I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

175 Hongmen Banquet! (5 Updates)

Mr. Meng immediately called for his eldest son Mencius and said:

"How much money should be paid for their shares, and they will be refunded according to the market price!"

"Dad, why?"

Mencius looked puzzled and protested: "He quit voluntarily without any money, so why should we give him money?"

"Stupid, look what this is!"

The old man threw the article in front of his eldest son and said angrily: "For a little profit, look at the good things you have done!"

"This article is a distortion of the facts!"

Mencius still didn't understand, and said aggrievedly: "It was the Zhao family who proposed it themselves and were willing to withdraw without compensation. In order to ensure that they would not regret it, I specially signed the contract."


"Don't you understand yet? The problem lies in this contract!"

"What's wrong with the contract? There's nothing wrong with it. I've checked with the legal department!"

"There is nothing wrong with it, but it is unreasonable!"

"Everything in business is based on the contract. How can it be reasonable?"

"Alas, the problem arises here. In the eyes of foreigners overseas, there must be something evil about this kind of unreasonable thing. They will instinctively think that we coerced a self-employed person to sign this agreement. They don't know anything about Meng. Regarding the grudge between the Zhao family and the Zhao family, they only know that we are bullying a small self-employed person!"

"I didn't! 590"

"Whether there is or not, it doesn't matter. What's important is that once this article appears, it will damage the image of Daxia's business community and slow down the pace of foreign investment in Daxia. With this kind of impact, do you think the higher-ups will Are you going to sit back and do nothing?"

"Dad, is it so serious?"

Mencius asked in disbelief.

at this time.

The phone in his hand rang.

After picking up the phone, Meng Ziyue was completely shocked!

"What? Both Wan and Lao Wu have been dismissed from their posts? Do I have to be investigated too? No, where did this news come from? Come, come, come from Yanjing?!"

Mencius said, looking at the old man in shock.

Mr. Meng sighed deeply. He thought he had eliminated his lifelong enemy, but he never expected that the old man of the Zhao family would leave behind such a powerful back-up plan before leaving!

"Haha, Old Man Zhao, I thought you were going to take the first step because you couldn't survive me. It turns out that you already had a backup plan and had no worries, so you breathed a sigh of relief and left first?"

Mr. Meng looked up to the sky and sighed.

I thought it was a simple battle to annihilate the enemy, but I didn't expect that when the Zhao family retreated, it actually caused them heavy casualties!

Even the fifth child of the Meng family got involved!

"Go, find someone and tell me (bhfc) to invite Zhao Feng over for a meal."

"Zhao Feng? The third generation of the fifth Zhao family? Dad, are you crazy?"

"Let you go, you can't understand human language?!"

Mr. Meng roared angrily, and the frightened eldest son hurriedly nodded to do it. At the same time, he muttered: "That little kid, does he dare to come? I don't think even the boss of the Zhao family, Zhao Qiangguo, dares to come?"

But according to the old man's wishes, someone informed the Zhao family that the old man was hosting a banquet for Zhao Feng in the evening.

at the same time.

Xu family in Jiangyang.

Xu Anbang was reading the newspaper and drinking tea, and said with emotion: "This little guy is really capable!"

"Dad, do you think this family has suffered a lot of losses this time?"

Xu Lingfeng finally returned home, and this time he brought his girlfriend back to meet his father.

The girlfriend is helping to chat with Xu Anbang's wife in the kitchen.

The father and son talked about the Zhao family.

"Haha, I don't know whether the Zhao family's loss is small or not, but the Meng family's loss this time is not small.


"Look at this article that Zhao Feng asked someone to post. It seems to be just an analysis article by a financial expert, but the content inside is like a knife. If you cut it with a knife, you can see the flesh and blood of the Meng family!"

"I saw that Zhao Feng voluntarily gave up his shares in Shuanghui. Isn't this considered a good thing?"

"Good? It's obviously revenge and an oath!"


"Yes, it seems that this little guy was aroused by the Meng family. Even if he retreats, he will bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh. It seems that this guy is ready to confront the Meng family. y

"He? Can it be done?"

"Why not? Didn't you see this article? The domino effect set off by just one article is not news. Just wait, the Meng family will lose at least one person this time.

As soon as Xu Anbang finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.

"Uncle Cheng? Are you looking for my dad?"

"Yes, I won't change my shoes!"

Uncle Cheng hurriedly walked into the living room and said to Xu Anbang: "Old Xu, have you heard? The fifth eldest son of the Meng family, Meng Zifan, was fired, and even the eldest brother, Meng Ziyue, was temporarily suspended.

"It's pretty quick to do it."

"What? Did you expect that? You are such an old boy, aren't you?"

"It's not my god, but this is a clever way of using retreat to advance and killing people with a borrowed knife."

Xu Anbang turned to look at his son.

"Over there in Pengcheng, please help this boy Zhao Feng, he will definitely be extraordinary in the future!"

"I wouldn't dare to drive this God of Wealth away even if you don't tell me!"

Xu Lingfeng curled his lips and said: "This guy is quite smart. Before anyone goes there, the headquarters of Panda Chat has been moved there. Moreover, the factory construction started on those pieces of land a few months ago. I heard that it was invited to Frog Island A key person in wafer technology came here to design and operate it himself, so the money was thrown away, tsk tsk tsk, Dad, now I know what Jinshan is!"

"Haha, wafer technology? This guy is really extraordinary. Everyone else wants to make food and drink, but this guy specializes in this new technology!"

Xu Anbang admired Zhao Feng's vision a little.

For a technical talent like him, although he also needs to plan some real estate things, the most despised people are those who are engaged in land and real estate.

These people have no skills, they are just speculating, especially many Xiangjiang businessmen who have taken the land and have not done anything for several years, just waiting for the value to increase and build houses.

But Zhao Feng is different!

What Zhao Feng invested in was something that ordinary investors would never dare to touch!



In this era, everyone is so unfamiliar with these things, who knows if they can be done.

If it doesn't work, all the money will be wasted!

So no one dares to do it!

But Xu Anbang felt that someone had to do this after all. Now that Zhao Feng has done this, he couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't realize that this kid is really a bit heroic, even though tens of millions of people have passed away!"


The Zhao family gathered together again!

Because what happened today was so big, they all got the news that something happened to the Meng family.

Knowing that Mr. Meng took the initiative to invite Zhao Feng to the banquet alone, Zhao Qiangguo immediately stopped him and said, "No, this is clearly a Hongmen Banquet! Xiaofeng, this Mr. Meng has the same temperament as your grandfather. He gets impulsive, but doesn't care about anything. Yes. Let you go alone, I absolutely disagree!"


Second aunt Zhao Simei also echoed: "He is about to be buried. What's the point of scaring your child? We won't go!"

"How about I go with Xiaofeng."

Zhao Qiang's family suggested: "Perhaps this is an opportunity to ease the relationship between the two families?"

"What do you think?"

Fourth Aunt Zhao Sixue asked.

"I'll go alone!"

Zhao Feng said calmly: "The old man said that I, the son of the Zhao family, are never afraid to back down. When it is time to draw the sword, I will draw it! Aren't I just an old man? There is nothing to be afraid of.

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