I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1153: Supernatural guard

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Doushen Hall, inside the main hall.

The appearance of Xuan Shaolong disrupted Lei Yi's plan.

He never expected that this Young Sect Master, who had fallen for so many years, would actually appear in this way.

In addition, the opponent can also control the prohibition of the Doushen Temple, summoning two golden armored puppets to attack him.

And now, the two golden armor giants, who have reached the strength of heaven and human, have stood in front of Lei Yi, sharpening their swords.

"How to fix this..." Lei Yi looked at the Xuan Shaolong corpse on the altar in the middle, then glanced at the puppet walking towards him, and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

It is impossible for him to say that I am his own, so please be merciful under Sect Master.

It is estimated that this person should not listen, because in the other's cognition, those who came here have been classified as intruders.

Since the explanation is not necessarily useful, you can only use other methods.

However, his attitude still needs to be made clear.

Lei Yi thought of this, and shouted at the figure on the altar: "I am not an intruder, but a disciple of the Potian Xuanzong, please see Sect Master!"

"Huh, the intruder, he is dying on the verge of death, and he is still thinking about deceiving him with a lie. Do you really think I can't tell the truth from the fake?" The latter seemed to be aware of Lei Yi's plan, and suddenly scolded.

As expected, it was useless to explain!

Lei Yi sighed and said in secret.

"Destroy the intruder!"

After that, Xuan Shaolong gave an order, and the golden armored giant puppet also began to act.

On the body surface of these two giant puppets, silver runes flashed, and the runes were attached to the surface like armor inlaid with them, shining brightly.

The action speed of the giant golden armor also accelerated, crossing hundreds of feet of distance in an instant, before Lei Yi approached.

The attack methods of these two puppets are straightforward, without any supernatural power blessings, they are two fists about ten feet in size, which are like a meteor from the sky, smashing into the thunder and easy.

But in the face of such an "unpretentious" attack, Lei Yi felt the great power on the giant's fist.

However, if the fight was really hard, he wouldn't be persuaded.

Seeing the fist smashed down, he jumped up, his feet volleyed, and his figure disappeared into the same place in a flash.

When he appeared again, the first round of attacks that had been avoided rushed to the position of the giant's head.

"This is... a step to the sky!" And seeing Lei Yi's movements, Xuan Shaolong also noticed something strange.

The visitor can actually get close to the cloud's supernatural powers. Did the other party go to the Hall of Falling Sun and see the secret exercises?

"However, you can't defeat these two puppets by stealing a step to the sky!"

As if to prove his words, Lei Yi sprinted to the puppet and blasted out with a punch with the law of strength.

The fist was in the middle of a puppet's face. The huge fist power was like a siege weapon. The figure of the smashed giant trembled, and his hind legs couldn't help but took a few steps.

But Lei Yi's fist strength can only achieve this level. The giant punched hard, not even to the end. After shaking his body for a few times, he actually recovered his balance.

And there are two giants.

One of the giants was temporarily forced to retreat by Lei Yi, but the second giant had already opened his arms, as if swiping flies, two big hands whizzed out.

Under this blow, Lei Yi, who was in the middle of his two palms, felt a distorted space, and a huge force confined his figure in the air.

He looked at the irregular changes in the void around his body, and instantly exclaimed: "Can the law of power actually cause the void to reverse?"

Facing this hugely hurtful and insulting attack, Lei Yi twisted his body with difficulty, trying to avoid it.

But the golden armor giant's palms seemed to have some kind of power attached to it, which actually slowed his mobility greatly.

"If that's the case, it can only be this!" Seeing the palm of his hand getting closer, Lei Yi's eyes flashed, and the golden light on his body surface flowed.


The next moment, the void trembles, and the golden armor giant's palms finally close together.

Under this blow, the void in the palm of the giant was shattered a lot, and Lei Yi's figure disappeared without a trace.

"How come!" But Xuan Shaolong exclaimed as if he had found something wrong.

Before his words fell, a golden light shot out in the void behind the giant's head, and it was Lei Yi.

"Thunder God Spear!" After he appeared, the dark thunder and lightning lingered on his arms, his figure also turned into a flash of lightning, rushing to the blind spot of the golden armor giant's line of sight.

"How is it possible that even the secret skills of the Thunder Palace are mastered!" Xuan Shaolong also saw the scene of Lei Yi using the Thunder God Spear, and exclaimed again.


In his sight, the golden armor giant's neck joint was directly hit by the Thunderbolt.

The black thunder and lightning raged, the giant's body trembled, and countless sparks splashed up.

The huge body of the golden armored giant has silver runes on the surface, but it is useless. Under the power of thunder and lightning, its body gradually stiffens.

This blow not only broke the giant's defense, but also severely damaged the joints of the neck.

After a few breaths, the giant who was hit fell to the ground with a twitching body.

Relying on the power of thunder and lightning, Lei Yi really severely wounded the body of a giant golden armor, causing it to lose the ability to move.

"You still have some skills, so let me take care of you personally!" At this moment, Xuan Shaolong finally acted.

Seeing the body of the corpse in the middle of the altar, a blue light burst out, hovering in the air for a while, and then flew into the head of another giant golden armor.

On the center of the giant's eyebrows, a blue mark appeared, and at the same time, on the gold armor of its body surface, there was also how much blue texture it needed.

"Intruder, now you are under the control of this "Divine Power Guard" yourself, you have no chance of winning! "

"Is there any chance of winning? It's not you, the dead man!" Lei Yi scolded angrily, naturally not having a good attitude towards Xuan Shaolong.

This one shot indiscriminately, and now the two of them are enemies, it's strange that he can be polite.

"Huh!" The latter just let out a cold snort, the silver light on the surface of the giant golden armor circulates, and countless silver runes light up, turning into a layer of armor.

The giant's hands lifted up, and then he blasted out a punch.

"Long Xiaoquan!"

The huge fist bombardment is just that the silver rune on its surface seems to have come to life, generally, turning into several real dragons circling up, making a loud dragon chanting sound.


In the fist, it seemed that Long Wei was also mixed, which made Lei Yi feel a great deal of pressure.

"Is this the background of Young Sect Master, really powerful!" Under such pressure, Lei Yi said in his heart, but golden light emerged from his body.

In an instant, his figure turned into a golden shadow, rushing hundreds of meters away at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the fist fell, and a huge roar erupted.

"Huh, do you think you can avoid it?" Xuan Shaolong's mockery came from the giant's body.

In the place where the fist fell, in the bursts of explosive air, countless silver dragon shadows flew out, unexpectedly sprinting towards Lei Yi in the distance.

"It's still locked?" Lei Yi was also a little surprised when he saw this scene.

His arms crossed in front of him, and the laws of his body strength vigorously turned into a silver protective cover to resist him.

The silver dragon's shadow arrived instantly, drowning its figure.

The huge attack energy was turbulent and collided with Lei Yi's defense, making a loud rumbling noise.

"Huh?" In the body of the divine power guard, Xuan Shaolong seemed to be aware of Lei Yi's state and let out a soft huh.

Amid the blasting air current, a figure rose into the sky, and under the volley step, a blast in the sky sounded.

"I want to do this trick again!" Xuan Shaolong let out a cold snort, and the manipulative supernatural power guard quickly blocked his right hand against the back of his neck.

It turned out that Lei Yi had no idea when he had hit the back of the giant's head, and a dark thunder and lightning bounced out of his body.

"It can be like this!" Seeing the giant's defense, Lei Yi was also stunned.

But his magical powers have been sacrificed, and the arrow has to be sent on the string.

After measuring the giant's defensive power, he knew that it would be difficult for him to penetrate the arm and hit the vital point of the neck when the opponent resisted it with his hand.

If your neck is useless, change your goal.

After Lei Yi's gaze scanned the body of the supernatural guard for a while, it finally focused on one point.

His figure shot out in an instant, sprinting to the front of the back of the divine power guard's neck at a thunderous speed, and then volleyed and slew down.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Xuan Shaolong was shocked.

He remembered that the Thunderbolt was a bold move, without changing direction in the middle.

And Lei Yi's offensive position is a bit wrong.

However, Xuan Shaolong didn't have any fear after protecting the vital points of the back of his neck, manipulating the supernatural power guard to sacrifice supernatural powers.

On the surface of the giant, countless silver runes lit up, forming a silver protective cover to protect the body.


The next moment, above the silver protective cover, a huge earthquake struck, and that was the movement of Lei Yi's attack colliding with it.


The protective shield was shattered by a single blow, and then Lei Yi's figure hit the giant's surface, and the pitch-black lightning hit the target.

Countless electric arcs raged up, covering the body surface of the divine power guard, and immediately after sparks splashed, the giant's body began to tremble violently.

"Hmph, you can't do this trick!" The supernatural power guard ~www.readwn.com~Xuan Shaolong snorted coldly.

The giant body surface, the blue light circulates, a force different from the silver rune unfolds, actually dispelling the power of thunder and lightning.

And Lei Yi, after attacking, flew to the corner of the main hall and distanced himself from the guards of the divine power.

After the lightning around his body was dispelled, Xuan Shaolong controlled the divine power guard and was about to launch another attack.

"It's useless, my dark thunder has hit you!" But Lei Yi just chuckled, as if he didn't care that the other party would chase him.

"What?" At the next moment, Xuan Shaolong, who was controlling the divine power guard, also noticed the abnormality.

The giant under his control, as if out of balance, suddenly fell to one side.

I don't know when, on one of the giant's legs, there was still pitch black thunder and lightning, and the joints had lost their mobility.

Xuan Shaolong thought he dispelled the thunder and lightning, but in fact it did not.

With one leg unable to move, he naturally couldn't control the actions of the divine power guard, and falling was an inevitable result.


The giant puppet collapsed again, and the roar sounded one after another.

While Lei Yi watched this scene, helplessness emerged in his heart.

If possible, he didn't want to fight Xuan Shaolong.

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