I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

162 In A Foreign Country, I Want To Cry But Have No Tears! (2 Updates)

On the way back to New York City, Shirley protested to Zhao Feng in a low voice with dissatisfaction: "Why did you really bring this guy with you?"

"Then what should we do? Your father also cares about you!"

"What's the concern? You're obviously spying on me!"

"You haven't done anything immoral, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid? I'm not afraid!"

Shirley obviously lacked confidence. Seeing Zhao Feng's questioning gaze, Shirley sighed: "Let me tell you, I actually told my father that I had a boyfriend and he was in New City. "We have already lived together."

"You have a boyfriend?"

Zhao Feng stood up in surprise, secretly thinking that Guo Zicun was in danger.

"Why are you so loud?"

Shirley glared at Zhao Feng, and when she saw that White, who was driving, did not respond, she replied in a low voice: "No! That's why I don't want my dad to spy on me!"

"If not, then there won't be!"

"Oh, so this time I will tell my dad that you are my "537" boyfriend."

"What did you say?"

Zhao Feng can't bear it now!

TNND, I didn’t even find a future wife, so why did I become someone else’s boyfriend?

Who can bear this?

"Don't get excited!"

Shirley hurriedly comforted Zhao Feng and said: "I am not doing this as a temporary measure, I am just delaying my father!"

"You are delaying your father, why are you dragging me along?"

"Who told you to be the first outside man I brought home?"

"Am I wrong?"

Zhao Feng glared at Shirley angrily and said dissatisfiedly, he gave their family a 5 million lighthouse knife, which is not a small amount of money!

"My mistake, my mistake! Mainly because my dad doesn't know you Daxia people very well. I said you are one year older than me. It's just that you Daxia people are young, which makes you look younger than me. Didn't my dad believe it?"

"I...I'm older than you?"

Zhao Feng almost vomited blood!

This girl can really tell lies with her eyes open. It would be a waste not to become a lawyer!

"Besides, I said you were shy. You Daxia people are all reserved and pay attention to the fact that you are not married until you are married. You are too embarrassed to say to your face that you are my boyfriend. My dad believed you again!"


No wonder Shirley's stepfather always said that he was Shirley's boyfriend. After Shirley objected, it still had no effect!

The source of emotion is here!

"Moreover, my dad is very satisfied with you. Although at first I thought you were from Daxia and thought you were incompetent, you really didn't embarrass me. You showed off your skills and shocked my dad and Uncle White." !”

"Xiaoxiao, show your hands, cough, cough, cough!"

A thought that he had never had before came to Zhao Feng's mind. It turns out that there is "retribution" for doing bad things!

This retribution comes too quickly!

"So? What now?"

"What else can we do? While you are in the Lighthouse Country, we can only live together!"


Zhao Feng jumps in again!

MD, it’s enough to bear the title of your boyfriend, but you still want me to live with you?

Zhao Feng thinks he has been plotted by Shirley?

Is this little girl holding something back in her heart?

I just want to eat tender grass like myself!

"What's the matter, boss?"

White got into the role very quickly. While driving, he turned around and asked.

Seeing White's big muscles and the tattoos that spread to his back, Zhao Feng said dejectedly: "Nothing, I just want to ask about Shirley's company."

"Oh, Miss Shirley is very smart. Boss, you have found the right person for our lady!"

"Oh yes!"

Zhao Feng replied weakly.

Zhao Feng was very depressed, but if Fang Xu knew, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood!

For Fang Xu, this kind of love luck is beyond his reach!

During this period, he was really depressed!

First, Fang Xu ran to find Li Yanhong and found that no one could be found. After reporting the case, there was still no news. He only knew that the 5 million he invested in the account was missing!

Fang Xu almost lost his temper after losing 5 million lighthouse knives in one breath.

But this loss was still within an acceptable range. Although Fang Xu wanted to find Li Yanhong and chop him into twenty pieces, he finally swallowed his breath.

What Fang Xu couldn't accept the most was that when he called to inquire about the progress of the Wozorgis brothers' movie preparations, he found that no one answered!

Then he found the filming location he visited at that time, only to find out that the location had entered a vacation period and there were no filming projects at all.

Fang Xu asked why he saw so many people at that time. The management here said that it was because someone paid to rent it for a day.

Bang bang bang!

Fang Xu smashed the wall of the hotel with his fist and drew blood, but he was still unaware and roared: "You, you dare to lie to me, you two liars, even if you escape to the ends of the world, I, Fang Xu, will find you you!"

Angry as hell, Fang Xu's immediate concern was money.

So Fang Xu went to the bank "hoping to freeze the supervision account after signing the contract!"

The bank manager looked at it for a long time and said strangely: "What kind of account do you think this is?"

"It's a third-party custody account!"

"Sorry, sir, this is a private account!"

"What? You mean, this is an account opened by an individual?"

"Yes, raw!"

"So, where's my money?"

"I can't reveal this to you. After all, this is other people's privacy..."

Fang Xu's head was buzzing. He had previously lamented that the signing process was more cautious and it was safer to put it in a third-party custody account!

Now he knows that there is no supervision account, it is simply a private account!

"Then why? Why is the account number different from mine?"

"Ah, this is because they applied for the account from locals, while you applied for a temporary account from overseas using your passport, so it is naturally different!"


Fang Xu almost cried!

Emma, ​​it turns out there is a difference between local and temporary accounts!

"What about my money?"

"Sir, we suggest you report the crime first!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

But thinking about the missing persons case reported before, and now there is not even a ghost, Fang Xu completely loses confidence.

Far away overseas and alone, Fang Xu was on the verge of tears!

"My money, my money! My 65 million, it's just gone. How can I survive this?"

Fang Xu completely lost his direction!

He can't imagine now how he will repay the principal next!

5.9 At this moment, Fang Xu didn’t even look for a rope and just killed it all!

This was the heaviest blow he had suffered since starting his business!

In the past, he could say that he was unlucky, but this time, it was entirely because he was fooled and fooled!


Fang Xu's eyes turned cold and he murmured: "How does the other party know that I want to invest in a movie? And can they contact me accurately and set up a trap for me?"

Fang Xu rarely told anyone that he wanted to invest in movies, and his address and phone number were both secret and not known to most people.

As for Daxia and Xiangjiang, it is impossible for anyone to know!

"In other words, the person who controls all of this is right next to me?"

Fang Xu's inkling that "there is only one truth" immediately pointed to the only suspect - Liu Yifei!

"You bitch, how dare you cheat on me!"

Fang Xu was furious!

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