I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1105: Yuan Ruomeng

Reaching the stars area.

Lei Yi was shuttled in the hall at this moment.

Although he is one step ahead, there is no guarantee that someone behind him is brave, and maybe he will discover the secret of the big formation.

He must race against time to find the Yuan commander of the Star Catch Hall.

"Boy, go to the left. There is the direction of the apse of the Hall of Star Picking. Junior sister has never liked staying in the main hall. It's okay to go to the apse!"

"Boy quickly change lanes, there are traps ahead, and you are still fifteen feet away!"

"Don't touch the surrounding walls. The runes on these walls are forbidden. Once you touch it..."

"Quickly, it's near, it's near..."

Under the agitated command of Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong, Lei Yi carried the cores of the two and moved forward.

Because these two are familiar with the road, he has a smooth road, and he has not triggered a prohibition at all.

Soon, after passing through a passage, he finally came to the apse of the Hall of Star Harvesting.

But this place is actually empty.

Let alone people, there is not even a ghost shadow.

"How come, Junior Sister is not here!" Lei Wanhong couldn't believe it when he saw this scene.

They know their junior sisters, except for the other side here, they can't think of anything else.

"Impossible, doesn't Junior Sister like staying here the most?"

"It's strange, Junior Sister Yuan is not here, where else can I be?"

The two of you are not calm at all now.

"Two seniors, the predecessor Yuan in your memory should be her when the sect was destroyed, and now it has been so long, it is hard to guarantee that she will not change her mind. Besides, how many years have passed since this, women are all good They change their mentality easily!"

Having been a tool man for so many years, his understanding of women is just that.

Women’s minds, it is best not to guess, because there is no standard answer.

"But Junior Sister is not here, where will it be?"

"This...I don't know..."

Right now, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong were dumbfounded.

They know the junior sister very well, but the other party does not appear where they should appear most, so they have no idea.

Lei Yi saw that the two cores did not move, and he was speechless for a while.

But his gaze turned to the direction he came from unconsciously.

After pondering for a moment, Lei Yi asked: "Two seniors, the traction formation you mentioned is part of the Star Harvesting Palace, but why should it be turned on all the time?"

"How do we know this, what does it have to do with us if Junior Sister wants to open the big formation?" Lei Wanhong snorted, not having a good air.

Lei Yi nodded and asked, "I know this, but since she has opened the big formation, why don't we go to the hub of the big formation?"

"Right!" After his reminder, Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng suddenly reacted.

"Go, start quickly, the big formation hub is outside, if the group of cultivators outside comes in, it may disturb the younger sister!"

In the end, the two urged repeatedly, and Lei Yi had to go back the same way.

Galloping all the way, he rushed out of the apse, and then diverted to the hub of the traction.

This area is located in the center of the Hall of Picking Stars, behind the main hall.

But just as Lei Yi was on his way, he noticed unusual aura fluctuations at the edge of the light curtain, and it was obvious that someone had come in.

"No, people outside found a problem with the light curtain!"

No need to look, he knew that these breath fluctuations were all monks outside.

In the area of ​​the Hall of Picking Stars, there is an array method to isolate gravity, so this place is a safe area instead.

Now that the group of monks outside came in, the entire Hall of Star Harvesting had become their target.

"What are you afraid of, these greedy people dare to break into Junior Sister's Hall of Star Harvesting, it's just looking for death!"

"Boy, kill as many people as you see later, don't let one go. If you dare to make trouble in the Star Picking Palace, who gives them the courage!"

Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong were even more anxious and directly urged Lei Yi not to keep his hands.

Just when Lei Yi was on his way, a monk found him.

"Boy, you dare to sneak away and hand over the treasures you found here, and I can forgive you for not dying!"


Lei Yi looked at a monk rushing towards him, feeling speechless in his heart.

He didn't want to be so cruel, but why did anyone want to die?

Sure enough, as Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng said, these cultivators really couldn't let go.

"You won't die around me, right?" Lei Yi was also speechless. A monk in the realm of Dharma, actually threatened a realm of heaven and human with ruthless words?

He raised his hand with a punch, and the violent fist wind blasted out, and the man's body was submerged in one blow.

The next moment, a cloud of blood exploded in the sky, and this person didn't even have a chance to react, so he was killed in seconds.

Of course, this is just a small episode, no one will pay attention to this person someone was killed, everyone is busy looking for treasures.

And Lei Yi finally came to the hub position to pull the big array.

This place is also an altar, and the patterns on the altar are all flickering, keeping it open.

On the altar, many figures are busy.

When Lei Yi approached, these figures all felt and looked back.

Lei Yi also saw their full picture, they were actually puppets.

And in the center of this group of puppets, there is a woman in a white dress, as if directing them to do things.

"Junior Sister!" Seeing the woman, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong suddenly exclaimed.

"Living?" And Lei Yi was also a little surprised.

Because this woman has a fluttering white dress, exquisite features, her appearance is almost the same as an ordinary person, and she has no puppet characteristics at all.

This one is Yuan Ruomeng, the commander of the Hall of Star Harvesting, one of the commanders of the Eight Halls of Po Tian Xuanzong.

"Hey, did I misheard, brother's voice?" In the same way, Yuan Ruomeng let out a soft voice, and then looked at Lei Yi, or the two cores in Lei Yi's hands.

The next moment, Lei Yi felt a flower in front of him, and the two cores disappeared in his hand.

"You two, why are you here?" Yuan Ruomeng held a core in one hand and asked in succession: "There is also this person, why do you want to deliver the core to him, and what about the people outside? ?"

"Junior Sister, the sect restriction has been opened, and all the monks outside broke in. Both of me are worried about you, so let this kid take us to the Hall of Star Picking!"

"As for this kid, he is the descendant of my Po Tian Xuanzong outside, and he has already practiced "Po Tian Zhen Jue", so he is also our own!"

Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng quickly explained.

After hearing Lei Yi's identity, Yuan Ruomeng was a little surprised.

They have been annihilated for so many years, so there are descendants outside?

"Junior Sister, don't talk about it. Although there is no blockade restriction in the Hall of Star Harvesting, there is also a defensive restriction inside. Why don't you open it?"

"Also, why are you pulling the big formation here, and you also opened the big formation? Doesn't this attract all the cultivators outside?"

Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng then asked.

"There is some damage in this big formation, I am repairing it!" Yuan Ruomeng said, and then looked at the various places of the Star Reaching Hall: "As for those intruders, when I activate the restriction, kill them!"

After speaking, the woman's eyes became cold, and she raised her hand to pinch the tactics, and punched a few seals into the void.

Lei Yi felt it real, because Yuan Ruomeng's movements seemed to have been touched in the void.

In the distance, everywhere in the Hall of Star Reaching.

"Ah, what's the matter, there is no prohibition here!"

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

"How is it possible, this is not an ordinary wall, but none of the spirit beasts I released before triggered the restriction?"

As Yuan Ruomeng activated the ban on the Hall of Picking Stars, all the monks who broke into this place suffered.

After a while, the entire area of ​​the Hall of Star Harvesting became quiet.

As for Lei Yi, watching Yuan Ruomeng wipe out so many cultivators with his gestures, he felt a little complicated.

If he didn't have the identity of Potian Xuanzong's disciple, and entered this place by mistake, wouldn't he also suffer along with it?

After solving the intruder, Yuan Ruomeng continued to look at the core of the two.

"Junior Sister, what's the matter with this look of yours, it's exactly the same as it was in the past. Could it be that the puppet you designed has made a new breakthrough?"

Afterwards, Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng once again cared about Qi Yuan Ruomeng's appearance.

It's not something ordinary puppets can do to completely restore their appearance before death.

Yuan Ruomeng glanced at his arm and explained faintly: “This body is a special puppet refined based on the body tissue of a certain soft monster beast, which has the effect of simulation and deformation. Unfortunately, I only caught one body at the time. Only, it is impossible to refine the same body for both of you!"

"That's it..." Hearing this answer, the two's tone was a little helpless.

"Then, Junior Sister, let us change into an ordinary puppet body, as long as it is better than the previous one!"

"Okay!" Yuan Ruomeng naturally had no problem and clapped his hands.

All the puppets around heard the figure and stopped moving.

"These are the latest puppets I have designed in the last hundred years. They are all human forms, and their physical functions and flexibility are several grades higher than those given to you back then. Choose two. If you are not satisfied, I also have a beast-shaped puppet, but you didn’t look down on it back then, and you probably don’t want it now!"

With that said, she held the core of the two and quickly picked two puppets.

The puppet's chest opened, revealing the intricate textures and parts inside.

Lei Yi saw that these puppets also had cores in their bodies, but they were much smaller than those of Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng.

Yuan Ruomeng took out the core of the puppet and put the core of the two into it.

Soon, the two puppets regained their mobility again. uukanshu. com and the appearance of the body has changed slightly.

One of the puppets has become slenderer, with arms stretched out, and the color of the body surface has also turned blue.

The other puppet's figure became taller, and its color became golden.

Lei Yi could see that the blue one is raining and the golden one is Lei Wanhong.

After recovering the puppet's body, Lei Wanhong spoke to Lei Yi quickly: "Boy, pass me that robe!"

Come on, this man still doesn't forget that robe.

After all, this robe was made by Yuan Ruomeng.

After putting on the golden robe again, Lei Wanhong laughed and began to move his body.

The same goes for Yu Fusheng on the side, waving his arms as if he is adapting to his new body.

And Lei Yi looked at Yuan Ruomeng.

This woman's puppet level is a bit high, she is an expert-level figure at first glance.

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