman remembered that the other party was also a mid-celestial realm cultivator.

Moreover, the other party has cracked his own domain by relying solely on their strange supernatural powers. Now that it is the other party's turn to attack, can he also crack the other party's domain?

This was obviously impossible, so the last remaining reason of the old woman told her that no, she had to run away.

"Boy, count you as cruel, but if you let me know that you are connected with my granddaughter's death, then I must chase you to the end of the world!"

The old woman turned her head immediately, and fled while throwing a cruel word.

"Granddaughter?" Lei Yi heard the old woman's last words, somewhat surprised.

But soon, he realized that the old woman seemed to have the surname Qin, and was called Mrs. Qin by the trio of Huo Ruliu.

Before coming to Black Mountain City, he formed a team with a group of people, and there was indeed a young woman named Qin Xianzi in the team.

The opponent is from the Hehuan Sect, and his domineering attitude on weekdays obviously has a strong backer behind him.

The old woman is also from the Hehuan Sect, so don't all of this correspond to it.

No wonder the old woman is so angry, it is estimated that the beloved granddaughter has passed the news of her death, so she feels resentful in her heart, and even angers others.

"Speaking of which, the death of the other's granddaughter really has something to do with me!" Lei Yi scratched his head, his face a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the old woman has already gone far, and can't hear his last words.

He then looked at his hands and whispered: "I didn't say that I can use the domain, this old woman is not familiar with me, otherwise, how could she retreat so quickly?"

The action just now was actually pretended by him, which made the old woman think he was going to use his domain.

Unexpectedly, the old woman was so jealous that she really ran away, which also made Lei Yi thankful and saved a lot of effort.

"You three, you can come back to your senses!" Next, he walked up to the three of Bai Jiaojiao and shouted loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, with a shock that reached the soul, the confused three people directly roared awake.

"Well, who am I, where am I?" Sun Lie was the most outrageous, and after waking up, he looked confused.

Bai Jiaojiao also looked confused, a little nervous.

On the contrary, the Ninth Prince, because he was young, looked confused with a face, but on the contrary, he had the least reaction.

After a long time, the three of them finally recovered and realized that the old woman had left.

Lei Yi also looked at the Ninth Prince at this time.

Although this kid looked like an eight or nine-year-old human child, he had blond golden pupils and some golden feathers still remained under his neck, which showed that his transformation was not thorough enough.

"Much...Thank you, Senior Brother Lei Yi's help!" After regaining consciousness, Bai Jiaojiao spoke first, expressing his gratitude.

On the side, Sun Lie still had some guard on his face, as if he was worried about Lei Yi.

The Ninth Prince was hiding behind Sun Lie and looked at Lei Yi with the same guard.

"Don't thank you, I will help you, in fact, there is a purpose, you..."

Lei Yi originally wanted to say something, but soon his expression changed and he looked into the distance.


I heard a wave of explosions coming from a distance, and there was also a celestial and human realm monk's power in the explosion.

"Huh, did you arrange a back move?" Lei Yi quickly asked, feeling the fluctuations in the battle ahead.

Because both parties in this fight must be in the realm of heaven and human.

"Oops, the Dragon Bird King is still waiting for us!" Bai Jiaojiao suddenly reacted as soon as she said that, she was indeed waiting for someone to have support.

"Dragon Bird King?" Lei Yi seemed to remember that the other party was the one who escaped from the Ascendant Secret Realm, but he didn't expect to have joined the Northern Frontier Demon Race now.

"Then you have to go there quickly, because there are three cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm in ambush, the little chicken is probably unstoppable!" He quickly reminded, and took the lead to fly in that direction.

"Three cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm!" Bai Jiaojiao and Sun Lie looked at each other, their expressions a little ugly.

But the Dragon Bird King was here to meet them after all, and it would be wrong if he didn't go there.

The two took the Nine Princes, followed Lei Yi, and flew in that direction together.

Not far from the front, the fluctuation of the fighting technique gradually became fierce.

When Lei Yi came, he saw three people besieging a huge dragon bird.

The dragon bird king is one enemy three, but he is not weak.

However, Lei Yi could tell that Huo Ruliu's trio had kept their hands and did not use the ultimate move, so this demon was able to hold on for so long.

However, the strength of the Dragon Bird King itself is only in the early days of the Celestial Realm. It can deal with three of the same rank, even if it is sacrificed to the body, it is impossible to really suppress the opponent with one enemy and three.

At this moment, Lei Yi was killed, and all the four people in the battle group responded and quickly separated.

"It's you!" Huo Ruliu was shocked with a cry of exclamation.

The Dragon Bird King didn't have much impression of Lei Yi. His memory was washed away by Meng Shiqi, so he didn't remember that he had met with Lei Yi in the years of Kurong Dao.

On the contrary, it was Huo Ruliu, who remembered Lei Yi still fresh.

"Elder Huo, and the little chicken, let's meet again!" Lei Yi smiled and greeted everyone.

"Little chicken?" Hearing this name, the Dragon Bird King looked stunned, his huge body shook for a few times before reacting, this was cursing himself.

"Well, well, you are a traitor, this elder is going to capture you today, and you will be tried at Law Enforcement Peak later!" Huo Ruliu pointed at Lei Yi in a fierce manner.

But Lei Yi chuckled, the coercion in the middle of the Celestial Realm was directly released.

On his body surface, nearly 40 divine orifices were all lit up, with an aura even stronger than Huo Ruliu's trio, sweeping the Quartet.

Seeing this scene, not only Huo Ruliu, but also the Daoist in Yellow Robe and Feng Huo Sanren were slightly surprised.

Huo Ruliu just put on a posture to capture the opponent alive, and he never thought that the strength of the incoming person was actually stronger than Huo Ruliu.

You are in the early stage of the Celestial Realm, even if it is the initial peak, but you want to capture the next Celestial Realm middle stage, is it a bit too confident?

After realizing Lei Yi's strength, Huo Ruliu was even more shocked.

He knew what Lei Yi was in the True Spirit Immortal Sect before, and the opponent didn't have many divine orifices at all.

It has only been a long time since the opponent's body has almost 40 orifices, more than him.

Are you sure this is not a hang up?

Anyway, Huo Ruliu's face was very wonderful, and she just left her cruel words, and now she was beaten in the face.

"You traitor, what are you doing here?" Huo Ruliu shouted again, perhaps to cheer himself up.

Lei Yi smiled and pointed to the three Bai Jiaojiao who rushed over behind him, and said in awe-inspiring manner: "This broad day is full of heaven and earth. I heard that there are three shameless cultivators in the Celestial and Human Realm, planning to ambush the three Dharma Realm juniors. See you. In the face of injustice, naturally I have to draw a knife to help!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless.

Seeing the uneven road, draw a knife to help?

Do you want to be so grand-sounding for your reason, as if the world of cultivating immortals is a generation of chivalry and justice.

If you are a fledgling rookie, someone might really believe your nonsense.

But whoever is there, whether it is a monster or a person with rich experience in the arena, would you believe this excuse?

Lei Yi also felt that the scene was over, so he pointed to the three people behind him and said with a serious face: "In short, you three shameless guys, if you want to touch a few of them today, you must first ask me if I agree!"

"You traitor, you actually stand on the side of the monster race as a human monk, do you know what you did?" Huo Ruliu spoke again, angrily reprimanding Lei Yi.

"Elder Huo, when you chased me down, I had nothing to do with the True Spirit Immortal Sect. Whatever you do is my freedom, you can't control it!"

Having said this, he looked at the three of them, and then said: "The one beside you should be a fellow Taoist of the Zhongzhou Dixian Sect, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, a member of the Zhongzhou sect. Sovereign, plus the elders of the True Spirit Immortal Sect teamed into the Western Regions. If your identities and whereabouts are all exposed, what do you think will happen?"

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of Huo Ruliu and the others changed drastically.

This is what they worry about the most. If people from True Spirit Immortal Sect and Zhongzhou Dazong appear in the Western Regions, this is not allowed by Shenzong Wuxin.

If you sneak in, as long as you are not found, then it's fine.

But if you are found out and still swaggering about not leaving, then don't blame Shenzong Wuxin for being rude.

Therefore, the things that Huo Ruliu and the three were worried about finally happened.

Their identities were pointed out by Lei Yi.

"Elder Huo, this person makes sense. I wait until my identity has been found out, so I don't want to stay for long!" After hearing the wind and fire, the wind and fire on the side also whispered.

If it attracted the attention of Wuxin Shenzong, they would be unprofitable.

"It's just you traitor!" Huo Ruliu looked indignant, staring at Lei Yi.

But in the end, he and the two people behind him spoke a word, and then the three people's escape was united and flew away to the rear.

The three of them were jealous of the Heartless Shenzong after all, and could only retreat.

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