I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1115: You are not Yin Podi!

Star Reaching Hall.

"Three seniors, thank you for helping me protect the law, thank you very much!"

When the cultivation base was stabilized, Lei Yi thanked Yuan Ruomeng for the first time.

"Boy, you are welcome, you are my disciple of Xuanzong Potian, as the leader, we should help you!" Lei Wanhong waved his hand and signaled that it would be OK.

"Well, that's the end of the Star Catch Hall business, we still need to continue on our way!" Yu Fusheng on the side spoke quietly, with a solemn expression.

Obviously, there are other things in his mind.

"Yes, I have not completed the task of waiting for the three of us, so we must hurry up!" Lei Wanhong also looked into the distance, his gaze wink.

What Lei Yi sees is inexplicable. The three of you have been dead for so many years. What more needs you to accomplish.

He thought, he glanced at Yuan Ruomeng, the only "normal" among the three, but found that the woman's gaze was also looking into the distance.

"Is there anything in that direction..." Lei Yi muttered, but didn't ask much.

Some things, when you want to know, you will naturally know.

He didn't want to know now, so he didn't plan to ask more.

Anyway, Lei Wanhong and the three people should not be hostile to them, and it is enough to know this.

Finally, the four set off.

However, the three people of Lei Wanhong changed their bodies under Yuan Ruomeng's signal.

Because the puppet's body was too attractive, the three of them turned into three two-finger-wide jade medals, which were hung around his waist by Lei Yi.

In this case, it is much more convenient, but the person on the road has also become Lei Yi.

He became a tool man again, and helped the three of them travel.

Next, Lei Yi started his journey and left the Hall of Star Harvesting.

But of course when he came to the outer area of ​​Meteorite Mountain, Yuan Ruomeng stopped it.

A jade medal on his waist flickered, and then under a flash of light, it turned into a woman, it was Yuan Ruomeng.

"There is a strong sense of death here, and a lot of people died not long ago!" The woman looked around and frowned.

After all, the Hall of Star Harvesting was her territory, and some people slaughtered monks in the outer area, which made this woman dislike it.

"There is so much death, either too many people have died, or the hands of the ghost cultivators..."

Lei Yi knelt down to check the trail, but unfortunately there are not many clues here.

He can actually use Huitian to return to the sun to check, but the dead monks are all intruders, and he doesn't need to waste time for these people.

"Keep on going!" Yuan Ruomeng's figure moved and turned into a jade medal again, hung on Lei Yi's waist.

The latter naturally had no opinion, and rose up into the sky and flew in a certain direction.

This time, the place he was going to was the Hall of Falling Sun, the leader of this hall was called "Xiao Gao" by Yuan Ruomeng.

But it is a pity that the leader chose to die in battle at the time, and did not continue his life as a puppet.

However, Yuan Ruomeng said that they went to the Hall of Falling Sun to ask for Xiao Gao's help.

This makes Lei Yi very strange. People are dead, how can they help them?

What's more, Yuan Ruomeng's three people want to do something that needs so many helpers to complete it. Isn't the strength of the three of them far enough?

In fact, it's not enough.

Not only did the three of them fail, even if the leaders of the Eight Palaces all shot, the probability of being able to complete it was five to five.

Of course, Yuan Ruomeng and the three would not tell Lei Yi about these things, because it involved a secret thing that year.

Half a day later.

The ruins of Potian Xuanzong, near a very high mountain.

"Three seniors, this is the sunset peak you mentioned, right?"

Lei Yi looked at the slender mountain in front of him that looked like a pillar, with a strange expression on his face.

This mountain is actually very big, but because it is too high, the end is even submerged in the clouds, so it looks very slender.

"Yes, this place is Sunset Peak. The Hall of Falling Sun is on the top of this peak. Please pay attention, don't..." The three jade plaques hung on Lei Yi's waist flickered, and one of the jade plaques came from Yuan Ruo. The sound of dreams.

But before this woman had finished speaking, Lei Yi had already taken a step forward and flew towards the mountain.

But before he got close to the mountain, the sudden change occurred.

In the void, a huge magic circle suddenly formed and appeared just above Lei Yi.

Then a heavy pressure struck him, blasting him to the ground.

In the face of this change, the law of Lei Yi's physical strength emerged, and his figure barely maintained his balance under the weight of resistance.

"Fuck, this gravity!" He vomited, but all he could do was to resist the heavy pressure while leaning towards the ground below.

Finally, when he landed on his feet, he was still tired and sweating and panting.

"This... is this all about?" He panted, and asked quickly.

"Can you listen to me finish talking?" Yuan Ruomeng's cold words came.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry!" Lei Yi scratched his head, his face a little embarrassed.

"This is the range of the Hall of Falling Sun. The entire sky above the sunset peak is equipped with a forbidden air ban. People who are waiting for leisure cannot keep flying. You can resist the force of the ban and barely stabilize your figure, which is not bad!" Jade Pai Flashing, Yuan Ruomeng spoke again.

"This is all the result of the strength of Tiangang's body tempering, but what the prohibition is, it is not like a complete ban on flying, at least with my physical strength, if I really want to resist, I can hold on for a while!" Lei Yi He pointed to the sky and asked strangely.

If the air ban is to ban the monks from flying, then the monks should not be able to fly directly.

But although the prohibition here is a blockade with heavy pressure, some physically tyrannical people can still fly a little distance.

"This is the design of Sunset Peak. The secret technique of the Hall of Falling Sun is "Climbing the Sky in One Step." It pays attention to climbing into the sky in one step. The disciples of my sect back then practiced this secret technique here! "Lei Wanhong also spoke, with some sighs in his tone.

In his mind, there were scenes of countless disciples who were scrambling to climb the sunset peak in order to practice the secret technique.

Back then, he also practiced one step to the sky, and he did it with Xiao Gao.

For this reason, under the restriction of Sunset Peak, the two of them fell somersaults.

That's really a period of nostalgia!

"Climb one step to the sky, one step to the sky?" Lei Yi looked at the top of Sunset Peak, and a picture appeared in his mind.

As soon as a monk lifted his foot, under the restriction of Sunset Peak, he leaped step by step and entered the Temple of Falling Sun.

"The prohibition pressure here is huge. How much power does it take to reach the sky in one step?"

Lei Yi thought of this picture, and this question immediately appeared in his mind.

"To contend with the prohibition here, you can't wait for the idle cultivator to do it, but you can reach the sky in one step. The secret technique of the Temple of Falling Sun has the special effect of ignoring the prohibition, even with the enemy's forbidden air method, you can do it in one step. Feitian, take the commanding heights and launch surprise attacks!"

As a person who has practiced one step to the sky, Lei Wanhong appropriately expressed his thoughts.

"Wow, that's not very powerful!" Lei Yi immediately got excited after hearing this.

This Falling Sun Palace, he had to go up and take a look at whatever he said.

"Wait, there is death here too!" But at this moment, Yuan Ruomeng reminded Lei Yi that there was an abnormality near Sunset Peak.

Lei Yi's nose moved, and he sniffed into the air: "It's not only dead air, but also the smell of blood. It's nearby!"

In his eyes, blood filled his eyes, he looked around, and finally froze somewhere.

At that location, the qi and blood were astonishing. Obviously, a large number of monks had fallen, and the blood qi was permeated in the air, and it has not dissipated until now.

Because it was near the sunset peak, there was no way to escape, Lei Yi could only use running.

He galloped all the way to an area in the foothills and heard screams.

"This horrible place cannot be protected from the sky, can I only wait to die?"

"No, I can't die yet, I haven't got any of the treasures here!"

"Yin Podi, you can't die if you don't have a heart in the Divine Sect. I curse all the monks of your entire sect to be extinct, and curse you all to die without corpses!"

"I surrender, I declare my allegiance to Godless Sect, please don't kill me, don't kill me!"

From these screams, Lei Yi heard a familiar name.

Yin break the enemy!

He seems to be slaughtering someone.

But Lei Yi had seen Yin Podi and knew the other's supernatural powers.

In his induction, a huge death spirit spread in the front battle group.

The supernatural power that Yin Podi was good at was blood, not death.

"Did someone pretend, or did Yin Podi hide his true ability?" Lei Yi thought so, and finally came to the vicinity of the battle group.

In front of him, the battle was one-sided.

The strong death spirit drowned countless monks, and when the death spirit passed by, there was only a skinny corpse left in the same place.

"How can this method and this breath make me so familiar?" Lei Yi looked at the battle group, a little strange.

The battle ended soon.

The lifeless spirit converged, and then a figure walked out.

This person was wearing a blood robe with a head of blood. Lei Yi was naturally very familiar with it, and it was Yin Podi.

"There is still a living!" At this time, "Yin Podi" suddenly looked at Lei Yi's location, and wanted to make a move.

"It's you!" But then, his expression was startled, revealing an incredible color.

And Lei Yi, not afraid of the other party, took a step forward and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Unexpectedly, I actually met you here!" But at the moment of "Yin Podi", UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was beaming with joy.

"In your words, I really can't find any place to go through the iron shoes. It takes no effort. I actually met you here. It seems that I can complete another task ahead of time!"

At this point, with one hand grasping in the void, countless dead spirits condensed and turned into a pitch-black cross sword.

He clasped his shoulders tightly, bringing a black wind when his figure moved, and rushed towards Lei Yi.

"This sword, this familiar move, and this lifeless spirit, you are not Yin Podi, you are Cecil!"

And Lei Yi finally knew the identity of the other party. It turned out that this "Yin Po Enemy" was pretending to be Cecil.

As for the other party's ability to pretend to be Yin Po enemy, he did not have any surprises.

At the beginning, an old yin stuff, but pretending to be a sage for more than a hundred years, has never been seen through.

Now, what Lei Yi wants to consider is how to save his life in the hands of Cecil.

After all, the opponent was the number one existence among the ten generals under the command of the Infinite Emperor.

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