I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1116: Fight again with Cecil

The Yin Po enemy in front of him is not the deity, but Cecil pretending to be.

Lei Yi already knew that Cecil and Garuda came to the immortal world and had contact with Shenzong Wuxin, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to pretend to be the young master of Shenzong Wuxin.

The other party slaughtered the monks, didn't they call the Wuxin Divine Sect black?

Or, this is the original purpose of the other party!

But Lei Yi at this moment has no time to think about this, because Cecil has already done it.

"Well, today I am different from yesterday, so I just use you, the ten general, to consider my strength!"

Facing Cecil, Lei Yi was not timid, but instead had a raging warfare burning in his body.

He clenched his fists, his figure disappeared into the same place under a flicker.

This action avoided Cecil's cross sword slash, and caused the latter to be surprised.

"Oh, your speed..."

"The scholars should be respectful for three days, you should understand this truth!"

Behind Cecil, Lei Yi's figure suddenly shot out, and punched the opponent.


A punch was in the middle, and the air wave surged.

This scene made Lei Yi a little surprised, or that Cecil had no intention of avoiding it at all.

But after hitting the opponent with a punch, Lei Yi's expression became serious, because the touch of the fist was a bit wrong.

"I have to say that your strength improvement is indeed beyond my expectations. Even the adult said that if you don't get rid of you as soon as possible, then you are an obstacle to my plan!"

In the air wave, a gray shadow slowly emerged, it was Cecil's deity.

He tore off Yin Podi's mask, revealing his true face.

The dark armor, the lifelessness that permeated the whole body, and the inability to see the whole picture under the visor, only revealed a gloomy face.

This is Cecil, the head of the ten generals.

"Galudaia?" Lei Yi murmured back in his body.

This person also came to the immortal world, and was lurking in Wuxin Shenzong, not knowing what he was planning.

But no matter what plan they are planning, Lei Yi is a thorn in their eyes.

"Yes, that lord asked me to bring you a word!" Cecil stood up with his sword, looked at Lei Yi, and said in a cold tone: "His daughter is still in your hands. You must pay Garuna back. give him!"

"Huh, is he still thinking about his daughter?" Lei Yi laughed after hearing this and mocked: "Since he is looking for his daughter, why doesn't he come in person?"

"It doesn't need to be like this..." But Cecil shook his head, waved the cross sword in his hand, and said coldly: "Just kill you, and Garuna will be taken away by me!"

"That also depends on whether you have this ability!" Lei Yi exclaimed, waved his fists, and made a move instantly.

Behind him, a golden figure appeared, it was the soul.

In the face of Cecil, he also knew that he could not hide his clumsiness.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Killing Array!"

He and Shenxun punched continuously, turning into a wolf shadow in the sky, and rushed towards Cecil.

Seeing this, the latter did not move, but just waved the cross sword in his hand, cutting out a lifeless sweep.

The death spirit collided with the wolves and canceled each other out.

But Lei Yi's expression became solemn again, because he punched with all his strength, and Cecil just waved a sword casually.

"Is there a gap in strength after all?" He knew that in terms of his hard power, there was still a big gap with Cecil, the head of the ten generals.

Maybe the ten generals he can deal with right now are only the plague Docot at the end.

"Boy, how come your moves are so similar to those of the Shura Hall?" But at this moment, the jade medallion on Lei Yi's waist flickered, and Lei Wanhong's voice came out.

"Senior, what are you talking about?"

"Your kid uses his blood to perform his stunts, which is very similar to the secret boxing technique of the Shura Palace, and the move you used just now should imitate the "Sirius Hunting". We can't get it wrong! "

Lei Wanhong spoke again: "But, your hard power is not enough. You didn't go to the Asura Palace to learn the real secret boxing, otherwise if you really want to use Sirius to hunt, the opponent won't be able to stop it so easily!"

"Senior, what's the use of these? If you want to go to the Asura Palace, you have to settle the crisis before you!"

Lei Yi is helpless, this is still fighting, you and I are forced to talk about this.

"That's right, then you guys do your best, the three of us will cheer you on the side!" Lei Wanhong said, there was really no voice.


Lei Yi never expected that Lei Wanhong and the three would actually become a cheerleader.

He also thought that with the strength of the three of them, it should not be difficult for him to take Cecil.

It turned out that Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng, and Yuan Ruomeng had no intention of making a move at all.

Of course, this is also related to the rules of the Po Tian Xuanzong.

This school has a special rule of martial ethics: when disciples are singled out against others, no one else will rush in.

If Lei Yi knew that Potian Xuanzong had such a rule, he would definitely complain about this group of people.

"Death Cross!" But at this moment, Cecil shot.

He slashed out two lifeless auras in a row, and under the intersection of the air, they turned into a cross-marked slash, attacking Lei Yi quickly.

"So fast!" When Lei Yi condensed his mind and looked forward, Cross Slash had already reached a distance of less than four feet in front of him.

"Time Tyrant!" At the critical moment, he directly used his supernatural power.

The golden light curtain unfolded, and the speed of Cross Slash suddenly slowed down, including the death spirit.

Only then did Lei Yi have the skill, moved to one side to dodge, avoiding this slash.

"Well, my attack was slowed down?" Cecil saw this scene, equally surprised.

But then, he looked at Lei Yi's whole body intently.

"In your body, there are now more than two powers of laws. It seems that you have grown in this world more than I thought!"

"At least it's enough to deal with you!" Lei Yi laughed, and his fighting spirit was high.

"Really?" Cecil waved the sword in his hand again, cutting out several attacks at Lei Yi.

In his slashing, there was a strong and incomparable death energy, and with each blow, all the vegetation on the ground withered.

Lei Yi also knew that Cecil's ability was death, so he dared not let the attack directly hit his body.

His power unfolded again, slowing down all the dead energy approaching.

Although Cecil's offensive is strong, it is easy to avoid as long as the speed slows down.

Lei Yi relied on the tyrant of time to avoid Cecil's attack once again.

But when he was about to make another move, he saw Cecil holding up the cross sword and making a gesture of prayer.

Not only that, his whole body, countless death auras turned into essence, and gray-black runes flashed in it, condensing towards his body.

"This is..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi had a bad feeling in his heart.

He had seen this scene before, and it was before Zhuo Fang's eyes fell.

"The realm expands, the dead world of the underworld!"

Cecil was full of life, spreading and covering all around.

In a nutshell, within a hundred li, they were all overwhelmed by death.

Lei Yi once again fell into Cecil's domain.

He looked at the lifelessness of his body, his eyes became particularly solemn.

Because of these death auras, he no longer attacked his physical body all the time, and he could feel that the death auras were gradually weakening his flesh and blood.

The body of the realm of cultivation is full of vitality, but the life here is endless. If you want to fight attrition, Cecil will definitely occupy the right time and place.

"In my underworld dead world, all creatures will be attacked by death aura, and your ending is doomed!"

In his lifelessness, Cecil walked out slowly, wearing a dark armor, and pointed his sword at Lei Yi, as if announcing the end of the battle between the two.

"That's not necessarily!" But Lei Yi, without a trace of fear, faced him directly.

"To fight against the domain, you can't only rely on other domains, it's also a means to deal with the practitioner!"

At this point, Lei Yi's eyes showed a hint of anger, and he raised his finger to the opponent: "This is what the peak owner told me at the last moment of his life, that you killed the peak owner!"

"Peak Master?" Cecil murmured, "You mean, the old ghost who blew himself up among your party at that time?"

"Yes, he is my peak master, and he is a great kindness to me!" Lei Yi heard Cecil's words, his expression was even more indignant.

"You don't seem to know anything?"

"what do you know?"

"Fine, it's useless to talk to a dying person, you just die here!"

Cecil didn't say much, and disappeared in place as soon as his figure moved.

Lei Yi frowned, and his divine consciousness spread out, spreading to the surroundings.

But in the entire field, there is endless death aura, and these death auras can even shield the divine consciousness, making him unable to detect the location of Cecil.

Just as he looked around, a group of death energy condensed behind him and turned into a phantom.

Xu Ying raised his hand and grabbed Lei Yi's heart.

But when the attack approached Lei Yi, it was blocked by a golden light curtain, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

"Sure enough, I guessed you would engage in a sneak attack!" Lei Yi suddenly turned around, and then blasted out with a punch.

The fist hit the phantom and defeated it, but Cecil still disappeared.

"Aren't you a knight? What a skill to hide your head and show your tail!" Lei Yi saw that the other party was not showing his figure, and he mocked directly.

"When did I hide my head and show my tail?"

In front of Lei Yi, a group of death energy condensed and turned into a figure, it was Cecil.

After he appeared, he cut out with a sword.

Lei Yi's pupils shrank slightly and he was about to dodge.

But when all his attention was focused on the opponent, he found that after the sword was swung, nothing happened.

"What's going on, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a feint?"

"No, I have hit you!"

But Cecil pointed his sword at Lei Yi, under the dark visor, and said such a sentence.

"What..." Lei Yi was stunned. He couldn't believe it. He had been staring at the opponent the whole time. How could the attack be hit?


But the next moment, his heart beat suddenly.

And on the skin of his arm, a trace of death began to spread.

"How come..." He couldn't believe it, he was really hit.

"This is my realm. This boundless lifelessness is all my attack. You have been in my power from the beginning, but you still don't know it!"

And Cecil, as if he was a victor, was telling a fact.

Lei Yi, you've been recruited!

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