I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1150: The target is the dragon lock

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The ruins of Potian Xuanzong, where the Temple of Fighting God is located.

Lei Yi looked for a hidden place.

This is an abandoned building. It looks dilapidated on the outside, and there is nothing good at first glance, so no one will pay attention to this place, but it is a good place to hide.

He did this because he had to wait for people, waiting for Yuan Ruomeng to meet with him.

"Several seniors, do you have anything to do, don't let me wait in vain!"

Lei Yi waited anxiously as he watched the casual Xiu hurriedly passing by, as well as some tall puppets.

Fortunately, after half a day, he finally received a message.

A spot of light in the distance approached quickly, and under continuous acceleration in the air, it turned into a meteor and flew straight toward Lei Yi.

Fortunately, because of the puppets, there are very few casual cultivators in the surrounding area, otherwise, if they see it, they might rush over.

The spot of light quickly flew into the abandoned building where Lei Yi was located, and after a short pause, the surface flashed brightly.

Then the light turned into a woman, it was Yuan Ruomeng.

"Senior Yuan, you are finally here!" Lei Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming.

"Don't waste time, we still have a task to do!" But Yuan Ruomeng waved his hand and signaled Lei Yi to be polite.

Then, she quickly asked: "What did you find in the Temple of Innocence?"

"Oh, you said this, then I really found out that the situation was like this..."

Lei Yi quickly told Yuan Ruomeng everything he "saw" in the Wusheng Palace.

"What, don't say that the sect master is planted with the corpse **** insect, there is also the blessing of the seven-star magic array!" Yuan Ruomeng's face changed after hearing what Lei Yi said.

"The Sect Master actually sacrificed this for us. I'm really sorry for waiting!" After the woman was melancholy for a while, she sighed.

Lei Yi also knew that Xuantian Mie knew what would happen to him, but he resolutely chose to do so, just for the continuation of the Heaven-Breaking Xuanzong.

If he had chosen to escape by himself, then Xuantian Mie would probably survive, but the entire Po Tian Xuanzong would definitely be destroyed.

Although the result was still the same, Xuantian Mie did not choose to escape, but faced the difficulties head-on. This alone made Lei Yi awe.

Fortunately, Yuan Ruomeng quickly adjusted his mood and murmured, "Since it is a Seven-Star Magic Array, then I will change my plan a bit later..."

With that, she looked at Lei Yi, and then at another direction, her eyes turning, as if thinking about something.

But soon, she withdrew her mind and said solemnly: "Lei Yi, I will give you a task!"

Seeing that Yuan Ruomeng was so solemn, Lei Yi naturally asked the other party for instructions: "Senior, please tell me, what task is there, I have to complete it as hard as I can!"

"It's not as serious as you said, but to complete this task, it really takes a lot of effort!"

As he said, Yuan Ruomeng pointed to the center of the building complex and slowly said: "This place belongs to the temple of Doushen, but the orthodox inheritance of our sect is in the true temple of Doushen at the center. This place is just a mountain gate. ."

"Lei Yi, next I need you to enter the Temple of Fighting God, and obtain the treasure of my sect "Dragon Binding Cable". Only with the divine power of this thing can it be possible to restrict the actions of the Sect Master! "

"Longsuo?" Lei Yi was a little confused when he heard the name.

Isn't Potian Xuanzong all body refiners, let alone Array Master refiners, even if there are few practitioners.

But this dragon rope must be a magic weapon.

Yuan Ruomeng may have seen Lei Yi’s doubts, and explained: “This thing is the treasure of the Xuanzong’s Zhenzong, possessing the immense power to capture the dragon and bundled immortals, and has natural restraint on the monster race. According to legend, the East China Sea back then During the heyday of the dragon clan's strength, the monster clan in the sea once drove the monster clan into the world of criminals, and the suzerain used this treasure to capture the dragon king of the east sea dragon clan. Without a leader, our human clan defeated the army of the east sea clan!"

"So exaggerated!" Lei Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

Being able to capture the treasures of the Dragon Race in the Saint Realm would definitely limit the actions of Xuantian Destruction.

"But you have to be careful. You must use five tokens to enter the Battle God Temple. Once the Battle God Temple is opened, even if there is a restriction, people with other tokens can enter it. We did not **** it from those people. Back to the token of the Forbidden Soul Hall, so they are likely to enter the Doushen Hall and conflict with you!" Yuan Ruomeng then exhorted.

The group of people she said are naturally Jin Lingsheng, Yuanzhongsheng these true spirit immortals.

"One more thing, Youying and Zhuzhao, who used to be the guardian beasts of My Sky-Breaking Xuanzong in the past, know everything about my sect. Once you enter the Temple of Fighting God, the two of them will almost certainly The target is locked on the dragon rope, you have to be careful!"

"Is it the second envoy of the sun and the moon?" Lei Yi muttered when he heard the names of these two people and swallowed his saliva.

If you say you are afraid, you are naturally afraid. After all, these two people are the peak powers of the Heaven and Human Realm, and they are still acting together.

He couldn't even fight one-on-one. Wouldn't it be that he was looking for death when meeting two people?

"Senior Yuan, I will be careful!"

"Well, I'll take you there. When the Doushen Temple is opened, the few of us have to prepare too!"

Yuan Ruomeng took Lei Yi and Yukong flew towards the real fighting temple in the center.

Flying all the way along the way, the two of them saw many fights between the puppets and the monks, but even if they saw the monks being killed, their hearts did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Yuan Ruomeng naturally did not have the slightest affection for these intruders.

The same is true for Lei Yi, he has never sympathized with greedy people.

But now that he was passing by, he also pointed to a puppet below and asked: "Senior, what structure are these puppets? Why are they so strong that I can't break them?"

"You can't break it?" Yuan Ruomeng glanced at Lei Yi unexpectedly, then remembered something, and slowly said: "They are just sandbags used by Doushen Temple disciples to practice their supernatural powers. If you can't break them, It shows that the defense power of these puppets has been increased to the maximum!"

"Sandbags?" Lei Yi muttered, looking down.

The monks that these sandbags will break into, kill people on their backs. When those monks see the puppets appearing, they shunned it like a mouse saw a cat.

Such a puppet is actually a training sandbag for a disciple of Doushen Temple?

"That's because you haven't cultivated my sect's strongest supernatural powers, so you can't defeat the puppets. When you enter the Battle God Temple, you can go to the secret hall to see it. Although the Young Sect Master probably destroyed the stone wall that records the supernatural powers. , But depending on your ability, you can look back in time!"

"That said, indeed!" Lei Yi sighed, after learning some magical powers of the law of time, it was convenient.

As long as you can look back in time, no matter how fast you destroy it, I can recover.

Similarly, Lei Yi also became interested in the strongest supernatural power of Xuanzong Potian mentioned by Yuan Ruomeng.

"Does this magical power have a name?"

"You will know when you enter, we are here!" Yuan Ruomeng did not, but pointed forward.

In front of the two, a huge palace appeared.

The entire hall was protected by a layer of golden protective cover, and there were many puppets patrolling on the outside, so the monks who broke in rarely came here.

However, Lei Yi discovered that there were many people hiding nearby, and he sensed the breath of many people.

"Sure enough, this place hides important treasures at first glance. These people are really patient!"

"Leave them alone, we can do our own thing!"

Yuan Ruomeng said, flying to the top of the protective cover, raising his hand and offering four tokens.

Obviously, Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng and Gao Jinyun also gave her the tokens.

Naturally, Lei Yi was not far behind, and took out the token of the Asura Palace.

In an instant, the five tokens burst into light, and then they gathered in one place in the air and began to spin rapidly.

Where the five tokens are, a golden light soars into the sky and sinks into the cloud.

The gray sky was pierced by the light, revealing a pitch black, like a night sky.

And all the hidden monks around them all showed excitement.

Obviously they could also see that Yuan Ruomeng and Lei Yi had the ability to open the restriction here.

They did not act rashly, but it did not prevent them from getting ready.

Once the prohibition is opened, they will use what they have learned in their lives and rush into the temple in the middle.

As long as they get to the place, they have a chance to contaminate the treasures inside.

As for the risks, the greedy people have long been dumbfounded by the treasures they might get, how can they care about it?

In the sky, a ray of light fell, shining on the top of the protective cover.

After a few breaths, the protective cover began to melt like ice and snow falling on a sunny day.

"Charge!" I don't know who shouted, and the monks all around heard the wind and rushed towards the Fighting Temple.

"Looking for death!" Yuan Ruomeng only sneered when she saw this scene, as if she was mocking the ignorance of these people.

After laughing, she grabbed Lei Yi and flew to the five tokens with him.

The token spread out again, and Yuan Ruomeng took the token from the Shura Temple and raced it into Lei Yi's hands.

"Take the token, don't go down yet!" The woman didn't forget to exhort her at last.

After speaking, she flew directly into the distance.

Lei Yi is still in a daze.

He looked down at the monk who was like a locust crossing the border, and muttered, "How come there are so many people hiding!"

But vomiting is back to vomiting, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He chose to listen to Yuan Ruomeng's words and did not act hastily.

The protective shield below finally disappeared, and the barrier that blocked these monks was gone.

But at this moment, within the Battle God Temple in the center, there was a huge burst of energy exploding.

"I am Xuan Shaolong, the young master of the Emperor Xuanzong, and anyone who violates my sect will be punished!"

With this scream, energy swept across the four directions, drowning all the monks in it.

Even the high altitude where Lei Yi was located was also within the attack range of that energy.

But the token in his hand lit up with a burst of light, forming a protective cover on his body surface to block out all the energy.

"It turns out that there is still this hand, is it the back hand arranged by the Young Sect Master?" Lei Yi muttered, secretly saying that he is still too young.

Fortunately, Yuan Ruomeng reminded him, otherwise he would not be the same as the monks below.

This group of people was in the energy, and even the screams were too late, and their bodies were crushed into powder.

For a while, the area around the Doushen Hall was completely quiet.

Lei Yi was watching this scene, and after confirming the movement in the Doushen Temple, he flew into it.

His goal is the treasure of the sect, naturally the sooner he gets in, the better.

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