I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1114: Is this mid-term?

What is the power of Tiangang?

Lei Yi didn't know before.

But now, he finally knows and feels everything about this power.

Because of his whole body, the power of heaven is everywhere.

This power is endless, as if people are in the deep sea.

The power of Tiangang squeaked the bones of his whole body, and the whole person was about to be crushed into meatloaf by this power.

"This...this...this is too..." Under such pressure, he couldn't even speak.

But what he wants to complain about is that this force is so huge and the coercion is so strong, it is difficult for him to even move his fingers, how can he absorb refining?

"By the way, the disciples of the Potian Xuanzong all focus on the law of strength, and the law of strength protects the body, and the physical body will increase, and it should be able to counter this impact!"

In the end, he was smart enough to think of this.

Under the tremendous pressure of the power of Tiangang, he reluctantly emphasized using the power of the law in the body to drive the law of power to cover the whole body.

Under this situation, the pressure on his body was greatly reduced, but at the same time, the power of the law in his body was rapidly consumed.

Under this circumstance, Lei Yi had to adjust his position immediately, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and began to settle down.

He knew that he had to refine these heavenly powers to supplement the consumption of his body, otherwise he would still be crushed to death.

Under this situation, Lei Yi began to absorb and practice.

On the surface of his body, the power of Tiangang turned into a whirlpool, and began to converge crazily in his body.

And because of absorbing the power of Tiangang, the law of power consumed in his body has also been slowly replenished.

Although at first, under the pressure of the power of Tiangang, the consumption was greater than the replenishment, but as the time of Lei Yi's persistence gradually increased, this consumption and replenishment actually began to balance.

Not only that, Lei Yi was even more aware that under the catalysis of the power of Tiangang, his cultivation base was also growing rapidly.

The power of Tiangang oppresses him all the time, causing the laws in the body to be consumed by the ruins, but with the power of Tiangang to supplement and restore, his body is experiencing an infinite cycle of consumption and absorption.

Under this situation, it is difficult for him to increase his cultivation base.

The Senior Po Tian Xuanzong who invented this traction formation should have taken this extreme situation into consideration.

It is said that there is no motivation without pressure. Under such pressure, you can die at any time, so it is difficult for the disciples in the formation not to try their best.

After insisting for more than ten breaths, Lei Yi felt a divine orifice in his body and directly opened it up.

"Fuck it, it's too fast!" He couldn't believe it, did this get the hang of it?

You know, some Celestial and Human Realm cultivators can only get through a divine orifice even if they have been closed for a hundred years.

And his effort of only a dozen breaths is worth the result of so many years of retreat by others.

I have to say that Dazong is worthy of being a Dazong. With such a background, it is difficult for a disciple to remain strong.

Now that the benefits were enjoyed, Lei Yi naturally worked harder.

In the final analysis, his strength is still too weak, since he is desperate for a lofty goal, then this moment is an opportunity.

Lei Yi's body was like opening a gate to release floods, absorbing the power of the sky crazily.

His body surface, flesh and skin were cracked, bloodshot was overflowing, and his whole body was in pain, but he endured it with willpower.

As the power of Tiangang poured into the body endlessly, his physical body began to heal again, and was washed, tempered, and changed under this power.

The 11 divine orifices opened up in his body also bloomed with brilliance under the scouring of the power of Tiangang.

Towing the big array, it continues to run.

Under this situation, time passed quickly.

In the entire ruins of the Potian Xuanzong, there is only a gray sky, without the alternation of the sun and the moon.

But the soaring light curtain of the Palace of Star Reaching at this moment seemed to be a bright light in this space.

Countless monks came to find their way, but they were obstructed by the gravity of the meteorite mountain, and they had no choice but to return.

Even if a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm appeared, it was blocked by Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong, so no one could disturb Lei Yi's cultivation.

During this time, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong acted as Lei Yi's bodyguards and were escorted by him.

The two were originally commanders of the Eight Palaces, with powerful strength and profound background, even if they were puppets, they could not be dealt with by ordinary cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm.

Moreover, the area of ​​this place is huge, coupled with the defense of the guardian formation, the saint-level cultivator cannot enter, if there is a cultivator of the late heaven and human-level, it may not be possible to find the star picking hall.

In this way, more than a month passed.

But for Lei Yi who is in the towing formation, this time limit can be added to a hundred days, because he once again used the ability of the hour-breaking hourglass.

He knows that there are few opportunities to absorb the power of Tiangang, so he doesn't need to use it for nothing.

And now, Lei Yi is sitting cross-legged, and a total of 36 divine orifices emerge around him.

These 36 divine orifices, exchanged with the power of Lei Yi's body of the sky, burst into star-like brilliance.

His figure was also covered with a layer of holy color against the light.

Towing outside the big array.

Yuan Ruomeng, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong also noticed the changes in Lei Yi in the formation.

"This is too exaggerated, this kid has only cultivated for more than a month, and he has managed to get through 36 divine orifices!"

"Especially in the last few days, more than a dozen divine orifices were suddenly opened, which made me a little bit suspicious, did I see dazzling eyes?"

"To be honest, I think so too, but the fact is that this kid really has so many magic tricks, more than when we used this formation back then!"

"Nonsense, the power of this Heavenly Gang is the power that can only be absorbed in the later stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm in order to impact the 36th Orifice of the Heavenly Gang. This power contains attributes that are different from the power of the Divine Cultivation Realm. Is the speed of advancement not fast?"

"But I have to say that the speed of this kid's advancement is beyond my estimation. His potential is very strong, or he has experienced a lot of life and death battles, so he can have such a deep foundation!"

"All in all, this kid is a talent!"

"Talent? That's because you want to be less, and with such a speed of improvement, he is completely compatible with the word'genius'!"

Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong started to argue about the speed of Lei Yi's progress.

"Well, the effectiveness of the big formation is reaching its limit, and the genius in your mouth should also be out!" Yuan Ruomeng on the side spoke at the right time and pointed towards the big formation.

Sure enough, as she said, with the opening of the one-month time limit of the big formation, the concentration of the power of the sky in the formation is much weaker than it was a month ago.

And with the passage of time, this rate of decrease is still increasing.

The limit of pulling the big array is coming soon, and the link between the sky and the outer sky is also beginning to collapse.

"Yeah!" But at this moment, the three of them noticed something strange at the same time.

In this traction, an unusual wave of vitality spread to the surroundings, and even caused the turbulence of the entire array.

The power of countless Tiangang almost got rid of the shackles of the formation, escaping to the surroundings.

Yuan Ruomeng looked into the circle and said unexpectedly: "He actually tried to attack the middle stage of the Celestial Realm at this time. I wonder if the power of the subsequent Celestial Gang is enough for him?"

"Don't worry about it enough, he has reached the bottleneck, so he has to hit it. If it's me, it's probably not a waste of opportunity!" Lei Wanhong on the side agreed with Lei Yi's approach.

But then, he murmured: "However, the impact of the bottleneck surrounded by the power of the sky is the first time in the past, I have never heard of him doing this to death!"

Yu Fusheng also nodded and echoed: "The monks need a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality to attack the bottleneck, supplemented by the power of the laws of heaven and earth. As for the power of heaven and earth, the monks in the early days of the heaven and human realm will not be able to touch it, so naturally no one will do this. Try, this kid seems to be a pioneer!"

Then, the three of them stood at the edge of the formation, looking at the inside of the traction formation, frowning tightly.

They couldn't get involved, nor could they help Lei Yi, they could only help him guard this place.

As time passed, the power of the Great Array gradually weakened, but the internal fluctuations became more intense.

This shows that Lei Yi is relying on the remaining power of Tiangang to hit the bottleneck in the mid-term, and has reached a critical point.

Just when the three of them were waiting a little anxious, the fluctuations in the big array finally reached a critical point.


Within the big formation, the last Tiangang power was finally attracted, blowing up the entire big formation, and escaped, spreading around the Star Picking Hall.

"Quick rewind!" Yuan Ruo yelled sweetly when he dreamed of this.

Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong on the side naturally saw the danger and acted one after another.

The three quickly retreated, and soon opened a distance of more than a thousand feet.

And with this eruption, the light that drew the big array was finally extinguished.

In the sky, the opened channel has also healed, and the power of the sky has lost its follow-up, and gradually dissipates, melting into the world.

The large array extinguished, and the force of attraction gradually weakened until it disappeared.

At the center of the explosion, a figure was sitting on the ground, under the smoke and dust, countless light spots appeared on its body.

These are all divine orifices.

At this moment, near the original 36 divine orifices, one divine orifice is gradually lighting up.

"Cough!" Lei Yi let out a muffled hum, a hint of redness overflowed in his mouth.

But with this action of him, the lighted divine orifice finally burst into light.

The 37th divine orifice was finally opened.

Under this situation, his cultivation level finally came to the middle stage of the Heaven and Human Realm. Although it was the last stage of the middle stage, it was also the middle stage.

"I...I succeeded..." After slowly opening his eyes, Lei Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He entered the middle stage of the heaven and human realm, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is also a huge breakthrough.

But it's not good at all. He hasn't learned the domain, and because of the law, he can't learn the domain outside the time law, otherwise it will affect the possibility of impacting the saint state in the future.

I really don’t know whether to be happy or depressed.

But at this moment, he is still in a good mood, because he is one step closer to the apex of the immortal cultivation world.

"I finally caught up with the peak owner!" He muttered looking at the 37 divine orifices flashing on his body, but his expression was a bit complicated.

His current cultivation base is almost the same as Zhuo Fang's eyes, but the latter has fallen, and he will never see his breakthrough again.

Thinking of the guide on Xiu Xian Road, Lei Yi felt a little melancholy.

"Boy, don't think too much, hurry up and stabilize your cultivation base!" Finally, Lei Wanhong reminded him and pulled someone back from his memories.

Lei Yi also understood that he couldn't think about it, so he quickly settled into concentration and began to stabilize the realm he had just broken through.

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