I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1151: Battle of the Gods episode

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The ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong, somewhere.

Jin Lingsheng, Yuanzhongsheng and others gathered in a secret place at this moment, and their group was repairing.

Their eyes look into the distance from time to time, obviously waiting for someone.

Soon, the waiting person came.

Two rays of light appeared from the horizon, flew straight towards their place, and quickly landed in front of everyone.

"Sage Yuanzhong has seen the two envoys of the sun and the moon!" As the leader of the team, Sage Yuanzhong naturally welcomed the two.

These two people are You Ying and Zhu Zhao, the two envoys of the Sun and the Moon beside Meng Shentong.

"Master of the Yuan sect, I'm all of Mengzhang's direct descendants, so I don't need to be polite!" Zhuzhao spoke first, indicating that the latter is free.

But then, You Ying on the side discovered the problem: "Master Yuan, where is the master of the illusion sect? Why haven't you seen her in your team?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Zhongsheng and the others' faces became a little unsightly.

Finally, Jin Lingsheng spoke: "On that day, I went with the fairy to hunt down the traitor, but when I arrived, only the body of the fairy was found on the spot, and the traitor had already escaped!"

Zhuozhao and Youying looked at each other, and then said at the same time: "The traitor you are talking about, is it..."

"Yes, that's the traitor named Lei Yi!" Jin Lingsheng said Lei Yi's name, and his face became savage.

After all, the opponent not only killed the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master, but also their Young Master Yun Zhaoshu.

Such great enmity is not shared!

Zhuzhao heard the words, a little annoyed and said: "I knew this, I should have killed him directly when the two of them had waited, and shouldn't let him survive!"

You Ying shook her head and sighed, "Brother, even so, I won't be able to kill him. That Zhuo Fangyan would have followed us a long time ago. With his means, I really want to protect that kid, we really are. There is no way!"

"Zhuo Fangyan?" Yuan Zhongsheng and the others were a little surprised upon hearing this.

In fact, they all knew Zhuo Fangyan, and even if they didn't meet each other, they had heard of the Peak Master Jiufeng of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

However, in their impression, the peak master of one of the original nine peaks, Wengui Peak, should be at the bottom of the Celestial Human Realm in the middle of the Celestial Human Realm, and even the strength is slightly weaker than some of the true stories.

Hearing the meaning of the second envoy of the sun and the moon, this one seems to be not weak in strength, and can even contain the second envoy.

Zhu Zhao recalled for a moment, and said with a look of dread: "Zhuo Fang sees that this person is not weak, and the city is extremely deep. He has been hidden in my true spirit for many years. He is willing to be despised by the peak master and even ordinary disciples. Lu Shui, I didn't expect to have such a strong strength, even if it was me, it is estimated that he will not be able to beat him in a short time!"

"Oh, even the second envoy of the sun and the moon can't take this person?" Hearing this, Yuan Zhongsheng became interested.

After You Ying heard this, she felt a little uneasy, and then said: "The Yuan Sect master is serious. If the two brothers and I really want to do our best, then Zhuo Fang's eyes will be one person after all, how can we..."

But halfway through what she said, a bright light suddenly appeared on Jin Lingsheng's waist.

This scene interrupted You Ying's words, and at the same time made the woman's eyes widen, with an unexpected look on her face.

"This light, could it be..." Candlelight was even more surprised, looking straight at Jin Lingsheng's waist.

Seeing this, the latter quickly took out the luminous object from the storage bag, which was a simple token.

"This is... the token of the Forbidden Soul Palace, the token of the nomads!"

"The token is glowing, could it be..."

You Ying and Zhuzhao looked at each other, and there was a trace of heat flashing in the eyes of both sides.

"Second messenger, do you know what the mystery of this thing is?" Yuan Zhongsheng asked quickly when he saw this.

When the two heard this, they said: "It can't be wrong, this light... Someone must have opened the Temple of Fighting, so the token of the Hall of Forbidden Soul will react like this!"

"The luck of the two of us is so good. Since they opened the Temple of Fighting and the token of the Forbidden Soul Temple is in my hands, then we can also rely on this thing to enter the Temple of Fighting and plan to break the real legacy of Xuanzong. Treasure!"

"Master of Yuanmen, you guys, let's set off quickly. As for what this token represents, I will explain to you on the way later. But I can tell you that this time I have the opportunity to wait!"

After the candlelight was finished, he directly controlled the escape light and flew up, rushing to the road without looking back.

You Ying naturally followed, pushing the speed of escape to the limit, for fear that she would be a step too late.

But Yuan Zhongsheng and the others, looking at each other, could only keep up.

The Temple of Fighting God is located.

Lei Yi glanced at the puppets stationed on both sides of the entrance, and when he saw that they were not moving, he quickly rushed into them.

"Tie the dragon cable, I don't know where, there is still the true inheritance of the Doushen Temple, what supernatural power is it?"

At this moment, Lei Yi had countless guesses in his heart, what exactly it looked like as a dragon-binding rope that could be regarded as a treasure by the Po Tian Xuanzong.

There is also the inheritance hidden in the main hall, and what kind of powerful magical powers.

Potian Xuanzong was originally a large sect at the same level as True Spirit Immortal Sect. True Spirit Immortal Sect has 108 methods of heaven and earth, which can be called the pinnacle of cultivation.

Then there must be a corresponding magical power within Potian Xuanzong.

With such expectations, Lei Yi couldn't help but speed up a bit.


But at this moment, he stepped on a mechanism for some reason.

"Bold madman, trespassing in my Doushen Temple, it's almost death!" At this moment, there was another stern shout in the hall.

"This voice is the person just now, it seems to be the Young Sect Master who claims to be Xuan Shaolong!" Lei Yi heard this voice and immediately reacted in his mind.

According to Yuan Ruomeng, the leader of the Doushen Temple is Xuan Shaolong, the young master of the Po Tian Xuanzong, and the opponent is the son of Xuantian Mie, who guarded the Doushen Temple from being invaded by foreign enemies.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the other party is still fulfilling his duties.

But what is strange is that, based on time calculation, Xuan Shaolong should have exhausted his lifespan long ago, and it is impossible to survive to the present.

Because Doushen Temple has always been in a state of ban, Lin Daoxian could not enter this place, and naturally he could not resurrect Xuan Shaolong.

And Yuan Ruomeng didn't prepare Xuan Shaolong's body as a puppet, so it was naturally impossible for the other party to live as a puppet.

So where does this sound come from?

Lei Yi does not know the answer to this question.

But now he doesn't have the time to manage these things.

Because at this moment, near his location, stone gates on the surrounding temple walls opened, and countless puppets rushed out of it.

Most of these puppets are five or six feet tall, and some of them are agile puppets that are one or two feet tall, and these puppets are not in human form, but in various animal forms.

After the puppet appeared, he twisted his joints and killed Lei Yi.

"The breath of each puppet is in the Dharma state, it is not a threat to me, but it is a waste of time to deal with them!"

Seeing that the puppet was killed, Lei Yi wanted to take action, but after considering his own purpose, he chose to avoid the battle.

He concealed his body into the shadows, and then his body turned into a squirming black shadow, advancing all the way from the stone wall.

These puppets seemed to have sensed it, and countless hot rays of light burst into their mouths, launching attacks at the location of the black shadow.


All rays of light bombarded the temple wall, and a silver barrier lit up, blocking all the attacks.

The prohibition of Doushen Temple not only can withstand the enemy's attack, but also the offensive of the puppets of their own can be completely resisted.

But Lei Yi took advantage of the gap and fled directly into the distance.

The speed of the puppet was naturally unable to keep up with him, and soon lost the target, all standing still.

More than an hour later.

At the entrance of Doushen Hall, there was a sound of footsteps, and it was obvious that someone had entered here again.

"Hahaha, the prohibition here has disappeared. God helped me wait!"

"Brother Zhang is still cautious, leaving a means before every treasure. If the restrictions in a certain place are loosened, this is the opportunity for me to wait!"

"Where and where, I just kept an eye on my mind, and I have to rely more on Brother Li's means for the next journey?"

"Hahaha, I waited to act together, I was going to collect all the treasures of this place in one go. As the saying goes, sincere cooperation and win-win cooperation, that is to say, I am waiting for a few people!"

Before these people arrived, the sound of conversation had already spread into the nearby passage.

Listen to the voice, this time it should be some familiar people who have formed a team to discuss together.

Soon, they came to the position where Lei Yi had encountered the puppet.

"Huh, there are so many high-level puppets in this place?" One of the team found the puppet and was overjoyed.

High-level puppets, they are all treasures, as long as they are fully driven by the spirit crystals, they are a great help for themselves and others.

The group looked at each other, and they all saw joy in each other's eyes.

This time they just came in and they got so many puppets. Doesn't it mean that they can harvest quite a lot this time?


But at this moment, a harsh sound entered everyone's ears.

Several people looked back and saw that the last person in the team stepped on a mechanism.

Immediately afterwards, something that made these people fearful happened.

The puppets in front of them were all activated, and they flared their teeth and claws at them, ready to go.

"No, the puppet has started!" One of them yelled, and then Sa Yazi ran away.

When the other people saw this, they showed their magical powers and ran as fast as they could.

Just kidding, there are so many high-level puppets here, they are a group of casual repairs, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is low in strength and needs to team up for expeditions, which is capable of encircling and suppressing so many puppets.

At this moment, this group of people does not have the attitude of going hand in hand. They can run as fast as they can. Some even attacked their companions around them, which greatly reduced the speed of the latter and was soon overwhelmed by the puppet’s attack. .

There is a saying that it’s a good idea that a dead Daoist friend does not die a poor Dao. That’s how it works.

I don't need to run the fastest, I just need to run faster than the people around me, so that they become the targets of puppets and they can get off the line.

It is not a single person who thinks of this. Many people see that the people around them run faster than themselves, and that is to directly attack their teammates.

"The surname is Zhang, you bastard!"

"Friend Li Daoist, you really did not do anything to me!"

"I'm **** your whole family..."

How harmonious it was just now, how resentful this group of people is at this moment, the contrast before and after is too obvious.

But it is a pity that just as the group of people turned their heads, they saw a figure wearing a pitch-black armor standing at the entrance of the Doushen Temple.

"You guys have exhausted their popularity!"

The visitor said in a cold voice, while cutting out with a sword.

With the strong death spirit spreading, the entrance finally calmed down.

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