I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1067: Yin Podi's "Success"

   The corpse that should have been turned into ashes suddenly burst out of the flames.

   "How is it possible that a mere intermediary monk can actually resist my samādhi fire!" Yin Podi couldn't believe it. After the opponent had his own magical powers, he could still move freely.

   "No, it wasn't the monk who shot, but..." But Lei Yi saw the other side's clues at first glance.

   What rushed out was not the monk himself, but the trace of infinite power contained in his corpse.

   As expected, when the monk rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, his body had completely lost his ability to move, and after a few bounces under the flames, he fell to the ground.

   But when he fell, a purple phantom burst out of his body.

   This phantom looks like that monk, but after rushing out, his body shape has also changed, like a squirming liquid, constantly twisting and changing.

   "Be careful, this is infinite power!" Lei Yi immediately reminded him when he saw this.

   "Such a filthy power, don't give me annihilation!" Yin Podi shot again, the real fire of Samadhi appeared in his hand, and he killed him with infinite power.

  The flame collided with the liquid, and it burned in the void.

   "No!" The liquid twisted for a while, and turned into the appearance of the monk just now, letting out a terrible scream.

   In the end, the movement gradually extinguished, and the infinite power was burned by the true fire of Samadhi.

   When everyone saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but only one person noticed the abnormality.

   "No, there is still a breath!" Lei Yi's eyes swept around and hurriedly said.

   He is the only person in the audience who can sense infinite power, and he naturally knows that they are not safe yet.

   "The monks stationed here are a team!" Similarly, Yin Podi seemed to have thought of something and quickly reminded him.

   There is usually a team of monks stationed in the city lord’s mansion, but there is only one person here. What does this show?

   shows that there are still people hiding!

   As expected, because the movement of the fight just now, coupled with the horrible howl, they also alarmed the other monks here.

   A number of silhouettes shot out from all directions, killing the five people towards Lei Yi.

   In other words, these people can no longer be called monks, and now they are all infected.

   Now, this group of infected bodies didn't know that the power gap between the two sides was too large, and they killed them.

   "Be careful, these people are weird!" Yin Podi reminded him after seeing them being surrounded.

   In fact, there is no need to remind, because in the scene just now, Lu Shaoyou and others also understood that this group of people is no longer human.

   "Even so, the low-level is the low-level after all!" Xuan Meng took the lead and blasted out a punch.

   A fist phantom blasted out, and directly ran over several monks who rushed up nearby.

   Under the force of the fist, their bodies exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

   But in the blood mist, a cloud of purple energy burst out with blood foam, and flew toward Xuan Meng.

   "This power is really difficult!" Upon seeing this, the woman gave a cold snort, then stepped up high to the right and stomped on the ground.


   The explosion sounded, a shock wave spread around, and the infinite force that rushed up was also all shaken back.

   But infinite power is like a hundred-legged insect, dead but not stiff, after twisting on the ground for a few times, it rushes towards Xuan Meng.

   "Use Dao Fa!" At this moment, Zhuo Fang made a move.

   He muttered Fajue silently, and he shot a talisman at will.

   Talisman flew in front of Xuan Meng, and after pointing out from Zhuo Fang's eye, it exploded directly.

   A group of white burning light lit up, drowning the infinite power.

   When the light goes out, those infinite powers have been completely purified.

   On the other side, Lu Shaoyou pointed with one hand, and a flying sword shot out. The sword shadow flickered in the space within tens of feet in front of him.

   The sound of chi chi sounded, it was the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated by a sharp weapon.

   After a while, the cultivators around were pierced by flying swords, and some of them had their limbs directly shredded and lost their ability to move.

   But when these monks fell to the ground due to their physical imbalance, a sly smile appeared on their faces.

   Then, their bodies exploded, and the blood mist accompanied by a gleam of purple light, and they attacked towards Lu Shaoyou in front.

   "Be careful, the purpose of this force is not to kill us, but to invade our body!" Upon seeing this scene, Yin Podi finally understood why these cultivators dared to appear.

   They were originally sacrificed. After seeing Yin Podi and other cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm appeared, Infinite Power found a more suitable carrier.

   Therefore, the infinite power abandoned the monk with low cultivation level, and wanted to occupy the bodies of Yin Podi and others.

   However, the infinite power that appears here is too low in intensity and poses little threat to Lei Yi and others.

   Yin broke the enemy and used Sanmai True Fire, and Lu Shaoyou also changed the style of using flying swords, instead letting out sword energy from his fingertips.

   With Zhuo Fangyan's spell, Lei Yi and Xuan Meng both fisted, and basically did not make a move, the infinite power was solved.

   "It's really difficult!" But after solving the threat, Lu Shaoyou muttered.

   A group of low-level monks is not a threat, but the infinite power, they feel unusual.

   Mainly because of this power, it was too evil, so that Yin Podi, a monk of the Demon Dao, felt uncomfortable.

   Now, the hidden dangers here are solved, but the faces of everyone are not very good.

   "Does this force have a source to follow?" Yin Podi looked at the almost ruined main hall, and asked.

   "The source is naturally the infinite emperor, but..." Lei Yi wanted to say something, but his brows suddenly frowned.

  His gaze looked straight at Yin Podi's feet.

   Because of that position, there was another wave of infinite power.

   "Be careful, the infinite power has not been wiped out!" After he found the clue, he quickly reminded him.

   But he hadn't finished speaking, the ground under Yin Podi's feet suddenly burst open.

   Then I saw a figure rushing out of the broken floor.

   This person is a middle-aged person, with the same expression on his face as the monks before him, with a wicked smile.

  The difference is that the strength of this person's aura has actually reached the Dharma state, and a body of vitality protection with earth attributes almost concealed the original aura.

   plus the previous fluctuations in the fight, so Lei Yi and others did not find this person sneaking close from the ground.

   Now, this person has been killed in front of Yin Podi.

   "Looking for death!" The latter did not panic at all.

  The flame carries the scorching heat, and it covers this person.

   But the latter had no intention of evasive at all, and even the strange smile on his face became even more gloomy.

   "All this is for the adult!"

   Suddenly, there was a sworn roar from the person's mouth.

   Then, on the skin of his body, a series of blood streaks lighted up, and the vitality in his body also became violent.

   "No, he wants to explode!" Seeing this, Lu Shaoyou quickly reminded: "Brother Yin, be careful!"

   But unfortunately, it's too late.


   Accompanied by an explosion, this person exploded directly.

   His body exploded, and a huge cloud of blood spread to the surroundings. At the same time, there was a little purple light flashing in the blood cloud.

   The infinite power seems to have wisdom. This time it is not condensed together, but it is broken up and covered with five people.

   "Be careful, don't be contaminated with this power!" Yin Podi reminded everyone, but his location was the closest to Infinite Power.

   And when the infinite force traveled towards Lu Shao and Zhuo Fangyan and Xuan Meng approached, a figure dashed in front of them.

   "Brother, you..." Zhuo Fang said in shock when he saw this.

   Because this person is not someone else, but Lei Yi.

   When the three of them retreated, he stood in front of them, and at the same time opened his mouth and inhaled suddenly, an invisible vortex suddenly formed in front of him.

   The infinite power that struck towards Zhuo Fangyan's three people was all inhaled by Lei Yi.

   "Brother, you..." Zhuo Fangyan quickly approached Lei Yi and asked in a low voice, "Are you... okay?"

   At this moment, he is also a little uncertain. What if Lei Yi gets caught and becomes infected, what will he do?

   "Brother, I'm fine!" But Lei Yi waved his hand to indicate that he was OK.

   His body also possesses infinite power, and it has been assimilated, so this power can't help him.

   But Lei Yi's gaze turned to Yin Podi, because he was okay, it didn't mean that the other party could ignore this power.

   Just now, he seems to have been recruited too.

   Yin Podi's face was extremely ugly at the moment, with a faint purple glow on his face.

   Just now, he accidentally sucked some infinite force into his body.

   And now, his situation is very unstable.

   "Brother Yin, are you okay!" Lu Shaoyou walked towards him quickly and asked with concern.

   "Brother Lu, don't come near me!" But the latter raised his hand to signal that everyone should not approach.

   "He wouldn't be..." Xuan Meng looked at Yin Podi, but secretly clenched his fists.

   If Yin Podi is really infected, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is probably the first woman to take the shot.

   But this woman was looking at Yin Podi, but she also glanced at Lei Yi with suspicion.

   This look seems to say, Yin Podi has been recruited, why are you okay?

After    Yin Podi supported for a few breaths, he hurriedly sat on the ground, and then tapped several key points around his body with his fingers, with blood glowing on his face.

   "This is the blood curse of Modo!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi muttered in his heart for a while.

   What Yin Podi just used was the Hundred Tribulation Finger, and he would do this trick too.

   Yin broke the enemy at the moment, it should be a certain means to force the Modo blood curse to force out the infinite power in the body.

After    tried several times, there was a trace of determination on his face, and then he opened his mouth and vomited.


   A group of blood arrows flew out, and some purple awns could be vaguely seen in the blood.

   Yin broke the enemy, and forced the infinite power in the body, together with the contaminated blood, out of the body.

   Then, he vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, and finally forced out the force that invaded the body.

   "Brother Yin, how is it?" Lu Shaoyou asked quickly.

"Fortunately, no problem!" Yin Podi waved his hand and said weakly: "Relying on my Heartless Shenzong's blood path secret method to force all that power out. However, the speed of this power infecting blood is extremely fast, so I have to lose it. Most of the blood can get rid of it with success!"

   "It's fine, if you get caught, I really can't do it!" Lu Shaoyou breathed a sigh of relief, half joking.

   "No, this is not good!" But at this moment, Lei Yi quickly reminded everyone.

   Not only that, he looked at the blood that was forced out of his body by Yin Podi, his eyes gradually became serious.

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