I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1117: Reversal of death for a living

Inside the ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong.

Under the sunset peak, Lei Yi and Cecil were fighting.

At this moment, Lei Yi had been recruited, and the death energy in his body began to spread.

His flesh and blood, his meridians, and even his skin were all infected with death air.

"I'm actually... careless..."

He never expected that Cecil's ability turned out to be so insidious and impossible to guard against.

But what the other party said was right. In the realm of lifelessness, it was still too easy to get hit.

"So, you have already lost now!" Seeing the death in Lei Yi's body erupted, Cecil pointed at Lei Yi and said so.

And Lei Yi?

It is desperately suppressing the dead energy in the body and preventing it from erupting.

But it's a pity that this is Cecil's ability, not something he can suppress by relying on the blood in his body.

On the contrary, under the extreme suppression, the dead energy in the body became more and more violent.

In the end, these death auras got out of control and broke out completely in his body.

A large amount of lifelessness erupted from Lei Yi's limbs and a hundred corpses, and his whole person was drowned in the gray misty lifelessness, and his vitality gradually weakened.

"Farewell, young people of the human race, the threat of our plan. Although you will return your soul to the underworld after today, I, Cecil, will remember you forever..." Cecil held the cross sword and prayed.

And when he prayed, life was gushing in the realm, and Lei Yi's vitality disappeared completely.

Cecil ended his prayer, and the eyes of the black visor looked forward again.

"Okay, now according to Lord Garuda's instructions, I should take Princess Garuda home!" He said so, and was about to step forward.

"Huh?" But soon Cecil found out something was wrong.

In his induction, he was originally only left in the domain, but at this moment, there was another life form in the domain.

"Impossible, who broke into my field?"

Originally in the domain, only Lei Yi existed, but the other party was already "dead", then who is this extra life form?

"No one broke in, it was me who came'live' again!" But then, a voice came out of death.

Cecil was no stranger to this voice, but it was Ray Yi's.

"Impossible, being attacked by my death, you can't be alive!"

But this result, Cecil did not accept.

His lifelessness represents death, and so far no one can survive from his lifelessness.

And Lei Yi actually did something that no one else could do, which simply refreshed his three views.

"How can't it be!" In death, a figure slowly walked out, it was Lei Yi.

At this moment, his body is full of vitality, and a faint white mist emerges from the surface, blocking the invasion of death.

These white mists exudes a strong vitality, and the death energy around them cancels each other out, and even makes the death energy unable to get close to Lei Yi.

"This is... the life force!" Seeing the white mist, Cecil finally said in surprise.

The force of life, the natural enemy of death, and death are two opposites.

"Impossible, in my domain, there should only be the law of death, which represents the power of life. How did it enter my domain?" Cecil looked at Lei Yi with a stunned tone.

He really couldn't figure out why the power of life appeared in his domain and also saved Lei Yi.

To know that his law is death, then in the realm, there can only be death, and the force of life cannot coexist with death.

"Life and death are inherently opposed. From life to death, from death to life, the two are not incapable of coexistence. The extreme of death becomes life, and the extreme of life evolves into death. This is the main practice of the peak master. The description in "The Wheel of Life and Death"..."

"Cecile, your ability is really powerful. You who can control the lifelessness are definitely the strongest enemy I have encountered. Without this ability blessing, I might really be dead now!"

Lei Yi said, raising his hand and grabbing, a mass of death in the sky was caught in his hand.

But then, a burst of golden light appeared in his palm, and the death breath actually began to change in his palm.

Within the aura of death, the power representing the law of death gradually dissolves and is replaced by a life force.

The death breath was actually in the palm of his hand, gradually transforming into the force of life.

"How is it possible that you turned the power of death into the power of life!" This time, Cecil was not calm at all.

The power that represents death has become a power that represents life force in Lei Yi's hands. How can this be played?

After Lei Yi sucked the life force in his body, he was muttering in his heart: "It's dangerous. If I didn't use the technique of inverting Yin and Yang to turn death energy into life, I might really fall."

"I'm so lucky. I saw the practice of "The Wheel of Life and Death" and understood the commonality and relativity between the force of life and the force of death. After the death energy is completely reversed and reversed, this will save me. Life force."

By reversing the yin and yang technique and reversing the dead energy, this is the key to his survival.

Although Cecil's abilities are strong, Lei Yi's Taoism can reverse even yin and yang, so it is natural to reverse the dead energy.

As long as lifelessness becomes vitality, then Cecil's terrifying offensive power is naturally not threatened.

"Cecile, now you are no longer a threat to me!" Lei Yi looked at each other, haha ​​smiled.

"You are too presumptuous, human!" Hearing this, the latter was finally angry.

After saying this, he once again waved the cross sword in his hand and slashed several slashes forward.

But facing this offensive, Lei Yi stood still, letting the deadly slash approach approach.

Just as the death breath rushed in front of him, a golden light curtain unfolded, covering all the death breath that came in.

In the next moment, the nature of lifelessness in the light curtain began to change, gradually evolving toward opposing vitality.

"Impossible!" And Cecil, who actually saw this scene, was surprised again.

His abilities were actually completely reversed by Lei Yi, and his attack methods were actually ineffective at this moment.

He couldn't believe it, but what he saw before him was telling him that this was really happening.

His lifelessness was reversed by Lei Yi into anger, so he had no means to threaten him.

But what made him even more concerned was what method Lei Yi used to reverse his death.

What is the ability of the other party?

"Can your ability reverse the enemy's power?" He looked at the opponent and asked.

"Who knows?" But Lei Yi obviously wouldn't tell the enemy his own cards.

"Now, you no longer have the means to threaten me, it's time for me to fight back!" Under the protection of his vitality, Lei Yi has been unable to resist the lifelessness of the surroundings, and turned from defensive to offensive, ready to take action.

"Hmph, even if your ability can reverse death, but in my domain, the power of death is endless, and your ability must have its limit!" Cecil waved the cross sword in his hand, also not believing in evil ways.

"Then give it a try!" Lei Yi finally yelled out, his figure already rushing towards the opponent.

The two fought again, and Lei Yi's fist rushed towards Cecil like a torrent.

As he said, when the only means of death was lost, Cecil was just a super soldier who could only swing a sword and slash people.

This time, Lei Yi switched from defensive to offensive and took the initiative to attack.

He is now pressing against the opponent and playing Cecil back steadily.

"Hahaha, after losing your lifeless support, what are you left!" Lei Yi laughed loudly after he blasted the opponent into the air with a punch.

At this moment, he is very high to the point.

When Lei Yi flew out, Cecil's face under his visor was naturally extremely ugly, and his eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

"Provoking me, how stupid you are!" At this moment, Cecil finally couldn't help it.

He was very angry and exploded.

Under the cover of lifelessness, his figure disappeared in place, and Lei Yi also lost his goal, and the offensive could only be given up.

In the rear, death surged, and Cecil's figure appeared.

At this moment, he raised his cross sword high, and a deadly storm blew up in the entire field. Countless dead gas turned into a whirlpool, quickly gathering towards the center.

"Originally, you were not qualified to see my trick, but if you provoke me so much, let you see the true power of my domain..."

Against the background of lifelessness, Cecil's gray runes flickered, and at the same time a huge door slowly rose from the ground.

"Boy, this is the magical power of the second re-creation of the realm, this door door is the other side's magical object!" When Cecil moved, the jade pendant on Lei Yi's waist flickered, and Lei Wanhong's voice came out. .

"You can reverse Yin and Yang, but facing the realm of creation, your ability is still not enough. At least this door, you can't reverse it!" Yu Fusheng also followed.

"I don't need the two seniors to remind me, I can see it too!" Lei Yi already knew the result.

The realm of the creation realm possesses more powerful magical powers, and that huge door can't be destroyed by oneself using Taoism.

"Human, UU reading www.uukanshu.com When I summoned this "gate of the underworld", it was already doomed for you! "After the whole picture of the door was revealed, Cecil also said as if announcing the end.

"Now, it's time to open the door to the underworld..."

Following his words, the door began to open slowly.

Countless death energy spread within the domain. The density of death energy in the entire domain has increased three or four times compared to before, and this growth continues.

A gap was opened in the door, and there seemed to be endless lifelessness inside, making Lei Yi feel a heart palpitation.

More than that, inside the door, there seemed to be the rush of thousands of troops and horses, but I don't know whether there are dead souls inside.

But Lei Yi knew that this door could never be completely opened.

For this, he needs to fix Cecil and prevent the opponent from continuing to cast spells.

"Tiandou..." He clenched his fists, opened his posture, and was about to prepare for a fierce attack on the opponent.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred!

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