I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1066: The beginning of infinite power

   Xiu Xianjie, Western Regions.

   Somewhere on the border.

   As the place where the magic way is popular in the immortal cultivation world, the Western Regions can be said to be a place where the right way cultivators will hardly set foot.

  Lei Yi also understood why Meng Shentong had to send a group of them.

   Zhuo Fang is originally from the Western Regions, his background is not clean, and both of them are considered marginal figures in the sect.

   Even if their party is in danger in the Western Regions, the True Spirit Sect actually does not lose anything.

   And the attitude of the True Spirit Immortal Sect is also displayed. You Yin Podi said that there is something important, so we sent a true student disciple, a peak master of Jiufeng, isn't it enough?

   But the strange thing is, why did the Meng Shentong send Xuan Meng over? Is it because Lei Yi two are not at ease.

   Or Xuan Meng is not treated by the magical powers of dreams, is it a marginal figure in the clan?

   Lei Yi guessed so, and the group of them had also rushed for a few days, and now they finally reached the Western Regions.

   Fortunately, on the way, when passing through the Southern Barbarian Territory, nothing happened.

   It is said that the Buddhist monks in the Southern Barbarian Territory have zero tolerance for the magical path, and they will chase and kill you until they are killed.

   When Lei Yi was in Dongzhou, he was framed and turned into a magic way, and he was chased by the King Kong Temple of Shenxiao.

   Although he escaped from birth, the brand of the magic path can't be taken off.

   Sending them to the Western Regions can also be regarded as "going home".

   Not to mention these, now their group has gone to a nearby important checkpoint town under the guidance of Yin Podi.

   There is only a few hundred miles away from the place where the anomaly was found, and it took a moment for the monk to fly away.

   Soon, their group flew across the grassland, and a fortress-like town appeared at the end of their sight.

   According to Yin Podi, this place is the border between the Western Regions and the Southern Barbarians, so merchants and monks who travel between the two places will choose to settle here.

   "This place is pretty good!" Lei Yi looked at the town with surprise.

Before    came, he thought the Western Regions were desolate.

   It turned out that I was wrong. Not only was the Western Regions not desolate at all, on the contrary, the land was also very fertile, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, just like Zhongzhou.

   The only difference is that the terrain is more inclined to the plains, while in Zhongzhou there are more mountainous areas.

   But Yin Podi found something was wrong, and signaled the team to stop, instead of heading to the town rashly.

   "Brother Yin, but found something wrong?" Lu Shaoyou asked quickly when he saw this.

   Everyone also looked at each other, because they felt that there should be no danger near this place, but why should they stop?

   "There is something wrong here, look!" Yin Podi said, pointing to the town ahead.

   Everyone looked at each other without knowing where the problem was.

"As you know, this place is the only checkpoint within a tens of thousands of miles. Normally, merchants and monks are constantly coming and going, and there can even be long queues outside the city, but now..." Yin Podi said. Everyone also found the problem.

   If it is exactly what he said, then many caravans and monks traveling between the Western Regions and Nanban should pass through this place, or simply stop here for repairs.

   But they came from Nanban, and they didn't see a single figure along the way.

  This place seems a bit too quiet.

   "Everyone, be careful, let's go over!" Yin Podi saw the team stop, and after a warning, continued to fly forward.

  Lei Yi also raised all his mind and followed behind him.

   As for Lu Shaoyou, Xuan Meng and Zhuo Fangyan, they are all veteran cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm with powerful supernatural powers, so he shouldn't need to worry about them.

   Soon, five people landed at the gate of the city.

   "There is a smell of blood!" After landing, Lei Yi's nose shook and found the problem.

   "This place, I should have experienced a lot of killing earlier, so lifeless!" Zhuo Fang glanced at the city, and said quietly.

   They all clearly saw the problem.

   Yin Podi's eyes gradually became dignified, and then nodded at the crowd and took the lead into the town.

   The whole city seems a bit dead at the moment, the streets are empty, some fruits and commodities are scattered all over the place, it looks like it has been ransacked by bandits.

   Of course, everyone knows that there are no bandits in this world.

   "There should be monks sitting in the city?" Lu Shaoyou asked curiously, looking around.

"Naturally, this place is an important checkpoint on the border, so there is a team of monks stationed in the city lord mansion. Their duty is to maintain order here!" Yin Podi said, looking at the center of the town, where is the city lord mansion. Up.

   But at this moment, they also know that there may not be people in the city lord's mansion, otherwise this place will not fall into such a situation.

   "Let's go and take a look, in case..." Lu Shaoyou originally wanted to say something, but his brows suddenly frowned.

  Similarly, the other people in the team also noticed something, and all of them looked into a nearby building.

   "There is movement!" This idea came to everyone's mind.

   Just now, there was a strange noise in this building.

   All the monks in the heaven and human realm were present, and a series of divine consciousness covered the building, and then all five of them noticed a scene in the building.

   "How is it possible that there are still people alive?" Yin Podi was a little surprised, because there was a person in the building.

   "No, this person is not alive!" But Lei Yi quickly rejected it.

   The next moment, the door of the house was rushed open by brute force, and a figure rushed out from it, and lunged at the five of them like they were fangs and claws.

   This person is a middle-aged woman with bleeding from the corner of her mouth, her look is hideous, her chest is pierced by a sharp weapon, leaving a blood hole.

People like    should have died long ago, but at this moment they attacked the five of them like a beast.

   "This is..." Yin Podi was a little surprised when he saw this scene for the first time.

   "Sure enough, this is infinite power!" And Lei Yi finally verified his conjecture.

   This woman has been eroded by infinite power, and even after death, she has become a living corpse, with a strong aggressiveness.

   When the woman was killed, everyone thought differently, but Yin Podi still subconsciously shot.

   A ball of flame rose from the bottom of the woman's feet, and then covered her whole body.

   In the scorching fire, the woman's body was directly submerged, and a series of screams rang out, and then there was no movement.

   When the flame went out, only a handful of ashes remained in place.

   But soon, the complexions of Lei Yi and others changed wildly.

  Because it is not only the nearby buildings, but also other places in the town, there seems to be movement.

   "Oops, we seem to have attracted the attention of other people in the city!" Lei Yi looked around, frowning.

   Although the woman's attack was short-lived, the sound she made before her death and the movement of the attack should have shocked the other "corpses".

   These corpses, tainted by infinite power, will all become living corpses and attack the living.

   As expected, in the nearby buildings, a group of people rushed out, rushing towards them.

   These people are all dead, and their bodies have been contaminated with infinite power, and they have become living corpses.

  Lei Yi had seen this scene in the overseas gathering place of the human world, so it was no surprise.

   But everyone else looked different after seeing this scene.

   "Go ahead and send them to rest!" Yin Podi sighed and waved his hand.

   Around the five people, a sea of ​​flames rose up, drowning the crowd who rushed up.

   After a while, these people all turned into scorched corpses, and finally they were completely silent.

   For the cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, the strength of a living corpse is really not enough, so naturally it is not a threat.

   "Go to the City Lord's Mansion, I am worried that the monks who are stationed here may also encounter a bad hand!"

   Yin Podi took the lead to fly to the City Lord’s Mansion, while Lei Yi recalled the scene where these people had just rushed out before leaving.

   He vaguely remembered that the death of these people should be artificial.

   Soon, the city lord’s mansion arrived.

   "Friend Lei Dao, what exactly is the infinite power that you mentioned, why is it so similar to the corpse of the ghost monk?" After arriving, Yin Podi looked forward, but asked.

   "The infinite power is not a local power. As for the specific effect, I am not very clear, but you must be careful, this power will..."

   Lei Yi explained, but there was a movement in the city lord's mansion, and he let his words pause, and he didn't want to go on.

   "This breath..." Lu Shaoyou looked at the city lord's mansion and noticed something strange.

   "It's the breath of a monk!"

   At the same time, Xuan Meng stepped directly into the city lord's mansion, and everyone naturally followed.

   The woman took the lead, rushing towards the direction where the breath appeared.

   After crossing a long aisle, they saw such a scene in the main hall of the city lord’s mansion.

   A figure was half kneeling on the ground, holding a sharp blade, and was disintegrating a corpse in front of him.

   This person has a disheveled head and is covered in blood. The hand holding the sharp blade trembles slightly. It is not known whether it is because of fear ~www.readwn.com~ or other reasons.

   Everyone sensed that this person is a monk, with his back to everyone, and I don’t know if the other person is stationed here.

   "This person is still alive?" Yin Podi looked at the figure from behind and asked slowly.

   "No, he has infinite power in his body, and he is also contaminated!" But Lei Yi quickly shook his head and vetoed it.

   This is a bit of surprise to other people, because in their induction, the breath of the person in front of them is not the slightest strange, the other party is an ordinary monk.

   But the next moment, they knew they were wrong.

  Because this person seemed to notice the incoming person, he turned around suddenly, and finally showed a wicked smile.

   "Hey hey, new prey!" This person abandoned the corpse in front of him, but instead, holding a sharp blade, killed them all.

   "Sure enough, this is the person who slaughtered the mortals here!" Lei Yi looked at the weapon in the opponent's hand, and suddenly realized.

   The mortals in the previous town had wounds on their bodies, all of which were wounded by sharp blades.

   And the sharp weapon this person holds, no matter how you look at it, it is a murder weapon.

  Being able to make the garrisoned monks attack mortals, apart from being infected by infinite power, Lei Yi couldn't think of any other reasons.

   After being corroded by the infinite power, this person is no longer human, and will become irrational, and finally, under the control of the infinite power, kill the same kind.

   "So that's the case, then you die for me too!" Yin Podi waved his hand again when he saw this, and a flame rose.

  The flame covered the front, enveloping the opponent's body.

   Soon, the infected monk completely lost his movement.

   Seeing each other's fall, everyone's eyes were different.

   But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

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