I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1102: The target for practice is here?

Thunder Palace.

Lei Wanhong's gaze was staring at the figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar, and he dared not move away for a moment.

The Yu Floating Core in his hand also didn't move, and it looked like Lei Wanhong was in a sluggish state.

"Wonderful, wonderful, this kid is really wonderful!"

After a long time, Lei Wanhong's mouth frantically raised, and he let out an extremely delighted admiration.

"Fifteen times, fifteen times, this kid has withstood thunder strikes fifteen times. It's amazing!"

"Lei Wanhong, in your record of Thunder Palace, how many times is the highest record of resisting lightning strikes in the heaven and human realm?" The core in his hand flickered, and the words of rain and floating came out.

Lei Wanhong pondered for a moment, and recalled: "Generally speaking, the physical strength of Dhamma realm disciples cannot withstand two lightning strikes. Even if the physical body is strong, it is the limit to withstand at most three times. And the Celestial realm monk, the physical body passes through. For the tempering of the mighty power of heaven and earth, this value may be doubled, but about five times, it will be difficult, while this kid is fifteen times, which is three times the same realm, and has reached the endurance strength of the late Heaven and Human realm. Up!"

"This kid looks shameless, and his body is so exaggerated!" Yu Fusheng spoke again, somewhat unbelievable.

"Yes, physical training is different from Qi training. Often, every stage of improvement requires the cultivator to spend a lot of time and energy, as well as tenacious perseverance. The strength of this kid's physical body can definitely withstand the middle stage of the heavenly and human realm. The late monk's full blow. You know that I was praised by the Sect Master back then, but with the strength of the late Celestial Realm, I can only withstand 18 lightning strikes. This kid has amazing talent!"

"Being able to possess such a powerful physical body, he is definitely a determined person. It is not a fluke to see that he can get to this point!"

Lei Wanhong nodded and also praised him.

This time, I saw that Lei Yi was so proud.

He and Yu Fusheng had a slight improvement in the favor of Lei Yi in their hearts.

At this moment, Lei Yi was sitting in the middle of the altar, with golden runes flickering on his body, and dense electric arcs lingered around him, exuding terrifying coercion.

"Yeah!" But at this moment, Lei Wanhong frowned suddenly.

Because he sensed it, Lei Yi's body seemed to have another thunder and lightning force appearing.

Sure enough, when he was puzzled, the golden arc on Lei Yi's body suddenly changed, and a hint of pitch black was mixed in the light.

Then, the electric arc around Lei Yi began to gradually change, and finally the beating electric arc on the entire altar turned into pitch black.

It looked like the golden arc was stained with a layer of ink, which was really weird.

"What kind of lightning is this?"

It was also the first time Lei Wanhong saw the dark thunder and lightning, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Just kidding, he is the commander of the Thunder Palace. There are not a thousand thunder techniques he has seen before, and there are hundreds of them.

As long as it is a monk cultivating, he has seen all the manifestations of the heavens.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, there are all kinds of colors, but there is no black!

Regardless of what Lei Wanhong thought, Lei Yi finally opened his eyes at this moment.


My whole body hurts!

He abruptly suffered fifteen lightning strikes, each time his intensity gradually increased.

He almost felt that he couldn't take the last one.

And now, the gain is extremely huge.

The divine orifice in his body, under 15 lightning strikes, actually opened up 10 orifice acupoints.

With the improvement of the divine aperture, the vitality reserves in his body have also increased several times, and this is not the biggest gain.

On the skin of Lei Yi's body, black runes flickered, and countless electric arcs pulsed on the surface of his body.

He gently raised his hand to hold his claw, and a black rune suddenly appeared in his palm.

The surface of this rune is covered with dense black electric arcs, which contains a violent force.

But as the caster, Lei Yi, the power of this rune, is part of his body for him, and he can fully grasp it.

"Is this the law of thunder, I actually mastered it!" Lei Yi looked at the dark rune in his palm with joy.

This means that he can practice the secret technique of the Thunder Palace, the "Thunder God Spear".

"Congratulations, kid, you finally mastered the law of thunder!" Lei Wanhong laughed and gave a thumbs up incidentally.

Afterwards, he asked: "You black thunder and lightning, you have never seen it before, do you have a name?"

"Yes, this magical power is called dark thunder!" Lei Yi nodded, and said the name of the dark thunder and lightning.

This is the innate magical power of the Shadow Demon Race, but he didn't say it.

Because the human race has no talent for supernatural powers, only the demon race has it, and he doesn't want to be treated as an outlier.

"Dark Thunder, strange ability, but it's worthy of the name?" Lei Wanhong nodded, and then pointed to the distance: "Since your kid has mastered the law of thunder, then you can practice the Thunder God Spear."

"It just so happens that I'm here to practice your hands!"

The "handsmanship" mentioned by Lei Wanhong does not refer to objects, but to people.

Because Lei Yi had been struck by lightning before, it also consumed the power of the thunder on the Peak of Yin Lei.

Now, there are no lightning deposits on Yinlei Peak, and the entire mountain is dimmed a lot, looking depressed, there is no violent power before.

And this change naturally attracted the attention of the monks who had left before. Many monks felt that the restrictions here had changed, so they saw an opportunity.

For these intruders, Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng would naturally not keep their hands.

But just as Lei Yi was here, they didn't bother to do it, and instead handed it over to someone.

"Are you a casual repairer from outside?" Lei Yi muttered as he watched the escape light flying in the distance.

"Boy, now you are a member of the Profound Sky Breaking Sect. These are all greedy people who trespass into the sect. Don't keep your hands, they will be slaughtered by the commander!" Lei Wanhong shouted from the rear, that was nothing. Don't shy away.

And those escape lights also crossed the Yin Lei Peak and came to the sky above the Thunder Palace.

"The prohibition here is gone, hahaha, the treasures here are all mine!"

"Quickly, after you find the baby, leave quickly, who knows that the mountain summit will not show off again!"

"Leave me aside, the treasure is mine!"

Lei Yi sighed in his heart as he listened to the rhetoric of these people above.

This group of people is really enough. Originally, he was a little unbearable, but in the end you talk like this, it's not your own death.

But just when he was about to do it, the people in the light above had already spotted him.

"Hey, someone is one step ahead!" Several dodge lights fell, and some of them shouted.

What is most afraid of when exploring the ruins? It is not that others are strong, but that others are one step faster than you.

At this moment, these people saw a messy Lei Yi, and guessed that this kid might have broken into this place ahead of time and found the treasure.

Looking at the appearance of the other side's body being injured, it was obviously a lot ahead, maybe the treasures were all on the body.

Therefore, when these monks saw Lei Yi, they all gathered around, and they didn't even plan to enter the Thunder Palace to investigate.

At this moment, Lei Yi's aura was sluggish, and his body was all wounded, and even the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm could not be revealed.

If they don't bully Lei Yi, do they still have to go to the Thunder Palace to break through the barriers?

"Hey, there is a puppet here?" Someone also noticed Lei Wanhong, but the latter was motionless at the moment, and everyone felt that the other party was not threatening.

The most important thing is Lei Yi, the one who "sneaked away" first.

"Boy, hand over all the treasures you find!" someone shouted in a gloomy tone.

"Anyone who is acquainted, hand over the storage bag, and let's be happy, let us check the recent memory, otherwise it will not be good for you!" Someone threatened with a gloomy tone.

This time, Lei Yi finally didn't plan to keep his hands.

Originally, he was really sorry, but after seeing the attitudes of these people, these intolerances were completely gone.

"Since you all said that, then..." He gently raised his hand, and then said with a stern tone: "Just die for me!"

After speaking, he brazenly shot.

Rows of pitch black runes flashed on the surface of Lei Yi's body, and black arcs jumped out.

All the power of thunder and lightning poured into his right arm.

"The Thunder God Spear!" He burst out, and his body turned into a dark blast, rushing out quickly.

There was a sound of neighing in the air, which was the sound of the air being torn apart after moving at super high speed.


The black shadow skipped the crowd, leaving a scorched black trace on the ground, and a figure suddenly shot out behind him, with pitch-black lightning on his fingertips.

The next moment, a "bang bang bang" explosion sounded behind the figure.

This group of monks was instantly killed by a single blow in front of Lei Yi's attack.

"Not enough, the power is not concentrated on the fingertips!" Lei Wanhong shook his head from behind, but then commented: "But the first time you use it, you can have such a charm, it's already very good!"

Lei Yi naturally felt the essence of the trick just now, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the god-killing spear of the Tiandou Fierce King Fist imitated this trick!"

After cultivating the two profound meanings, he could see that the Demon Spear was a weakened version, or even a simplified version, of the Thunder God Spear.

Both are forces that drive thunder and lightning, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com's penetrating killer move focused on one point, piercing power and impact is amazing.

The Thunder God Spear is driven by the law of thunder higher than thunder and lightning, so it is naturally more powerful.

Similarly, the showers and gusts of the shower hall are not ordinary hidden weapon techniques. After successful cultivation, it is estimated that it is also a killer move.

Unfortunately, Lei Yi was really not interested in a hidden weapon.

"Boy, learn more and practice, the people who practice hands are here again!" At this moment, Lei Wanhong once again guided the area around Leifeng.

There, a few more escape lights flew up.

Lei Yi felt depressed when he saw these characters who looked like casual cultivators.

Although he lacks a target for training, you don't have to come to die, he is a little embarrassed.

"To blame, I blame your bad luck. I am a disciple of the Potian Xuanzong. You broke into my sect and you are disrespectful!"

In no way, he could only comfort himself so much.

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