I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

177 What Cannot Defeat Me Will Eventually Make Me Stronger! (2 Updates)

It was the first time I met Mr. Meng.

Zhao Feng had to admit that the old guy here was indeed more majestic and imposing.

No wonder all my uncles and aunts are frightened when they mention this old man of the Meng family!

But who is Zhao Feng?

I'm not even afraid of the labor and capital of the reborn people, but I'm afraid of you, an old guy with half your body buried in the ground.

Immediately, he shrugged and replied: "No, old man, which of your eyes did you see me bullying your grandson? I'm here to make friends!"

"Is this how you make friends?"

"Isn't that how you make friends? Isn't that what your Meng family does?"

Zhao Feng was not afraid at all, tit for tat, and asked loudly: "Mr. Meng, are the recent actions of your Meng family just to take revenge on our Zhao family?"

Mr. Meng narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhao Feng coldly.

"You brat, is your wife really my wife?"

"Where is it?"

"Qi Liu Qi" "Hmph, people are not smart and have a lot of clever ideas. It's a pity that cleverness is misled by cleverness. Where is this place and you don't even look at it?"

"Haha, I guess nowhere is as safe as here, right?"

Zhao Feng stretched out his arms calmly, moved his neck, and said: "If it were outside, something might have happened. But here, many people saw my third uncle sending me to you. I think, you You don’t want anything to happen to me, right?”

"Okay, okay, what a sharp-tongued little bastard."

Mr. Meng stepped out of the way and said to Zhao Feng: "Take a seat. Since you are here, let's eat and chat!"

"Thank you!"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, and regardless of the age and order, he regarded himself as Mr. Zhao, strode to the restaurant of Mr. Meng's house, and sat down opposite the main seat.


When everyone in the Meng family saw Zhao Feng being so arrogant, they all wanted to step forward and scold Zhao Feng.

"Everyone sit down!"

Mr. Meng knocked on the table.

Everyone in the Meng family took their seats one after another!

But all of them look very unkind!

Zhao Feng was too cruel this time. Now the fifth child is still under investigation and cannot be released, and the position of the boss must also be adjusted.

The Zhao family was deeply hurt, but the Meng family did not fare well this time.

at this time.

A woman came forward with her child who was made to cry by Zhao Feng just now. She wanted to say something, but Mr. Meng glared coldly and angrily said: "It's embarrassing. Since you want to play with others, don't lose." Cry. Our Meng family doesn’t need this kind of coward! Get out!”

The woman immediately left with her son in awe, and glared at Zhao Feng resentfully before leaving, her protective attitude clearly evident.

"Who is this aunt?"

Zhao Feng asked with a smile on his face.

The second generation of the Meng family had a cold war, wondering why Zhao Feng's smile seemed so malicious the more they looked at it.

Mencius slammed the table angrily and shouted: "Zhao Feng, don't scare people here. Do you think you can threaten us?"

"What did I threaten? I just asked! Is it illegal to ask?"

"Hmph, who doesn't know what's going on in your stomach?"

"Okay, I mean it too. I want to tell auntie that his child seemed to have opened his mouth just now. I guess there seems to be something in his mouth. Let his mother wash him off properly!"


Several women in the Meng family immediately retched.

Mencius said that he was upset and angry for a while, so he turned to the youngest Meng family's seventh child and said: "Quick, Zifei, let your fifth sister-in-law brush the child's teeth. Go quickly!"

"oh oh!"

Meng Zifei glanced at Zhao Feng. She didn't know where such a bastard came from the old Zhao family. The way he acted was really disgusting. How could such a disgusting person come to be!

"Is this the seventh child? He's quite young. I think he's about the same age as my second sister!"

Zhao Feng's face was full of innocence, and he handed over to Mr. Meng and said: "Old man, you are really strong, vigorous, energetic, and full of vigor and vitality..."

The more Zhao Feng said it, the less it sounded out of tune, and the allusion was obvious. The woman next to Mr. Meng, who was thirty years younger than him, also blushed, spat, and left the table in shame and anger. !

The old man's eyelids kept twitching, it was obvious that it was time to explode!

Everyone in the Meng family was even more silent. Everyone was stunned by Zhao Feng's operation!

In the past few decades, even the old man of the Zhao family has not dared to mention this matter!

Zhao Feng is so awesome!

Zhao Feng sat calmly on the chair and said calmly: "What I hate the most is the old bastard who never dies and takes advantage of others. If you have the ability, do it!"

Zhao Feng was also unambiguous, holding a water glass and muttering: "In my life, I have never seen someone turn over the table before the food is served!"

He didn't say anything when he came up, and he didn't even open the table. He used all his taunting skills, making Mr. Meng's breathing become disordered!

"That's too much!"

Meng Zifei, the seventh eldest son of the Meng family, who rushed over, saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade: "Dad, what are you doing? Put it down quickly!"

The tea cup in Zhao Feng's hand shook, and Mr. Meng was also splashed with water!




Zhao Feng chuckled and said loudly: "I don't know if it will stop or not, but I know that anyone who can't kill me will make me stronger!"

"I'm so angry! You brat, I'm half dead and I'm still afraid of you threatening me?"

"Old man, this junior should learn from you! Do you have any medicine? Or is it the magic oil from Asan? Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so powerful. If this is sold, I estimate that your Meng family will become the richest man in the world in the West!"

"shut up!"

"Old man, you are the most boring old man I have ever seen. How old are you? You still play with a squirt gun!"

The words just fell.

"You try it? I will replace your family alone! So many people have seen it. Your son and daughter are here. No one organized it. You are all accomplices. Your old man is the mastermind. From the eldest to the seventh in your family, they are all Accessory!

"Water gun?"

As he said that, Zhao Feng looked around and said calmly: "One of them is one, come two and I will make a pair! Let's see if I, Zhao Feng, am afraid of you!".

Mencius said that he was really panicking now!

"Okay, okay!"

Mr. Meng wiped off the water on his face, his eyes became gloomy, he stared at Zhao Feng, and said solemnly: "So, you don't want to give any face to me? Okay, then let's fight to the death!"

at this time.

They are watching from this side!

"You brat, what I hate most in my life is a bastard who talks nonsense! Believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

Moreover, when it comes to motivation, their country has the most motivation!

"Until death?"

Everyone in the Meng family was dumbfounded!

He was really afraid that his father would impulsively implicate the entire Meng family!

"Come on! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

He even got up and poured himself a glass of water, then drank it one sip after another!

Mr. Meng 2.2 also sneered, looked at Zhao Feng who was calm and did not dodge with admiration and said: "Good boy, I didn't expect you to be much more courageous than Mr. Zhao's group of children! 11

Mr. Meng overturned the entire oval table, took out a gun, and pointed it at Zhao Feng's forehead.

But they found that Zhao Feng was fine and fell straight into the water!

"I, Meng Liangshan, have never been ridiculed like this by a little baby in my life!"

Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes immediately!

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