I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1152: Young Master Xuan Shaolong

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There is a passage somewhere in the Temple of Fighting God.

There are a lot of puppets in the passage, they are walking around, patrolling and guarding.

But the puppet is not a monk after all, and has no ability to make independent judgments. After the inspection work is over, they all stop.

At the end of the passage, at a corner, the shadow wriggled up.

The figure emerged from the black shadow, and it was Lei Yi.

He relied on the dark fluid's ability to avoid all the puppets along the way.

In other words, the puppet's attack was accurate and he couldn't help but came here.

"What's the matter with this group of puppets? I haven't even been here. They actually started up early. Could it be that someone has entered the Temple of Fighting God one step ahead of me? Or that the puppets here have all received the same instruction. When I start one place, other places will be started along with it?"

Lei Yi looked at the puppets who had stopped moving with some curiosity in his heart.

According to his expectation, he should be the first person to enter this place. No one can be one step faster than him!

"Forget it, go ahead, go to the main hall first to see if you can find the true biography of Doushen Hall!"

Lei Yi quickly made his goal clear, and the true biography of the Battle God Temple was the most important thing.

The eight halls have their own unique skills. In the Thunder Hall, he learned the Thunder God Spear, and in the Falling Sun Hall, he learned a step to the sky. Even in the Forbidden Soul Hall and the Asura Hall, he has gained something.

So in Doushen Temple, what is the true secret and magical power of Po Tian Xuanzong?

Soon, Lei Yi avoided the unknown waves of puppets along the way, and finally found the main hall.

The Doushen Hall was huge, even larger than the other seven temples. Even the Shura Hall, which had a vast underground space, Lei Yi felt that it was not as huge as the inside of the Doushen Hall.

And the main hall that appeared in front of Lei Yi at this moment was actually a huge golden hall built underground.

"It's really a chain. The Doushen Hall was built inside the Zongshan Gate. As a result, the Doushen Hall is where the main hall is located. It took me a lot of effort to find this place!"

He looked at the huge palace with dark gold in front of him, and he was amazed.

Directly in front of the main hall is a square covering the same vast area. There is a huge stone statue in the middle, but the shape is a bit strange.

The stone is like a cracked sphere, and there is a burly man in the middle of the crack, which looks like a sphere torn apart by this person's bare hands.

In front of the stone statue, there was a broken stone tablet, and the writing on the stone tablet was also broken.

"This..." Lei Yi looked at the stone tablet, guessing that this was the introduction to the stone statue.

He couldn't think of what information needs to be concealed for such a stone statue.

"Or, take a look after the repair..." Lei Yi's eyes rolled, and the curiosity in his heart was also hooked.

Do it if he wants to do it, he grabs it with one hand, and a golden rune is in his hand.

Under his control, the rune slowly flew to the top of the stele, and then turned into a golden light mask, covering the stele.

After a few breaths, the stele and the gravel on the ground were affected by the law of time and began to reverse time.

Inside the golden mask, all the broken stones flew up, rushed towards the surface of the stele, and quickly submerged in it.

After a few breaths, the whole stone tablet was restored to its original shape, even the broken part was picked up, and the whole stone tablet stood straight at the feet of the stone statue.

"Let me take a look. This is the text of the ancient world of cultivating immortals. It seems to record the words "Kaitian Lishi Xuanchu"...Kaitian Lishi, this name... is a bit powerful! "

Lei Yi looked at the stone statue, but he didn't know why Potian Xuanzong would enshrine this person here.

But none of this has anything to do with him. After he glanced at the stele, he still blasted it with a punch, smashing it into dregs.

He didn't know whether the stone monument was destroyed by the original battle or was deliberately destroyed by the people of Xuantian Sect.

Now that he knew the content of the stele, he restored it to its previous state, in case people later see the content of the stele.

After destroying the stele, Lei Yi walked across the square and came to the main hall of the main hall.

This main hall is a thousand meters high, and the front door alone is hundreds of meters high. There are two golden armored door gods at the door, which are very magnificent.

Lei Yi could vaguely see that there were countless inscriptions lingering on the two door gods, flashing fluorescence under the weak light.

He estimated that the two door gods could move, and they only needed to open a certain mechanism before they could launch an attack.

Fortunately, Lei Yi was still standing in front of them, and the two door gods did not attack.

"I don't know if this door can be opened. If it is locked, how can I get in?"

He muttered, walked to the huge door, pressed his hands against it, and began to exert force.


Under the huge roar, the two doors finally started to move, but at this speed, it was astonishingly slow.

"Why..." After pushing the door for a long time, Lei Yi finally noticed something was wrong.

This door is too heavy, he almost used his full strength, but the two doors are like snails crawling.

After a while, Lei Yi blushed, panting heavily, and let go of his hands unconsciously for a moment.

But after just such a moment, he felt that the door was recovering to the outside.

"I'll go, it's still an automatic door, it will close by itself!" Lei Yi couldn't help but vomit when he felt the force of pushing back from his hand.

He didn't care about other things. He had spent so much effort just now. Now if he let the door close automatically, wouldn't it be useless.

He stepped on the ground with his feet, and exerted strength through his whole body, while countless silver runes flashed on the surface of his body. This was the law of blessing.

Under such force, all the power of his whole body converged on his arms, and then poured into his palm.

Above the huge door, with the contact surface of Lei Yi's palms as the center, layers of silver ripples rippled and spread across the door.

Afterwards, above the door, countless silver runes flickered, as if resonating with Lei Yi.

But under this situation, the power on the door still hasn't weakened, and even because of such a distraction, Lei Yi felt the power on the door push himself a little further.

He could only continue to gritted his teeth and poured strength into the door.

Under his efforts, a full quarter of an hour passed, and the two doors were finally opened by him to allow a single person to enter.

Lei Yi naturally saw the stitches, his figure turned into an afterimage, and quickly rushed into the main hall.


Losing his strength and blessing, the two doors quickly closed, making a loud roar.

"Finally came in!" Lei Yi gasped, his expression unbelievable.

He had to vomit, the people of Xuantian-breaking Xuanzong like to have nothing to do, and it takes so much effort to enter the door.

If someone came to the main hall, wouldn't it be necessary to tire yourself down every time before coming in?

Lei Yi wondered if he was a senior of Xuanzong Potian who liked to train new disciples like this.

Isn't this driving them to a dead end?

People with small strength don't even have the qualifications to open the door?

Lei Yi instantly felt the strong malice of these people.

"Who is coming!" But at this moment, a sharp shout pulled him back to reality.

The sound was like thunder, he was taken aback, and quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

The center of the main hall was magnificent and magnificent, which formed a sharp contrast with the gloomy underground space outside.

In the middle of the main hall, there was a pyramid-shaped altar, and a figure stood on the altar, and it was obvious that the person who opened the mouth was the other party.

But when Lei Yi looked at it carefully, he found that there was not a trace of aura on this figure, not even a drop of blood.

What does this mean, it means that the other party is already dead!

But if the other party is dead, how did this voice come from?

Lei Yi thought so, his eyes swept around, wanting to see what mystery was here.

"Who is this, there is such a lack of morality, even the temple walls are scratched!" As a result, he saw that there were countless scratches on the surrounding temple walls.

These are all man-made, and there are some handwritings under the scratches, but unfortunately they are all incomplete.

He didn't need to guess that it must be the true power of Doushen Temple under this scratch.

If Lei Yi hadn't reversed the Yin and Yang Taoism, it might be a swear word.

But he still didn't find the person who spoke, which was strange.

"This temple wall was destroyed underneath!"

What Lei Yi didn't expect was that the speaker actually answered his question.


Lei Yi was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect the other party to be so upright.

"By the way, who are you?"

"If you don't change your name when you go down, you won't change your surname, so is Po Tian Xuanzong Xuan Shaolong!" The voice answered again, his voice very loud.

"Xuan Shaolong, isn't it the Young Sect Master of Po Tian Xuanzong!" Hearing this answer, Lei Yi was stunned.

The young master of Po Tian Xuanzong should have died a long time ago, why could the other party still speak.

No, the corpse on the altar should belong to the other party.

But since the other party died a long time ago, what method did it rely on to survive until now?

Lei Yi quickly closed his eyes, his consciousness spread out, covering the entire Doushen Temple.

Soon, he swept the entire hall, but unfortunately he didn't find anything.

"Intruder, don't look for it, it's right here!" The corpse on the altar seemed to have noticed Lei Yi's methods, and actually "spoken" in advance.

"Can the corpse speak?"

But soon, when UU read www.uukanshu.com, he found something was wrong, and the corpse did not speak.

In his eyes, two rays of blood flowed, and then his sight was covered with a layer of light red.

Under his gaze, he saw a light blue figure attached to the corpse.

"This is the remnant soul?" Lei Yi looked at the corpse, guessing in his heart.

"Intruders, you have a lot of means, but after all, your strength is too weak. You don't even need to deal with you personally, they are enough to deal with you!"


Lei Yi was still wondering, apart from the corpses of himself and Xuan Shaolong in this hall, the other party told him the answer.



With two loud noises, two golden armor giants with a height of one hundred feet fell to the center of the main hall.

These two giants are also puppets, but their aura is a real heaven and human state, and it is not the initial strength.

Lei Yi could feel that the aura of these puppets had even reached an intensity comparable to that of Xuanmeng.

"Sky-breaking Profound Sect, isn't it all about studying the flesh? How come the puppet technique is so powerful?"

Seeing the appearance of the golden armored giant puppet, Lei Yi finally couldn't help but complain.

Is the science and technology tree of Po Tian Xuanzong a bit crooked?

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