I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

176 What Do You Belong To? (1 Update)

Seeing the determination on Zhao Feng's face, the elders suddenly didn't know how to persuade him.

Because they discovered the unconscious weakness in their bones!

The fear and obedience to their fathers deep in their hearts was so deep that they didn't even have the courage to face Mr. Meng directly, and they just wanted to kneel down without seeing anyone!

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Zhao Feng left the Zhao family and headed to Mr. Meng’s residence!

Uncle Zhao Qiangguo gave a wry smile and said with a wry smile to his younger siblings: "I didn't expect that the most courageous person in our Zhao family is actually the third generation Xiaofeng!"

"Yes, we were actually taught a lesson by a child today!"

Second aunt Zhao Simei also looked thoughtful. She was also wondering why they were so afraid of Mr. Meng.

Before I even had time to resist, they were all ganged up on and wiped out!

Zhao Feng was the only one who stood up and made a beautiful counterattack during this sweep!

"I'll drive Xiaofeng off."

The third child, Zhao Qiang, stood up, picked up his hat and walked out of the house. He called out to Zhao Feng who was about to leave and sent Zhao Feng to the door of the Meng family.

"Let me accompany you in. After all, the original cause of this incident was because of me."

"No need, Third Uncle."

Zhao Feng shook his head and replied: "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Maybe without you, things would still develop to where they are today."

Although the trigger may be the third uncle Zhao Qiang's family, Zhao Feng guesses that due to the competition between the two families in the provincial capital, other conflicts will occur sooner or later. Whether or not there is Zhao Jiaqiang's incident, the result will probably be exactly the same!

"Okay, be careful.

Zhao Qiang's family warned: "Mr. Meng is from the old man's generation. If you stimulate him too much, the old man may not be able to control himself."

"Hey, that's not the case, right? I'm just a kid!"

Zhao Feng burst into laughter.

Then he pushed the door open and got out of the car, knocking on the iron gate of the Meng family courtyard.


A tall middle-aged man opened the door and after seeing Zhao Qiang's family in the car, he snorted: "You still dare to come here, Zhao Qiang's family, you have been very brave recently!"

Then, his eyes fell on Zhao Feng, who was almost taller than himself.

"Are you Zhao Feng?"

"you are?"

"Mencius said!"

"Oh, it's Uncle Meng. How are you?"

Mencius said that his head is full of black lines. This question is too 'meaningful'!

What's the meaning?

Do you really think I will be mad at you?

"Humph, none of you Zhao family members are good!"

Mencius said to move out of the way and said: "You are here early, the food is not ready yet, the old man is reading the newspaper inside!"

"That's just right. As a 'nuclear peace' messenger like me, I like chatting with the elderly the most!"

The boss of the Meng family moved his mouth, but in the end he still didn't curse out. He really felt that the Zhao family was getting more and more disgusting with each generation!

He thought that Zhao Qiang's family was already very "sword-y", but he didn't expect that there was someone even more "sword-y" here!

"Are your whole family so shameless?"

The eldest son of the Meng family brought Zhao Feng to the house angrily.

At this time, Zhao Feng felt as if he was walking on a red carpet. As soon as he entered the room, he was stared at by a group of people!

Several of the children, who were about the same age as him, stared angrily at Zhao Feng, and there was even a kid walking towards him with his hands behind his back!

"This is a small trick, but when you and I put on my trousers, I will stop playing with you!"

Zhao Feng secretly smiled in his heart. Just when this child who looked a little two years younger than himself was about to take action, Zhao Feng suddenly took a step forward and lifted up the hem of Mencius' clothes!


A ball of yellow stuff stuck directly to the lower left corner of Meng Ziyue's coat.

But Zhao Feng's face was full of "innocent". He looked blankly at the Meng family children in front of him and asked: "Huh? I just want to wipe my nose. What is this that you threw at me?"

Zhao Feng pinched his nose, and then hurriedly said to Meng Zi who didn't react: "Uncle Meng, take off your clothes quickly, take off your clothes!"


Throw things on yourself!

It’s so bad that this shit was thrown on yourself!


Although Mencius Ricong was more than forty years older than Zhao Feng, he never expected that he would be subdued by a child in his eyes and had no temper at all!


What made Meng Ziyue almost go berserk the most was that Zhao Feng even got together, exposed his most disgusting side, and then pressed it directly on the face of the third generation of the Meng family!

"How dare you treat my precious grandson like this in my home? Old Man Zhao's grandson is even more bullying than his son back then!"

Zhao Feng was more generous. He hurriedly helped Meng Ziyue take off his coat, and then comforted the junior with a look of "pampering" on his face: "It's okay, it's okay. I don't blame you, brother! Don't cry!"

Thinking of his uncle's usual harshness, the baby was immediately at a loss and his eye circles began to turn red.


Once it comes out, he will commit violence against Zhao Feng, and the consequences will be...

Mencius said, remembering that incident that caused a lot of commotion!

With cake all over his face, the third-generation child of the Meng family collapsed. He turned around and ran away crying, calling his mother as he ran: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mom, someone, someone is bullying me! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" "

Even if it’s forgiveness, it’s my business!

Zhao Feng was beaten by his classmate!

And Zhao Feng himself was not only unconscious, but also smiling with a smile on his face. While pressing his head and rubbing it on his coat, he said 'comforting': "Don't cry, don't cry. Brother, please wipe your tears!"

Wow wow wow!


Why the hell are you hiding behind me?

Mencius said, raising his big hand, he wanted to slap Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng turned to Mencius and said, "Uncle Meng, go take Brother Meng to have his IQ tested. Is he underdeveloped?"

Mencius said that he almost fainted from anger!

Are you going to forgive me?

Not only did each of those people go home and were beaten so hard that even their mothers could not recognize them, but the parents of these people also wanted to thank Zhao Feng for his kindness!

A loud voice sounded!

Just when the boss of the Meng family was extremely frustrated.

The proud face of the Meng family turned green!

But what's the result?

An energetic old man came out, stared at Zhao Feng, and threatened Zhao Feng: "Boy, are you looking for death?".

"You are so old and you are still looking for your mother?"

"I almost fell for this kid! Who does this guy belong to? A hedgehog? A porcupine? Even if you beat him or scold him, it won't work. This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a difficult guy!"

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!

And he is even more different!

Zhao Feng looked at Mencius pitifully and said, "Uncle Meng, do you want to hit me? Oh, I admit it. Just hit me if you want. I'll do a disability assessment later."

The third generation of the Meng family was also stunned. He didn't expect that he wanted to give the Zhao family a good look, but instead threw his daddy on his uncle.

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