I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1119: Rescue the lord?

The setting sun peaks.

The Hall of Falling Sun was built here.

The design of this hall is the same as that of Shuyu Hall and Xunlei Hall, and it was made by the same designer at first glance.

The only difference is that most of the walls of this hall are red gold, glowing like the afterglow of the setting sun, and it looks like a falling star from a distance.

No wonder this place is called Sunset Peak, Lei Yi can see the reason.

But when it reached the sunset peak, Lei Wanhong sent Lei Yi to the main hall.

"Boy, there is a secret method in the main hall that records a step to the sky, you can go and take a look!"

After speaking, he motioned Xiao Gao with his eyes.

However, the latter was obviously unable to judge the puppet's expression, and he remained motionless.

"Xiao Gao, what are you doing in a daze, take out your experience in the practice of falling sun feet, don't hide it!" There was no way, Lei Wanhong spoke directly.

At this moment, Gao Jinyun stopped doing it and shook his head and said, "Lei Wanhong, what do you mean, falling from the sun is my unique skill, you let me pass it on to outsiders?"

"What an outsider, this kid is a disciple of my Po Tian Xuanzong. The sect has been destroyed for hundreds of millions of years. It would be nice to have a descendant. You still have to choose what to do!"

When Lei Wanhong said this, his expression became excited: "Furthermore, you have been dead for so long. If you don't inherit your unique stunt without the help of future generations, wouldn't it be a waste of your energy to create stunts!"

"You said that, it seems that there is such a reason..." Gao Jinyun was really moved.

He was right when he thought about it. If his unique skills were lost, wouldn't he have been "educated" by the Sovereign for so many years.

"That's all right, I'll just hand it over!" He said so, took out a jade slip from his storage bag, handed it to Lei Yi, and exhorted: "Boy, this is my unique door to Gao Jinyun. The stunt, I will rely on you to carry it forward in the future!"

Lei Yi took the jade slip and was pushed halfway down by Lei Wanhong before entering the main hall on the side.

It could be seen that Yuan Ruomeng and the others obviously had something important to discuss, so they let themselves leave.

He wouldn't ask too much, otherwise it would be bad if it attracted the hostility of these seniors.

"Okay, that kid has left, we can also discuss the important matter!" Yuan Ruomeng said after confirming that Lei Yi had left.

Gao Jinyun didn't know the details, so he asked, "What a big deal, you actually let the three of you come to me?"

Yuan Ruomeng and Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng looked at each other, and then said solemnly: "I plan to help the Sect Master get rid of the suffering of the forbidden soul, so that his soul can ascend to heaven!"

"What, you guys are thinking..." Gao Jinyun heard this, but he didn't know what to say.

"Back then, the sect master decided to protect the sect forever, you really..."

"Yes, it was indeed the Sect Master who made up his mind to protect the sect back then. That's why Lin Daoxian used the forbidden technique of the Wusheng Palace to refine himself into the legendary "Heavenly Corpse King", who is immortal and immortal. Only in this way can the sect be protected forever. "

When Yuan Ruomeng said this, after speaking, his tone became a little melancholy and sad.

"But, what about this? In the end, the Sect Master did not die, but he would suffer from corpse poisoning his heart for eternal life. At the same time, his soul was also imprisoned in his body. Even if the sea was rotten and the world was turned upside down, he could not leave this place. Can silently patrol the clan for thousands of years. Do you think it is good for the lord to do so?"

As soon as he said this, Gao Jinyun fell silent.

"You put yourself in your place and think about it, if you were to stand in the position of the sovereign, would you be able to endure the pain like today?"

"I..." Gao Jinyun was stunned for a while, and then smiled wryly: "Senior Sister, you know me. If it were me, you might not be able to hold on for a month!"

After speaking, he looked at his body and sighed: "In fact, since I was resurrected, I have always used hard training to paralyze myself, because I know that if I don't do this, I will go crazy. If you make me change Like the sect master, the soul is imprisoned in the body and can only patrol in the sect for the rest of my life. Then I guess I would be crazy!"

"So, you can't take it anymore. Sect Master has not known how many years he has maintained this state. Do you think he is not in pain?" Lei Wanhong slapped Gao Jinyun on the shoulder, using a unique large Said the voice.

"But... the access control technique is Lin Daoxiannong. If you want to save the Sect Master, how can you find him?"

"Why, isn't he no longer in the Palace of Lifelessness?" Now, it was Yuan Ruomeng's three people looking at each other.

"You also know that Lin Daoxian is not a human being. He was a corpse refiner who was able to cultivate Dao. Fortunately, he was captured by the Sect Master and returned to the sect after successful cultivation. He finally became the Palace Master of the Wusheng Palace, but his His whereabouts have always been secret, of course I don't know where he is anymore." Gao Jinyun spread his hands and knew so much by himself.

"Wait, didn't you have been resurrected by him? Since he resurrected you, he will naturally resurrect others. As long as we follow his path, we will definitely have a chance to meet him!"

"That said, but I mentioned it when he was resurrected. He seemed to have gone to the Forbidden Soul Hall first. Presumably the nomads should also be resurrected. Then the only places we are going are the Doushen Hall and the Asura Hall? "

"Dou Shen Temple and Asura Hall?" Yuan Ruomeng's eyes rolled, as if thinking where the other party would go.

"Don't think about it, he will definitely not be able to enter the Doushen Temple!" Seeing this, Lei Wanhong said quickly:

"After the sect was attacked back then, the Sect Master activated the Protector's Array. The Battle God Temple is even more orthodox of our sect. There is a second restriction to seal this place. If you want to open the Battle God Temple, only the tokens of the five leaders can be opened. The tokens of the few people I'm waiting for are all on me, so naturally he can't enter the Doushen Temple!"

"So, there is only the Asura Hall left?" Yu Fusheng murmured, his expression a bit solemn.

"Shura Palace? This is not a good place!" Lei Wanhong also frowned, his expression a little unhappy.

"No, we have to go to the Forbidden Soul Hall to find the nomads first!" But in the end, Yuan Ruomeng spoke like this.

She saw a few people look over and explained: "In order to understand the salvation of the lord, I must open the Temple of Battle, so I need five leaders to be present at the same time. I, Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng, and you Xiaogao are only four people. One short. You said, Lin Daoxian's whereabouts are uncertain. If he can't find him, if he doesn't go to the Asura Palace, wouldn't I wait for nothing? I might as well go find the nomad and collect five tokens. Say it again!"

"Well, our plan is to find the nomads first, and then to find Lin Daoxian!" Gao Jinyun nodded and understood.

But then, he pointed to the main hall and asked: "The kid, what are you bringing over here, what is his role?"

"His role is great!" Yuan Ruomeng waved his hand, and then explained: "If you want to rescue the sect master, someone must be able to suppress the sect master. With the strength of the sect master realm and the immortal body of the heavenly corpse king, Even if I wait for a few people to join forces, it is estimated that it can only be suppressed for a moment, and this is still a conservative estimate given when the time and place are favorable. In this case, the few people I wait for cannot be distracted. That is the kid. The key person in the second operation, when I can't be distracted, he will help the Sect Master to get free!"

"His strength is so weak, he shouldn't be competent enough, right?"

"At first, I thought so, but when he fought with the deadly strong man just now, his combat effectiveness was extraordinary, and he..."

When Yuan Ruomeng said this, he paused and said slowly: "And he is still a disciple of Meng Shiqi, and his major is the law of time, one of the three supreme laws. Dao Fa!"

"What, Meng Shiqi!" Gao Jinyun's expression suddenly became extremely complicated when he heard these three words.

All the scenes that took place in the clan that year appeared before us.

"Relax, this kid has already withstood the test of my class. He is not a member of the True Spirit Immortal Sect. On the contrary, he has a great feud with the True Spirit Immortal Sect. Moreover, when Meng Shiqi was in office, the relationship between my sect and the True Spirit Immortal Sect was still Harmony, at least the other party did not commit any wrongdoing. The culprit that led to my destruction of the Heaven-breaking Xuanzong was also the inherited dream magic power after Meng Shiqi chose to sit down!"

When Lei Wanhong said this, a touch of hostility appeared in his eyes.

The mention of the three words "Meng Shentong" made him extremely angry.

"The kid said that the dream magical power is still the head of the true spirit fairy sect, and the true spiritual fairy cult has been passed down for so many years, presumably that dream magical power has also used some secret method to survive for so long!"

"Although I want to take revenge very much, we also know that it is impossible to defeat the dream magic power with our strength. The other party has lived for so long, and the means will inevitably exceed our imagination."

"The purpose of my waiting is to rescue the Sect Master and get him out of the pain of corpse refining, and the rest will be discussed in the long term!"

After everyone said, they continued to plan.

As for Lei Yi, he was in the main hall, looking at a wall, lost in thought.

"What are these people planning? Are they planning to leave this place and seek revenge from the True Spirit Immortal Cult?"

He thought so, even observing the secret technique on the temple wall absent-mindedly.

Although Lei Yi doesn't ask too much, UU reading www.uukanshu.com doesn't mean he can't guess.

Yuan Ruomeng and others have the enmity of exterminating the sect, and they are naturally hostile to the true spirit fairy religion.

Put yourself in the situation and think about it, if he is Yuan Ruomeng and his party, then the plan must be revenge.

The True Spirit Immortal Sect destroyed their sect and killed them all.

After so many years, they survived with the help of puppets, and their hearts were bound to be full of resentment.

If they are not planning revenge, then what else can make them so cautious?

Anyway, Lei Yi couldn't think of it.

But none of this has much to do with him. If Yuan Ruomeng and others really want revenge, he might be able to join their team.

And now, he withdrew those guesses and began to observe the secret technique of "One Step to Heaven" recorded on the wall of the temple.

This secret is still very good in the use of fighting techniques.

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