I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1149: Temple of Fighting

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Wusheng Temple.

The point in time Lei Yi is now.

Within the hall, the power of the law of time gradually dissipated, and the golden light began to dim.

Lei Yi fell to the ground, panting.

He is really tired now, not only the power of the law of time in his body has been exhausted, but also relying on the ability of the heavenly secret tree to continuously absorb the law of time between heaven and earth, making his body exhausted.

Not to mention that the vitality in the body is also exhausted, and his combat power is now infinitely close to zero.

Even if he relies on the body of the heaven and human realm, and wants to recover, it will take a long time.

Fortunately, this is the Temple of No Life, surrounded by zombie forests, a natural danger, and no one came to seek death.

After Lei Yi felt that the dantian was empty, no matter what else, he quickly recovered.

This meditation is just a few days away.

When he recovered again, Lei Yi looked at his hands and muttered: "Next time, I won't use this trick for anything. It's really tiring!"

However, there are advantages to doing this, at least he saw the last Sect Master of the legendary Po Tian Xuanzong, and talked with him.

"Sect Master Xuantian Annihilation, I will not disappoint you!" He said so, and immediately came to the corner of the Wusheng Palace.

"I remember that Sect Master Xuantian Mie is the box that was put down in this position, it seems like this... so... in this... oh, there is it!"

He imitated Xuantian Mie's, knocking on the floor in the corner, and finally activated the mechanism.

The floor here is sunken, and then a platform slowly rises, and a black box is placed on the platform.

Although Lei Yi was curious, he couldn't help being impulsive. After saluting the box respectfully, he took it down with a solemn expression.

There is no mechanism on the box. It seems that when Xuantian Mie placed the box, he thought that even in the future, no one would find this.

There are not many objects inside the box, only a roll of ordinary animal skin cushions, I don't know what kind of monster beast's fur, and it feels very tough.

After Lei Yi opened it, he found that there was nothing on the animal skin cushion.

"This...this is what Sect Master Xuantian Mie gave me?" Seeing this animal skin cushion, Lei Yi was stunned.

He never expected that Sect Master Xuantian Mie would leave him with this thing. What's the use?

Lei Yi tried it and found that this animal skin was indeed tough, and his strength was already so great that he couldn't even tear the thing apart.

He also made various attempts, soaking in water and burning with flames, but he couldn't leave any marks on the animal skins.

"Forget it, Sect Master Xuantian Mie must have his intention to give me this thing, I will keep it!"

Lei Yi couldn't see the mystery of the animal skin cushion, but he also knew that this thing was extraordinary, so after putting it in the black box again, he put it away solemnly.

Next, his purpose of coming here has been achieved, and he left the Wusheng Palace without hesitation.

There is nothing in the Wusheng Temple, and it would be a waste of time for him to stay here, so it is better to go to the Doushen Temple and meet Yuan Ruomeng and others earlier.

"The information has been mastered, the next step is the last step!" He said so, but prayed in his heart that Yuan Ruomeng and the others should be fine.

Otherwise, without their help, he would not be able to accomplish those tasks himself.

Thinking of this, Lei Yi naturally stepped up to Yukong and flew in the direction of Doushen Temple.

Remains of Po Tian Xuanzong.

In the most central place, a group of ring mountains are in the middle.

This place is the center of the ruins. Surrounded by mountains, there is a crater that is particularly eye-catching.

And in the middle of the mountain, protected by the peaks, there is a continuous building complex.

This place is like the total gate of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, with numerous buildings, dotted with sculptures, and crisscross.

When Lei Yi came here and saw the buildings in the center, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this place is Doushen Temple.

The location of the Doushen Hall is easy to recognize, right at the center of the Potian Xuanzong ruins, which also symbolizes the orthodox status of the Eight Halls of the Doushen Hall.

It is a pity that at this moment, the vicinity of the Doushen Temple is not calm. In the center of the building complex, the fire is soaring to the sky, and huge explosions can be heard from time to time.

"Sure enough, this place is in the middle. Many people must have discovered this place!" Lei Yi was not surprised to see such a scene.

In such a big place, it is hard not to be discovered.

Those who entered this place were all monks, and most of them were casual cultivators. These people were all hungry wolves who smelled of blood, and were greedy.

They are not even afraid of the power of the Wuxin Divine Sect, and venture into this place just to take a chance.

Now that I see Doushen Temple, I will naturally not let it go.

"I just don't know whether there are restrictions in this Doushen Temple. If there is nothing, then I guess the contents in it will be emptied by this group of people!"

Lei Yi murmured, and hurriedly flew towards the building complex where the Doushen Temple was located.

He was really afraid that he was going to be late, and this group of casual cultivators had done all sorts of frantic things.

As a result, as soon as he landed, before he could see the surroundings clearly, he heard an explosion behind him.


Amid the huge roar, firelight emerged, and several figures flew out from within a palace.

When they landed, several of them had become mutilated corpses, with scorched burn marks on their bodies.

"Cough cough... what kind of puppet is that... why is it so powerful..." one of them coughed up blood, dying.

Lei Yi glanced at him, and quickly turned his head away, because this person's body had been divided into upper and lower halves, and now he was talking about the upper body, while the lower body was twitching a few meters away.

He didn't care whether the other party was alive or not, anyway, this was a mortal person.

"Puppet?" He was thinking, what kind of puppet was attacked by this person before, and it was so miserable.



At this moment, a tremor came from the ground.

Lei Yi quickly looked into the hall, and saw a huge black shadow coming out of it. In the smoke and dust of the explosion, one arm broke through the smoke and launched an attack at him.

"Sure enough, it's a puppet!" Seeing the structure of the arm, he knew that this was the culprit who killed the gang of cultivators.

After all, Potian Xuanzong was one of the two major sects of the immortal cultivation world at that time, and Doushen Temple was the orthodox place of this sect. How could there be no defensive power.

The appearance of these puppets is actually a good thing for Lei Yi.

But if they attacked themselves, that's another matter.

Seeing the puppet attack, Lei Yi was not vague, and threw a punch.


His fists collided with the giant palm of the puppet, who was unbalanced and backed away again and again.

But what Lei Yi didn't expect was that after the puppet retreated a few steps, and only shook his body a few times, he immediately regained his balance and ran towards him.

"Hey, what a sturdy puppet!" Seeing this scene, he also felt the extraordinary puppet in front of him.

His own fist can smash even a mountain, so it can't be a puppet.

If there are such puppets in this Doushen Temple, there is no way to survive for casual repairs, a puppet can destroy these people in a group.

The puppets attacked again, and Lei Yi also wanted to see the strength of these puppets, so he punched again.

But what surprised him was that the puppet seemed to be in a reaction, and also fisted to meet him.

Not only that, in front of the puppet's fist, a silver rune circulated and covered it.

"What, the law of strength!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally exclaimed.

But then, the two fists collided and a loud roar erupted.


Lei Yi's figure quickly retreated to the rear. After he stood still, his figure swayed a few times before his balance was restored.

He looked ahead, a dark shadow rushed out again in the smoke and dust.

Seeing the puppet who took his own punch but did not slow down at all, his eyes widened.

This puppet is invincible, and he can easily receive a punch in the middle of the heaven and human realm. For the casual cultivator of the law phase realm, it is a big killer!

His fists can be blocked, what the Heaven and Human Realm San Xiu can use to contend with these puppets.

Lei Yi looked around, and he saw a lot of explosions, and screams came into his ears from time to time.

Obviously these places are exploding big battles, or one-sided battles, and the puppets are slaughtering the monks.

"Forget it, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and there is no need to waste time with the puppet!"

Lei Yi thought so, just under the puppet's fist, his figure was divided into nine, and then he fled directly from nine directions.

Seeing this move, the puppet paused for a while, then continued to swing his fists and attacked several clones.

The clone was naturally defeated by a single blow, but Lei Yi's body had already taken advantage of this gap to find a neutral and ran away.

He is now hiding in the corner of a building, his figure is hidden in the shadows, and the puppet is definitely not found.

Sure enough, after losing the goal, the puppet just paused, and then rushed directly to another temple not far away.

Afterwards, several casual cultivators screamed in the hall, but then the screams turned into screams again.

In the end, the sound stopped abruptly, and they were obviously annihilated by the puppet group.

Lei Yi was speechless for a while, quickly checked a direction and left quickly.

But just after he left, a cloud of black mist rose from the ground, and then a figure walked out of it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is a masked man, and the impermanent ghost mask on his face also shows his identity.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this kid is really fateful. I heard that Yuanzhong Sheng took people to encircle him, but he was also run away and came here!"

"However, Youying and Zhuzhao seem to be here too. I don't know why this place can stop the giant's attack. Those two guys obviously also know about it, and they have taken refuge here early. Although there are some here too. There are many puppet activities, but for me, these puppets are not a threat. I am afraid that the kid will really meet You Ying and Zhuzhao. With his strength, facing one of them alone is not good. Ah, if this happens to both, wouldn’t it be..."

The impermanent ghost's tone was filled with a hint of helplessness, which was obviously worried about Lei Yi's safety.

"But having said that, this kid is born with great fortune, can you find a lot of good things with him?"

"Forget it, forget it, with that kid, although there may be chance, but the danger is also greater. My luck has always been bad, and I am afraid that the kid is okay, but something has happened to me!"

The impermanent ghost thought for a while, and finally extinguished the mind that followed, but left in another direction.

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