I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1118: Falling sun hall high near the clouds


Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire field shook violently.

Not only did Lei Yi not expect this scene, but even Cecil, the surgeon, did not expect it.

Boom, boom!

The tremor gradually intensified, and it was accompanied by a thunderous roar.

Gradually, the domain seemed to be unable to support it, and the lifelessness in the domain also erupted, as if it had lost its balance and was about to collapse.

As the domain changed, the gate of the underworld that Cecil had summoned began to sink into the ground gradually.

"Impossible, what is going on?" Cecil looked around in disbelief.

Such a change happened in his field unexpectedly.

"Boy, hurry up and prepare, this area will be broken by myself!" At this moment, Lei Wanhong finally spoke.

"Breaked by someone?" Lei Yi was shocked when he heard the news.

"What's the matter, the domain is a means of imprisoning the enemy, so the caster will draw all enemies into the domain. In other words, the inside of the domain is very strong, and it is almost hard to be broken by people, but not necessarily outside?"

Hearing what Lei Wanhong said, Lei Yi felt that it made sense.

Boom, boom!

At the edge of the field, the roar has never stopped, and it has even become more intense, with higher and higher frequencies.

"How is it possible that someone is attacking my domain outside!" Finally, Cecil also noticed the abnormality.

He looked at Lei Yi and then at the gate of the underworld that had almost sunk underground. He knew that Lei Yi could not be killed this time.

In the end, life surging on his body, the huge area gradually shrank, and the surrounding scenes returned to their original appearance again.

The domain was taken back into his body by him, and the surrounding area turned into the full view of Sunset Peak.

And in the distance, a figure soared into the sky, carrying an astonishing aura, and rushed towards where the two of them were.

"Impossible, there is an air ban here, how did he fly!" Looking at the figure rushing over, Lei Yi was stunned.

"This is... Xiao Gao!" But the three people around his waist recognized the person.

"Xiao Gao, could it be Gao Jinyun, the leader of the Palace of Fallen Sun, didn't the opponent died in the battle that year!" Lei Yi muttered while looking at the figure.

If it is Gao Jinyun, how did the other party resurrect?

But this is obviously not the most important thing now.

As the domain retracted, Cecil's gaze shifted from Lei Yi to the person who kept attacking his domain.

"Who are you?" He asked in a cold voice as he watched the people approaching quickly.

"Bold evildoer, and dare to come to my sunset peak to do evil, today I Gao Jinyun will take you down on behalf of Potian Xuanzong!"

The visitor screamed, then he stepped on the air and rushed to the sky.

"Is this a step to the sky?" And seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally exclaimed.

Cecil held the cross sword high, his body surface was lifeless, and he shot several slashes in the sky.

Although his attack speed is fast, the opponent's evasion ability is even better.

Gao Jinyun's figure was in mid-air, relying on the ability to step up to the sky, stepping and moving continuously.

The high-altitude air ban could not stop him at all, allowing him to shuttle freely as if walking on the ground.

The slash was naturally avoided by him, and he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes.

"What!" And this scene also made Cecil feel a bit tricky.

He wanted to fly, but the huge pressure around him prevented him.

The air ban on this place is indistinguishable, and Gao Jinyun is affected, so naturally he can't get rid of the ban.

Unable to take off and being occupied by the opponent at high altitude, Cecil was also very troubled.

"Monster, pick me up!" At this moment, Gao Jinyun in the sky finally made a move.

His figure swooped down like a goshawk, then adjusted his position in mid-air and kicked it out.

On this foot, the power of countless laws is condensed, and the power is amazing.

He was falling extremely fast, and the atmosphere began to rub, causing him to turn into an alien meteor.

Gao Jinyun made a kick under such a mighty power, and that power even reached the peak strength of the Celestial and Human Realm.

Lei Yi saw it clearly, the power of this kick was naturally absolutely irresistible.

He can't, don't know if Cecil can?

"Fall in the sun!" Gao Jinyun slammed close to Cecil, screamed and kicked out.

A huge shadow of the legs fell, submerging Cecil.


The mountain shook, and the burst of air completely submerged the battle group.

Lei Yi blocked his front with his hands, stood still, and the law of physical strength emerged, which barely supported his body, preventing himself from being blown away by the waves.

Then he let go of his consciousness under the blow of the air wave, and leaned forward.

Among the divine consciousness, there are only endless waves of air and countless runes spreading in the air.

"The power of this kick is too amazing!"

He had to admit that the power of this kick really refreshed his cognition.

"Of course, this is Xiaogao's unique skill, and the name of Sun Falling Palace comes from this!" Lei Wanhong's voice was heard from the jade card flashing on Lei Yi's waist.

"One step to the sky plus the sun falling foot from a high altitude, this is definitely Xiao Gao!" Yuan Ruomeng finally said, as if he had confirmed the identity of the visitor.

At the same time, Cecil and the opponent's fight came to an end.

At this moment, Cecil had no intention of fighting again.

His ability was cracked by Lei Yi, and there was another strong enemy at this moment, so it was natural not to fight for long.

When the qi wave dissipated, his figure took the initiative to pull away from the opponent.

"This is the end of today's battle. In the future, I will definitely kill you, a human being, and clear all obstacles to that lord's plan!"

Cecil threw a cruel word to Lei Yi, and then his body turned into a mass of lifelessness and sank into the ground.

"Bold evildoer, don't want to run away, fight with me for another three hundred rounds!" In the sky, Gao Jinyun seemed to be embarrassed to run away from Cecil and scolded.

But it is a pity that Cecil hid underground and has already gone far.

At this moment, he also lost his goal.

"Who are you!" But soon, he came to Lei Yi again and asked coldly.

"Xiao Gao, this kid is ours!" But the jade card on Lei Yi's waist flickered, and then three figures appeared.

Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng and Yuan Ruomeng, the three revealed their deities.

"Senior Sister Yuan, why are you here!" But at the moment Gao Jinyun only saw Yuan Ruomeng in his eyes, and directly ignored Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong.

"Quickly, come and sit on my sunset peak. We haven't spoken for many years." Gao Jinyun came to Yuan Ruomeng with a happy expression on his face.

But then, he found Lei Yi who was standing aside, and Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng who looked faintly unkind.

"Who is this kid, and these two puppets, why do they look familiar?"

Yu Fusheng: "..."

Lei Wanhong: "..."

Lei Yi: "???"

Feelings, Gao Jinyun didn't recognize Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong.

"Xiao Gao, you don't even know Lao Tzu anymore. Are you itching? Looking for a fight!" Lei Wanhong finally couldn't help it and cursed directly.

Gao Jinyun finally reacted, how could this puppet look familiar, and he was still wearing a very eye-catching robe.

He knew this robe that a certain acquaintance stayed with him all year round.

"With this tone, and with this attitude, you are the vulgar Lei Wanhong!" Gao Jinyun looked at Lei Wanhong's puppet and couldn't believe it.

On Lei Wanhong's puppet face, the eyebrows jumped unconsciously.

"Then another puppet, is it rain floating?"

"Yes, it's me!" Yu Fusheng also spoke, revealing his identity.

Then, he pointed to Lei Yi and said, "This kid is a disciple of my Potian Xuanzong. After the sect was destroyed for so many years, he is the last one to get started!"

"No wonder, I said that the breath of this kid is a bit familiar, it turned out to be a new beginner!" Gao Jinyun looked at Lei Yi and nodded.

"Speaking of which, how did you resurrect and what happened to this body?" Lei Wanhong finally couldn't help it, and asked directly.

The three of them rely on the body of a puppet to survive, and Gao Jinyun does not look like a puppet in any way.

"This body was made by Lin Dao of the Inanimate Hall first. He resurrected me using some kind of secret technique, and specially customized this body according to the appearance in front of me, so that my remnant soul can be completely completed. Master, so I am now in a half-life state!"

"Lin Daoxian, the guy in Wusheng Palace is alive..."

After listening to Yuan Ruomeng, he murmured in a low voice, not much surprised.

"Hmph, that guy is actually refining corpses and ghosts, and resurrecting from the dead is nothing weird to him!" Lei Wanhong chuckled and didn't care.

After speaking, he squeezed his chin and looked at Gao Jinyun: "But, this way of resuscitation makes me a little envious. It's definitely better than a puppet body!"

"No, you won't be envious!" Gao Jinyun shook his head, and looked at his arm, with a complex expression: "This body has many limitations, the most important of which is the life span of being able to move. I have moved now. Decades, and this body has less than a hundred years to be able to move. Once the time limit is exceeded, it will not be able to support it, and my soul will lose its carrier and completely fall into the underworld!"

"One hundred years, too short!" Lei Wanhong couldn't help hearing this news.

"One hundred years is really short for me to wait for my life, but I can come back from the dead, and seeing you, I have already fulfilled most of my wish!" Gao Jinyun said, his face was not happy. sad.

"In other words, why are you looking for me as a puppet?"

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to your Hall of Falling Sun to talk in detail!" Yuan Ruomeng glanced around, and finally pointed to the sunset peak.

"Alright!" Gao Jinyun naturally wouldn't object and bowed to invite.

Subsequently, UU read www.uukanshu. com, he walked in front of the crowd, walking towards the sunset peak.

Lei Yi naturally followed at the end of the team, and followed the group to the Sunset Peak.

Along the way, Gao Jinyun was extremely enthusiastic and talked with Yuan Ruomeng from time to time.

This caused Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong to look a little complicated.

On the one hand, they are a little dissatisfied with Gao Jinyun's attitude, but on the other hand, everyone is the same and has "resurrected from the dead", so there is not much to say.

Because everyone is dead, there are no many worries.

"In other words, I should be fortunate that I was forced to practice the "Gu Shen Jue" by the Sect Master, otherwise my soul would have been destroyed, and Lin Daoxian would not be able to resurrect me! "

On the way, Gao Jinyun mentioned this incident suddenly.

As for the Sect Master, the three Yuan Ruomeng suddenly fell silent.

Obviously, they thought of that thing again.

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