I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1068: Domain: Blood Refining and Killing Array

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Lei Yi looked at the blood squirming in the air, his expression became particularly solemn.

Because in his induction, the infinite force attached to it seemed to be more active than before.

What does this show is that this infinite power is still active and able to continue to act.

But it didn't attack other people, but instead clung to blood and floated in the air.

A mass of blood was squirming in the air, not to mention how weird this scene was.

"This is... what's going on?" Lu Shaoyou asked Yin Podi with his arm, turning around to ask.

"I don't know, I have never seen this scene!" Lei Yi was also confused at the moment.

He didn't even know, so naturally it was even more impossible for others to know.

The blood in the midair changed and became weird.

The blood squirmed, gradually forming a human appearance.

Lei Yi and the others saw that the blood was squirming and turned into a slender figure.

The red blood turned into a **** robe, the outline of his face gradually became clear, and his facial features gradually appeared.

"This is... the appearance of Brother Yin!" Lu Shaoyou was shocked when he saw the form of the blood man.

But Lei Yi felt that it was normal, because this was Yin Po's blood, and it was normal to be like the opponent.

However, blood can turn into Yin Po enemy, which is really a bit weird.

But an even stranger scene appeared.

"Hahaha, hahahaha..." After the blood man turned into Yin Podi, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Is this the power of the cultivator? Is this the power of the cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm? It's really great!" The blood man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly at the moment, his expression filled with morbid madness.

This scene made everyone look at each other again, with a dumbfounded look.

When Yin Podi saw this, a red glow appeared in his palm, apparently using a secret technique in the dark.

"How come, my blood is out of control!"

But soon, his face became shocked, because in his induction, his blood had lost the connection with the body.

"In these blood, there is a strong infinite power, and there is power injected into it!" Lei Yi saw it really, and there were countless purple light spots in the atmosphere condensing into the blood human body.

It seems that the infinite power in the entire town seems to be turned into nourishment at this moment, and they are all supplying the blood.

With the addition of infinite power, the blood man's breath became stronger and stronger, and even faintly reached the breath almost equal to Yin Podi.

"Speed ​​shot, don't give him a chance to become stronger!" Seeing this scene, Lu Shaoyou said quickly.

He acted first, and a sword qi flew out from his fingertips and pierced towards the blood man.

With a chuckle, the blood man's chest was penetrated by a blow of sword energy, and a blood hole was punched.

In the mouth of the cave, the blood squirmed and healed as before.

The blood man was hit by such a blow, but his face showed the iconic smirk like an infected body.

"I can feel this power, is this the power of the law?" He smiled, as if mocking everyone, but did not counterattack.

"Do it!" This time, Xuan Meng rushed out.

The woman's temper was already hot, and seeing the blood man with such an attitude, she couldn't bear it, she took the lead and killed her.

Seeing this, Lei Yi was naturally unwilling to lag behind and followed this woman.

In the back, Zhuo Fang took out a few talismans and began to pinch the tactics and chant the spell to prepare to cast the spell. Lu Shaoyou was also condensing sword energy, intending to give the blood man a thunderous blow.

But in the face of so many tentacles of the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm, the Blood Man still did not change his crazy complexion.

"So much infinite power should be enough, enough for me to perform this trick!" He laughed wildly, raised his hands, and made a movement that made everyone feel incredible.

"Fuck, this is a technique in the field!" Seeing the familiar movement, Lei Yi exclaimed even more.

Domain, he doesn't even know it!

Could this **** man already meet?

In the end, he really guessed right.

"The field unfolds..."

The blood man's face showed a sly smile again, and at the same time he screamed loudly: "Refining blood to kill the formation!"

Around his body, a cloud of blood smeared out, then turned into a blood-red curtain, shrouded all around.

In an instant, the city lord's mansion disappeared, leaving only a world that was red as blood.

Everyone was lost under the blood-colored curtain.

In Lei Yi's eyes, his companions disappeared one by one, and in the end, only himself was left in the entire Scarlet Space.

"What's going on, a mere ball of blood can be used to display the field, it really makes me speechless!" He looked around, unloved.

Nothing hurts more than this.

The blood came from Yin Podi, so Yin Podi's domain was displayed.

What annoying!

But before he had time to think about how to break through this layer of realm, he heard countless screams coming from all around him.

In the curtain of scarlet blood, countless blood-colored weird weapons came out.

"This is... the blood soldier!" Seeing the appearance of those blades, a memory suddenly appeared in Lei Yi's mind.

It was the five-finger pit of the fierce emperor of the Demon Realm. He had seen weapons of almost the same standard, but his aura was stronger than what he has now.

There is no doubt that the blood soldiers in front of them are all products of the creation realm, and Yin Po's realm should have reached the second realm.

And what appeared in the fierce emperor of the demon world may be the product of the eternal realm. The fierce emperor's realm is obviously the eternal realm, so the blood soldiers can always exist.

Now, Lei is easy and difficult to handle.

Because there are only two ways to break the domain, the first is to offset it with a domain of the same level or even stronger than the operator.

But Lei Yi does not know the field, this method is not applicable.

Then there is only the second method left, to break open with brute force.

However, there are disciples of the Wuxin Shenzong here, as well as Zhuo Fangyan and Xuanmeng. If you use the Twelve Capital Deity Transformation yourself, it will be easy to expose.

Although they are all covered by the realm, it is hard to guarantee that they have no magical powers to spy on other people.

I still can't expose this hole card.

"In that case, find the blood man and kill the caster directly. This is also the way to crack the domain!" Lei Yi didn't have time to think. After avoiding a round of attacks from the blood soldiers, he searched in the domain.

The method of finding the operator is not actually recommended.

Because in the domain, if the operator wants to hide, there are ways.

Therefore, the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm will generally not look for the performers in the domain, and the efficiency is too low, and they are easy to be ambushed by the opponent.

But Lei Yi had no choice but to do so.

He glanced around, trying to find the location of the blood man.

But in this field, there was blood spilling everywhere, which greatly interfered with his judgment.

He had to avoid the rush of blood soldiers, and at the same time relax, to carefully understand the aura around him.

"This area is called the blood refining and killing array, obviously it is the **** magical power, so there is blood everywhere in it. If you hide a mass of blood, how can you find it!"

After half a day, Lei Yi gave up.

Just like what he said, a drop of water has to be hidden, how do you find each other in a vast ocean.

"Wait..." Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, "In addition to the blood, there is infinite power in this blood man!"

He quickly remembered that although the blood man had absorbed Yin Po's blood, the trend itself still had infinite power to act.

Therefore, it is difficult to find each other in the blood, but it is not difficult for him to find infinite power.

Lei Yi was happy again, but this time it was not to sense blood, but to find the place where the infinite power was the strongest.

In order for the blood man to use his domain, he must consume energy, so he must gather as much infinite power as possible.

Therefore, the place where the infinite power gathers most at this moment also represents the location of the blood man.

Soon, he felt it.

Under the red blood curtain, there is an area of ​​infinite power that is extremely rich, and it vaguely condenses the outline of a human shape.

"I found you!" Lei Yi suddenly opened his eyes, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The next moment, he rushed into a blood curtain, and the blood flowing around his body was ignored by him, and even the blood soldiers hidden in it were directly knocked away by his flesh.

After rushing through the barriers, he slammed into a mass of blood-filled area and blasted a punch towards the center.


A blood shadow flew out of it, it was a blood man.

At this moment, on the face of the blood man, there is no longer a weird smile, but a deep color of jealousy.

"In your body... why are there... you are... the same kind?" The blood man looked at Lei Yi, but said intermittently.

"Lao Tzu is a human, not like you!" Lei Yi cursed directly, raising his fist and blasting at the blood man's face.

For some reason, the blood man at this moment was obviously exhausted, and even the speed of avoiding it was much slower.

Seeing this, Lei Yi knew that the opportunity was coming, and when he was near the blood man, he displayed the power of the tyrant of time.

Suddenly, a golden light curtain enveloped the surroundings, covering the blood man.

The blood man's speed has been reduced several times, and it is naturally even more impossible to avoid Lei Yi's fist.


The head of the blood man, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was shattered by Lei Yi's punch.

The blood mist exploded, and countless purple spots of light flew out of it, pouring towards Lei Yi's arm.

But for this scene, the latter was not surprised at all, and even allowed these purple awns to flood into the body.

"Cut, I am immune long ago, what can you do to me!" Lei Yi sneered, watching the infinite power in the blood human body, all absorbed by himself, and he was too lazy to move even if he moved.

When the infinite power disappeared, the blood man's body directly collapsed, and the blood curtain around it also faded.

After a short while, the domain disappeared, and he returned to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Also returning at the same time were Zhuo Fangyan, Xuan Meng and Lu Shaoyou.

"This guy is really stupid. It is estimated that the energy in the body is not enough to support us for a moment when we show the domain and imprison us of so many of the same level!" Lu Shaoyou looked around, shaking his head and laughing.

Lei Yi suddenly understood that the aura of the emotional blood became weaker because they were too crowded, so they consumed each other to death.

However, this is also related to Lei Yi's absorption of infinite power, otherwise the realm of blood people can continue to imprison them for a while.

And now, the infinite power in the entire town should have been exhausted just now.

They are no longer in danger for the time being.

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