I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1104: What are you afraid of?

The ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong, outside the Hall of Picking Stars.

Lei Yi waited for a long time, but did not see any movement from these people.

Because the entire Hall of Reaching the Stars was shrouded in a skyrocketing light curtain, none of the monks present dared to act rashly.

They are afraid that after touching the light curtain, they will be prohibited from attacking and trigger some kind of trap.

Therefore, everyone is waiting, waiting for someone who understands the prohibition to appear.

However, staying here for a long time also has to face the problem of gravity.

Lei Yi didn't care, he didn't even need to use any magical powers, and he could resist the gravity outside the light curtain with the power of his body alone.

But apart from him, some monks had to use certain treasures, or continue to consume vital energy, maintain a certain kind of supernatural power to counter gravity.

Gradually, some monks began to lose support.

In the end, they knew that they were almost exhausted, and after weighing the pros and cons, they could only retreat angrily and head to the outlying areas to recover their vitality.

"The gravity here is more than two hundred times, is it all because of this meteorite!"

Lei Yi glanced at the ground under his feet. He stepped on the dark meteorite, which changed the gravity field in the area.

"Weak, really weak. I thought that even the disciples of Xuanzong Broken Sky back then, even if they only had the strength of the Dharma Realm, they would come to the Hall of Star Harvesting to train their bodies by gravity, and even disciples would organize a competition to climb this mountain. I didn't expect it to happen. Now this group of cultivators can't even hold a mere two hundred times the gravity!" Lei Wanhong whispered taunting when he saw this scene.

"Two hundred times the gravity..." Lei Yi was speechless when he heard this.

According to them, the disciples of the Potian Xuanzong have often used this level of gravity to destroy their flesh since the beginning of their cultivation.

Nowadays, most cultivators don’t pay attention to the physical body, they specialize in Taoism, and naturally they can’t resist the gravity here.

Lei Yi did not entangle this, but pointed to the light curtain and asked: "Two seniors, is this restriction very dangerous? If you touch it rashly, what will happen?"

"There will be no change, because this is just the traction array in the Hall of Picking Stars, and it is still in a semi-activated state, even if you walk past it, nothing will happen!" Yu Fusheng explained.

"Huh?" But this explanation made Lei Yi look dumbfounded.

Feelings, this group of people waited outside for nothing, and this big array won't stop them at all.

"The Hall of Reaching the Stars is different from the halls I and others are in charge of. There is no blockade restriction. Anyone can enter and exit. The only thing that protects the entire hall from being disturbed is the natural gravity barrier on the outside. And the entire hall is in there. The surface of the outer meteorite is carved out, so strong that no one can break it."

"That's weird, since no one can break it, why can a temple be carved out?"

Lei Yi pointed to the location of the Star Picking Hall and asked the two of them.

You say that this place is very strong. If this meteorite is really strong, someone has sculpted the surface and carved such a complex of buildings?

"Hmph, what did Xuantian Xuanzong do? You won't forget?" Yu Fusheng sneered when he heard Lei Yi's question, "Here, it was dug out by my sect's disciples with bare hands back then!"

"Unarmed?!!!" Lei Yi looked at the Star Catch Hall with a look of astonishment.

It's incredible that such a place was dug out by bare hands.

Moreover, the interior of the black lacquered meteorite was actually made of white material, so the entire Hall of Star Harvesting looked a little beautiful.

Lei Yi crouched down, knocked on the surface of the meteorite, shook his head and said: "It's a pity, the texture of this meteorite is so strong that it can't even display the vertical golden light, otherwise I can sneak in!"

"Boy, be afraid of what these people do, just walk in furiously, anyway, they will eventually find that this prohibition can't hurt them!" Lei Wanhong laughed.

So many people were scared back by the light curtain in front of him, which he didn't expect.

Lei Yi thought, it was the same. Seeing that no one around dared to touch the light curtain, he walked straight out.

Then, under the gaze of some people around, he walked slowly to the vicinity of the light curtain and gently raised his hand.

"Look, some people are not afraid of death!" Someone sneered around.

"Don't say anything, let him try, it has nothing to do with us anyway!" Some people organized their companions to remind each other, and they were unsuccessful.

But a scene they never expected happened.

When Lei Yi's hand touched the light curtain, it was nothing unusual.

But there is nothing unusual, it does not mean that someone can't act!

"Wow -" Lei Yi let out a scream, then his body trembled as if his body was out of balance.

"This light curtain...here..." he screamed intermittently, and then his body seemed to be pulled by a huge force, being "pulled" into the light curtain under unbalanced conditions.

Within the light curtain, Lei Yi rushed through the barrier, and then all the expressions of astonishment on his face disappeared, and he sneered: "...There is no defense in this place. These selfish ghosts thought this prohibition was dangerous, and no one dared to try it first. , Was taken advantage of by others!"

He turned his head back and mocked, and then rushed towards the complex of buildings in front of him.

Beyond the light curtain.

Everyone looked at each other and stared at the "prohibition" in front of them incredibly.

Just now, someone tried it, but the body was thrown into the air, and finally sucked into it by the light curtain, it is estimated that it will not survive.

This also extinguished the minds of other people, and continued to wait.

As everyone knows, someone has taunted them inside.

Another half day passed.

Among the crowd, Lin Ziqing waited for a long time, and finally waited for the support to arrive.

She looked into the distance and saw two escape lights galloping forward and backward.

Among them, the second half of the escape light suddenly slowed down when approaching the Hall of Picking Stars, obviously affected by gravity.

Fortunately, the latter has a wealth of experience, and there are quite a few treasures beside him. After a little adjustment, he continued to fly and flew towards Lin Ziqing.

Soon, these two escape lights landed down and came to this woman.

"Sister Zhen, Master Wang!" Lin Ziqing greeted when she saw the incoming person.

In these two escapes, there is a high-cold woman wearing a veil and a white palace costume, and an old man wearing a robe.

These two people are Zhen Mingyue, the true biography of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and the Wang surnamed Master of Wuji Sect.

Zhen Mingyue glanced at the light curtain in front of him, as well as the fuzzy outline of the palace in the light curtain, and asked: "Junior Sister, is there news about Yunzhaoshu and others?"

"Senior Sister, I just arrived here. I thought that the astronomical phenomenon here is so abnormal that I might encounter seniors and others, but..." Lin Ziqing said this, the meaning is already obvious.

Yunzhaoshu and others are not here, otherwise, seeing the light curtain here, it is impossible not to come and find out.

"There is weird everywhere here!" Zhen Mingyue said coldly, looking at the sky with her eyes.

Then she turned to look at Master Wang: "Master, what is special about the prohibition here, how long will it take to break?"

But after the woman finished her question, Master Wang was depressed, and asked, "Prohibition, is there a prohibition here?"

"Master, what does this mean?" This time, even Lin Ziqing was puzzled.

"It's meaningless. I want to ask what you are afraid of?" Master Wang said, pointing to the skylight curtain in front of him, and said: "Isn't this a semi-active traction array? There is no danger. ?"

With that, he walked directly to the light curtain.

"Look, here's another one who is not afraid of death!" Master Wang's behavior was to make other nearby monks sneer.

"What nonsense, this old guy is wearing the robe of a master of formation, he should have come to break the formation, we wait for him to break the formation, don't interrupt him now!" But someone has sharp eyes and can see the mark on Master Wang's robe. , Hastily prevented his companion from continuing to speak.

At this moment, the restriction is in front, they need someone to break the formation, and a formation mage came, but it was not what they wanted.

But Master Wang didn't break the formation at all, but walked to the edge of the light curtain, gently raised his hand, and the real arm plunged into the light curtain.

He turned his head and said, "Look, it's not dangerous at all. With so many of you out there, don't anyone dare to try it?"

Then, he walked directly into the light curtain without looking back, leaving only a group of monks outside, looking at each other.

Feelings are not restricted here!

"No, what happened to that kid before?" Soon, someone reflected.

Was Lei Yi's exaggerated expression before acting, but in the end they really believed it and felt that this light curtain was dangerous.

"No, that kid preempted us too much, and the treasures may have been looted by him!"

At this moment, the crowd even exploded the pot, and everyone didn't care about anything else. They swarmed in and rushed into the light curtain.

Soon, the monks who were recovering nearby also got news.

Some people even beat their chests and feet and scolded loudly.

Feelings. They consumed so many kinds of qi in vain, and they did useless work.

A group of people flew up cursingly and rushed towards the Hall of Star Harvesting.

At the edge of the light curtain, Zhen Mingyue and Lin Ziqing were also preparing to enter.

"Junior Sister, what's the matter with the person that these cultivators say?"

"That person, it's strange to say, I seem to have seen him somewhere..." Lin Ziqing recalled for a moment, and said about Lei Yi's situation.

"That said, this person actually sees the difference here, so he is one step ahead of you... Wait, I really want to see the appearance you described somewhere!"

Thinking of this, Zhen Mingyue flashed a bright light in his mind, and immediately took out a portrait from UU reading www.uukanshu.com from the storage bag.

The person in the portrait is a plain-looking young man, not just Lei Yi.

"Senior Sister, it's him!" Lin Ziqing saw the portrait and immediately pointed out someone.

"What, it's the traitor I taught, Lei Yi, the true disciple of the betrayal, he also came here!"

Seeing Lin Ziqing had identified Lei Yi, Zhen Mingyue was not calm at all.

No one has ever dared to betray the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and it is still a betrayal in the position of a true student disciple.

The other party dared to betray the magical power of dreams, and they were hit by them.

"Junior sister, when I see this person again, don't hesitate to kill the opponent directly. This is to clear the door for the master teacher!"

"Understood, Senior Sister!"

After the two of them knew the identity of Lei Yi at this moment, their auras also changed.

The imposing manner of the second woman, in the cold and fierce, mixed with a little murderous intent.

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