I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1103: Crater

The ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong, over a certain place.

"Two seniors, are you sure there is no problem if you act like this?"

Lei Yi flew away while looking at the two round puppet cores in his hand, only helplessness was left in his heart.

Yu Fusheng didn't say anything, this Lei Wanhong also abandoned the puppet, instead leaving only the core.

At this moment, the two Eight Palace Commanders all lost their combat effectiveness.

Of course, when Lei Wanhong abandoned the puppet, he took the cloak separately and let Lei Yi keep it properly.

Now, with the three of them, only Lei Yi can fight.

To put it bluntly, he became a tool man again.

"Hmph, what are you worried about, this place is my Boundary Xuanzong realm, even if you are in danger, will the two of me sit idly by?" Yu Fusheng's core flickered and coldly snorted.

"Yes, my two abandon the puppet body, it is also to facilitate your actions. Otherwise, with my two aura, it is impossible to guarantee that strong enemies will covet it!" Lei Wanhong also helped.

Naturally, Lei Yi couldn't refute it, so he could only change the subject and ask: "But the two seniors, you are going to the Hall of Star Harvesting next, and you only have the core. Don't you look embarrassed when you see Senior Yun? "

"Hehe, your kid's worry is unnecessary!" Yu Fusheng smiled, very calm.

Lei Wanhong answered the same question and asked in the opposite direction: "Yes, you know that I can survive as puppets. Whose reason is it?"

Lei Yi seemed to understand something, and said: "Listen to the meaning of the predecessors, could it be..."

"You guessed it, both of my puppet bodies were made by Junior Sister Yuan for us. When we go to the Hall of Picking the Stars, we can get a better puppet body!"

Okay, so that's the case.

Lei Yi said that he is just a "courier".

He helped them transport the core, and when they arrived at the Hall of Picking the Stars, they could get a better one from the junior sister.

"All right!" Lei Yi curled his lips, indicating that he had accepted the identity of "transportation".

Since these two are like this, he can only bury his head and hurry.

Flying all the way to Yukong, his figure turned into a golden light, passing through the ruins of Potian Xuanzong.

As far as Lei Yi could see, except for the part blocked by the gray mist, the rest was devastated.

Back then, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed, and most of the buildings of this sect were in ruins. For tens of thousands of years, no one had cleared it, and it became this messy place.

And above the ruins, Lei Yi saw some huge sinkholes.

He deliberately increased the altitude of the flight so that he could have a panoramic view of the tiankeng.

"What a big foot!" It turned out that these sinkholes are all footprints.

Seeing this, he recalled the giant he saw when he first entered.

Needless to say, these footprints must have been left by the other party.

I just don't know what the identity of the other party is, and why after so many years, he is still performing his duties and patrolling the Xuantian Sect.

Lei Yi thought for a while, didn't he have two ready-made high-level Potian Xuanzong seniors in his hands.

"By the way, two seniors, does Guizong have any surviving seniors?"

"How can there be any survivors?" Yu Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, and was overwhelmed by this question.

Lei Wanhong also opened his mouth and said, "Boy, don't be kidding me. Except for me waiting as a puppet, almost all of my sect died in the battle that year, and there are still people alive!"

"That's weird. When I strayed into this place before, the first person I saw was not the two, but a giant as tall as the sky. His body is as big as a mountain, and one toe is bigger than an ordinary mountain. Be big!"

"He is..." Hearing Lei Yi's words, Yu Fu's voice became a little excited.

"It doesn't matter who he is, you kid keep on going, don't ask the person's information, we won't answer this question!" However, Lei Wanhong on the side hurriedly said, interrupting Yu Fusheng.

"Okay!" Lei Yi nodded, indicating that he knew it.

But he thought in his heart that there must be some secret to the identity of this giant, otherwise the two would not have such an attitude.

But in the following process, the core of Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong was completely silent, and they never spoke again.

Lei Yi had no choice but to rush on the road, over the hills and ridges, and took the two to the Hall of Star Harvesting.

After going forward for a long time.

A huge Tiankeng Canyon appeared in front of Lei Yi's eyes.

In the middle of the tiankeng, there is a raised semi-circular mountain peak, the whole surface is bare and looks extremely ugly.

And above this semi-circular mountain peak, a white beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

It's like a sign, telling others that there is an anomaly here.

So when Lei Yi came near the canyon, he didn't even use his spiritual sense, he noticed that there were many monks nearby.

"Two seniors, this is the Hall of Reaching the Stars that you mentioned, why do you look so ugly?" Lei Yi took out two cores and asked.

"Boy, pay attention to your speaking attitude, this is the site of Junior Sister Yuan, and next time, you must be beautiful!" But as soon as his voice fell, Yu Fusheng couldn't help yelling.

"Yes, I didn't dare to say that this place was not, you kid, please pay attention to me!" Lei Wanhong, who was on the side, also warned.

"I can't tell, you two are still licking the dog!" Lei Yi muttered in his heart, but he still answered politely.

Soon, he took the two and flew towards the bottom of the canyon.

When approaching the canyon, there was a strange feeling in the atmosphere, which made his flying figure almost unstable.

"What's going on, the gravity here is a bit wrong!" Soon, Lei Yi adjusted his position and noticed the strange originality.

The gravity of the space near this canyon is different from that of the periphery.

The closer to the tiankeng, the stronger the gravity.

"You have sensed it, this is the case in the Hall of Star Harvesting. You wouldn't think that the pit formed naturally that day, did you?" Yu Fusheng said, explaining:

"That tiankeng was actually formed by a meteorite that fell from "Tianwaitian", and the semi-circular mountain peak is the entire meteorite, and the Hall of Picking Stars is built on top of the meteorite! "

"No wonder, I said why there is such a sudden place, the surface of the mountain is bare, and the color and the surrounding ground are also hugely different. It turns out to be a meteorite!"

Lei Yi was stunned, but then asked: "What is the outer sky that the two seniors said? Is there a "space" in this world? "

"You don't even know "Tianwaitian", but you have broken through to the realm of heaven and human! "Yu Fusheng sneered, and then said: "First enter the Hall of Star Harvesting, and then I will explain the matter of the sky outside the sky, I will explain it to you later!" "

"Okay!" After Lei Yi heard it, he couldn't ask any more, so he could only fly towards the center of the tiankeng.

The closer to the meteorite mountain in the middle of the tiankeng, the greater the impact of gravity.

He even saw that many cultivators could no longer maintain their flight, and could only land on the ground with their feet.

Some people even take a step and take a breath, the whole body seems to be collapsed, sweating profusely.

Lei Yi also saw that many cultivators' body surface light appeared, which was blessing the flesh with supernatural powers.

"This is the price of not refining the body!" Lei Yi looked at these people, curled his lips, and flew by himself.

Although the gravity here is great, it has no effect on him.

Mainly because he had exercised back then, and an old opponent used gravity, which he was used to a long time ago.

No, just in the envy and jealous eyes of these monks, he flew over the canyon and onto the meteorite mountain.

In the middle of the meteorite mountain, there is a white light curtain that soars to the sky, and within the light curtain is a group of buildings similar to the Thunder Palace.

However, the buildings here are white, and they look like they were carved out of white jade and are quite beautiful.

When he arrived here, Lei Yi discovered that there were many people here, and there were even a few cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm.

"Hey, that woman, I seem to have seen it before, a little familiar!" Lei Yi looked at one of the women whose strength reached the realm of heaven and human with some surprise.

After a rough sense of it, he found that at least 50 divine orifices in this woman's body had been opened, and she was definitely a powerhouse in the middle of the Celestial Realm.

This woman was standing alone outside the light curtain at the moment, looking at the buildings inside, not knowing what she was thinking.

Maybe she noticed someone spying on herself, and the woman turned her head to look at Lei Yi.

"Huh, this person?" The woman seemed to feel that Lei Yi was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember why the other party was familiar.

"Forget it, wait for Senior Sister and them to feel it. Senior Sister Zhen and Master Wang are nearby. When they arrive, they will be relatively safer when exploring!" The woman thought so, and looked beyond the tiankeng.

And Lei Yi, at this moment finally remembered who that woman was.

"I remember this woman is called Lin Ziqing, the deputy instructor Yun Guanhai sits down on the true biography, and she is still the second one!"

Lei Yi once watched the celestial list, and after becoming a true biography, he saw a portrait of other true biography in the clan.

He thought that everyone was a brother, and he wanted to get familiar with it, but he didn't expect that he would become a traitor to the sect somehow.

Therefore, he naturally knew Lin Ziqing, but the other party obviously did not know him.

"What, the true biography of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, is that female disciple!" But after he went everywhere as Lin Ziqing, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong were not calm.

The True Spirit Immortal Sect does not share the same spirit with them. At this moment, seeing each other's disciple, the two of them naturally couldn't help it.

"Boy, when you enter the Hall of Picking Stars, you find a chance to kill that woman!" Yu Fusheng's voice sank, and his tone was gloomy.

"Yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and I have been to the Hall of Star Harvesting many times. Where there are restrictions and where there are institutions, we are very familiar with it. If you find an opportunity to kill that girl doll, it can be regarded as helping us. Get some interest back!" Lei Wanhong also spoke.

"This..." Lei Yi was speechless, and didn't know how to reply for a while.

This Lin Ziqing didn't offend herself, really because of the grievances that year, angered the other party?

However, Lei Yi was also thinking, if this woman knew that she was a wanted criminal of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, would the other party do it.

If he did it, he wouldn't mind killing the opponent.

But now, he has to consider how to get into the Hall of Star Harvesting.

Because there are too many people here, everyone is blocked by the light curtain and cannot enter.

Although he has a disciple token, he can enter this place, but he is afraid that before he enters, he will be attacked by a group of cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm.

So, it's better to keep a low profile!

Lei Yi said that he should not move, and then look for opportunities.

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