I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1186: The monsters in Northern Xinjiang like palace fighting? (happy weekend!)

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Yaozu likes to fight in the nest.

Although it sounds a bit novel, it is reasonable to combine the ruthless characteristics of Yaozu's killing.

When Bai Jiaojiao was explaining, her expression was indifferent, even with a hint of self-deprecating, she was obviously used to this.

The cause of the matter is like this...

There are actually many princes and princes in the demon clan, and most of them are not related to the demon emperor. Their origin is not from the demon emperor's own clan, but from the direct blood of the demon clan.

The demon emperor is not hereditary, but each generation of demon emperor will gather young talents of the demon clan and canonize them as princes and princes.

Then at the right time, select the best one from these princes and princes and become the heir of the demon emperor to the next generation of the demon clan.

Most of the time, those who were selected were not the heirs of the demon emperor, but the disciples of his clan.

And this generation, in order to compete for the qualifications of the heir to the Demon Emperor, all races are fighting openly and secretly.

As a genius of the Kunpeng clan with good aptitude, the Ninth Prince also obtained the qualifications of the prince and became the Ninth Prince of the Yao Clan.

But he had nothing to do with the Demon King at all. After obtaining the qualifications of the Nine Princes, his status in the Kunpeng clan only increased a bit. For the other big clans of the Demon Clan, it was a threat instead.

This time, I heard that the Ninth Prince was kidnapped by the Human Race, and many big clans were thinking about it, and they heard that Bai Jiaojiao and others had rescued the Nine Prince. They all wanted to intercept and kill them halfway to prevent the other party from returning to Northern Xinjiang.

And all this, even if the Demon Emperor knew nothing, he would not stop it.

Because the demon clan has rules, the fights between the big clans are handled by the big clans themselves, and the demon emperor will not intervene.

And this rule happened to be determined by the Demon Emperor himself.

According to his original words, younger generations who have not experienced hardship cannot fully grow up, so the current suffering and experience are all help to younger generations.

If they can survive, then the future achievements of these younger generations will naturally be elevated. As for those who cannot survive, then they can only say that they deserve it, and growth is limited after all.

It was precisely because the Demon Emperor had spoken out himself, so among the great clans of the Demon Clan, for the qualifications of that Demon Emperor's heir, it could be said that the fight was inexorable, even to the point of blatant.

No, right in front of Lei Yi's eyes, they staged a scene of a monster clan fighting and killing halfway.

After Lei Yi listened to it, he instantly sighed, isn't this just Gong Douju?

He originally thought that there should be no intrigue between the monster races, but more unity.

Facts have proved that neither humans nor demons are inseparable from fighting, and there is no peace in this world at all.

"If the Demon Emperor's nihilism can restrain the demon clan, wouldn't the northern border be much more peaceful?" Lei Yi muttered, but it could only be muttered.

He knew it was impossible, and the Demon Emperor would not listen to him.

"So, classmate Bai, what are you going to do next?" Lei Yi looked at Bai Jiaojiao and asked coldly.

He is not familiar with the other party. The direction of this woman's escape is obviously aimed at her, and the other party is planning to find herself as a shield.

"Brother, the younger sister has something to ask for, I don't know if I can..."

"That, I'm not interested!"

Bai Jiaojiao wanted to say something, but was quickly rejected by Lei Yi.

Because what the other party asked for was nothing more than letting oneself take action to save the nine princes.

Although Lei Yi had thought about getting a relationship with the monster clan, he put out his thoughts when he heard that there was such a battle scene in the monster clan.

Because you have a good relationship with one power, then you will inevitably offend two parties, the three parties and even more big clans.

In this case, it's better to ignore anyone, but better.

At least no one can be guilty, and this group of demons will not provoke a cultivator of the Celestial Realm for no reason.

Seeing Lei Yi refused and wanted to leave, Bai Jiaojiao suddenly became anxious, and said quickly: "Brother, if you just leave like this, don't you be afraid that Junior Sister I will tell you about killing the Monster Race. These belong to the Windwing Clan. Elite, although they are not a big clan, they are attached to the Qingluan clan behind them. This is the top three big clan in my northern frontier. There are only three demon kings in the clan, and the clan leader is even stronger in the late stage of the heavenly and human realm. You can't beat you too!"

When Lei Yi heard this, he paused slightly before moving forward, then turned around and stared at Bai Jiaojiao.

He looked at the other party, his eyes narrowed, his face was completely unsmiling, and he said coldly: "Junior sister, if you threaten me so much, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Although I killed the Demon Race, the causes and consequences are not all due to you. Now that I am going to kill you too, isn't it true that there is no proof!"

As he said, on Lei Yi's right hand, the pitch-black thunder and lightning were beating, which was an omen of the shot.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jiaojiao remembered that what she was threatening was a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, and it was still in the middle stage.

If the other party wants to kill himself, isn't it as simple as eating and drinking.

Don't look at the two of them now calling each other senior brothers and sisters, but they don't care about this similarity.

In fact, what Bai Jiaojiao didn't know was whether Lei Yi was so friendly to this woman because he was looking at the fat face of the little fox.

"Now, you go, I don't want to do anything to you, if I act to drive people, it will not be suitable for me or you!" Lei Yi waved his hand and signaled the woman to be free.

Then he looked for a direction and flew away.

"Brother, that direction..." Bai Jiaojiao wanted to shout something when she saw this, but in the end she didn't say anything.

After Lei Yi confirmed that she was flying far away, she mumbled: "That direction is where I escaped!"

But Lei Yi couldn't hear it anymore.

Lei Yifei fleeed for a while, and after confirming that Bai Jiaojiao had not caught up, he let out a secret sigh.

If this Jurchen begs him, he might really make a move, after all, he still has to give the chubby face.

Fortunately, this woman didn't show the kind of consciousness that I would go to death by myself if you didn't help, which made her feel fortunate.

But soon, he noticed something was wrong, there was a smell of blood nearby, and it was extremely heavy!

"This is..." Lei Yi looked down and saw a bumpy ground.

He landed, and in a sinkhole, he saw the corpse of an ape.

"Sun Lie!" He called out the name of the corpse, which was Sun Lie's body, but it was a pity that the other party was already dead.

Lei Yi shook his head secretly, and then cast a spell, the shadow squirming under his feet, covering the opponent's corpse.

Soon, under the engulfing of the shadows, Sun Lie's corpse was swallowed by him.

Helping him to collect the corpse, so as not to violent corpse wilderness, it can be regarded as two people at the same door, Lei Yi can give each other the last touch of friendship.

"I remember that Sun Lie's body is the Great King Kong Ape. If he refines his blood, I don't know if it's useful?" Lei Yi thought about it and remembered it.

Back in the Dengtian Secret Territory, Meng Shiqi suddenly shouted out the origin of Sun Lie's body. This is a demon ape known for refining his body. His body is tyrannical, and he is very suitable for him.

Just when Lei Yi helped Sun Lie collect his body, the sudden change occurred.

"Hmph, as expected, someone came to collect the corpse for this kid, it's a trick!" Behind him, a strong wind struck, accompanied by a ridicule.

A sharp feather shot out like a sharp arrow, taking Lei Yi's head straight.


Under the crisp sound of fighting, a silver rune rose in the air, blocking the feathers.

"The power of the law, who are you!" The moment the visitor saw the silver rune, he immediately exclaimed.

The person who can skillfully use the power of the law to resist his own supernatural powers must be in the heaven and human state, which makes the person who shoots panic.

They had destroyed Sun Lie before, but gathered the power of many people to succeed.

And now there is a more fierce one, and he can't handle it alone.

"Before making a sneak attack, don't you look at the difference in strength between the two sides?" Lei Yi looked back and saw a man wearing a blue feather texture, looking at him with fear.

This man was not a birdman of the Windwing clan before, but completely transformed into a human appearance, just like Bai Jiaojiao and Sun Lie.

This kind of transformation method was only available to some big clans of the Monster Race. As a result, Lei Yi had a guess in his mind for the little information that Bai Jiaojiao had previously provided.

"Are you from the Qingluan clan?" He looked at each other and said.

"You actually know that we are the Qingluan clan, then you should also know that there is no future in helping the nine princes. My clan prince is the orthodox heir to the demon emperor. If you are acquainted, you should act decisively and take refuge in our clan..."

"Take refuge in a ghost!"

The other party's words of wooing were not finished yet, Lei Yi shot directly.

He didn't listen to the other party at all, and slammed a punch simply and neatly.

"Not good!" Seeing this, the man in Tsing Yi looked terrified and wanted to use some means.

But Lei Yi's fist was too fast, and even as soon as he raised his hand, his fist was already in front of him.

Finally, in his unbelievable gaze, the fist directly ran over his body, crushing it.


A cloud of blood exploded, and the man in Tsing Yi was completely gone, apparently dead to scum.

And Lei Yi just clapped his hands and flew away again.

The demon clan of Northern Xinjiang, Qingluan collar.

Just when Lei Yi killed the Tsing Yi man, in a huge palace inside the collar, a middle-aged man wearing a green robe and a crown suddenly opened his sleepy eyes.

"How come, my son actually died!" The man's eyes burst, and angrily appeared on his face.

He was very angry at the moment, very angry, because his son actually died so unclearly.

"Brother, what happened?" At the bottom of it, there was a young man in Qingpao who looked similar to a man but was slightly younger.

"Yes, Brother Qingluan, what happened to make you so angry?" On the other side, a burly man in gray was equally puzzled.

This was a good drink, the man suddenly sat up, still angrily, the two of them also saw each other for the first time.

"My son is dead, how can I not be angry!" The man said coldly.

"Dead, who is it, is it the current third prince, or your other aunts?" The strong man quickly asked when he heard the words.

"The third prince is naturally fine. He is still in the Demon Emperor's domain, how could something happen!" The man quickly denied, but then said: "It is my other son who died!"

The strong man and the man in Qingpao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but soon understood.

Even if it wasn't the third prince, the other party had his son after all.

The question is, someone dared to kill the clan chief of the Qingluan clan in northern Xinjiang. Isn't this a vengeance with them?

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