I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

163 The Second Phase Of The Acquisition! (3 Updates)

But in fact.

The real mastermind behind the scenes, Zhao Feng, was sitting on the sofa, handing out money to the two actors hired by Shirley to play the Wautzorgis brothers.

"There is 1 million in each of these two boxes, which is your reward!"

"Thank you sir."

The two people took the money and left ecstatically.

Just after leaving, Zhao Feng said to White: "Mr. White, it seems that I need your help.

"Hey, boss, I understand!"

White smiled evilly.

He is very familiar with this matter.

Shirley was not surprised by this. It was too dangerous to let these two people go. After all, Zhao Feng's transaction directly cost him 60 million, which is not a small sum!

As long as these two people are a little greedy, they will be in big trouble in the future.

"By the way, how was your discussion with those two brothers?"

Zhao Feng asked Shirley.

He originally planned to use his blood to win "The Matrix", but who would have thought that Fang Xu would come all the way to the Lighthouse Country to deliver money!

This makes Zhao Feng embarrassed not to cheat him!

Especially knowing that Fang Xu and the Li brothers have joined forces to deal with him!

"It's almost done. The 17th budget is 30 million in the early stage, 20 million and 25 million in the middle and late stages respectively. It has been paid into the union's supervision account. They know that all the money will be received at once, and they decided to cooperate with us.

"Sure enough, Huana's side only took out less than 60 million, and they still understand what it means to wait for a price."

Zhao Feng is not disgusted with such shrewd people!

Although the budget is large, most of it is Fang Xu's money. Speaking of which, Zhao Feng only spent 1500W, and there may be some leftover!

"By the way, how about Yaxun's place? When will we start attracting goods?"

"It will soon fall to the issuance price of 18 yuan, and we are preparing to attract goods!"

"very good!"

Zhao Feng stood up and said with a smile: "Start preparing to implement the second phase of the acquisition plan!"

"I have contacted Steve, and he has helped us contact three old employees of Jeff's company who hold shares. These three people are now very anxious to get out of their shares.

"Very well, come all."

Zhao Feng crossed his legs. As long as he got 70% to 80% of the stocks sold by Yaxun and the stocks of these old employees, he would own more than 40% of the shares!

It is only 10% away from the 50% of the shares held by Jeff, the founder!

But as long as Zhao Feng continues to absorb stocks and bits and pieces of shares from other people in the company, he can infinitely approach the 45% shares held by Jeff!

This is what Zhao Feng is trying to achieve now!

If you want to acquire this company, you must make Jeff feel a sense of crisis!

Shirley moves very quickly.

Soon they began to operate the stock of Amaxun Company. After it fell below the issue price, the employees who held shares in Amaxun Company were completely panicked!

Don't be anxious, everyone. I believe that when our quarterly and annual reports are released, we will be able to lift things up. It’s just someone playing a game, don’t panic!”

Jeff tried to reassure the company's employees.

At the same time, financial consultant Steve was called and angrily said: "Now that the stocks have fallen below the issue price, do you think you can think of a way?"

"People use more than 100 million lighthouse knives to smash the dishes. It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw!"

Jeff looked at him with a look of resentment and said, "How about you mortgage your stocks to the bank and we lend them money to fight?"


Jeff immediately shook his head and refused: "What if we lose? I just want to take control of the company. I don't want to hand over my company to the bank!"

"Then there is no other way but to lie down and let others cut the leeks!"

"Is there no other way?"

Jeff sat helplessly on the office chair, scratching his head with his hands, unable to do anything.

Just at this time.

The secretary came in and said to Jeff, "Frank, Jim and Bob haven't come to work in three days.

"What? What happened to them? Didn't they ask for leave?"

"I don't know, I can't contact them!"

"How could that be? I'm calling them now!"

Jeff picked up the landline and started calling three old friends one by one.

But soon, he found that no one answered the call he made.

Just at this time.

Steve frowned and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Jeff, there's something wrong with the three of them!"

"What's wrong?"

Jeff didn't know why.

"No, something is going to happen!"

Steve immediately sat down, turned on the computer and called up today's future trend!

Pointing to the trend chart, he said to Jeff: "Look, although the decline in the past two days has become smaller, it is not small. What does this mean?"


"Someone is secretly buying goods!"


"Yes, their purpose is not to cut the market and harvest leeks, but to acquire stocks!"

Steve turned pale, looked at Jeff, and said in horror: "They want to acquire the company, not cut leeks!"


Jeff stood up immediately and said angrily: "How is that possible? Didn't you say they were bluffing?"

"Yes, usually, it's all a bluff."

Steve said helplessly: "But the three largest partners in your company are missing, and the trend in the past two days shows that the other party is serious, and this ambitious company is serious!"

"Fake, Steve, why are you saying this now?"

"You didn't tell me earlier that these two people couldn't be contacted!"

Steve retorted dissatisfied: "Their two most important shareholders are missing, and you don't even know! What do you want me to do?"


Jeff was short of breath.

No way, he is indeed responsible for this.

After all, he was the one who managed the company, and he hadn't seen his three partners for two days. At that time, he thought that the three of them went on a trip again or fell into the house of some beautiful woman and couldn't get up.

Didn’t think much about it!

But now, he realizes that he was negligent!

"Stop talking nonsense, Steve, how is the situation now?"

"It's not good!"

Steve looked at Jeff and reminded: "If the other party absorbs more than 30% of the company's shares, plus the shares of your three partners, their shareholding will reach more than 40%. By then, they will Apart from you, he is the largest shareholder of the company!"

"What can we do? What do they want to do?"

"It's not what they want to do, but you have to be prepared!"

"What's the meaning?"

"None of your shares exceeds 50%, and there is no absolute major shareholder. They can convene a shareholders' meeting and remove you!"

"They dare?"

Jeff said angrily: "This is my company, why should they fire me?"

"Jeff, you have to face reality. Unless your company is a metal bucket, everyone is on your side. Otherwise, they always have a chance."

Steve's words made Jeff turn pale!

After all, everyone’s company is a piece of metal!

Especially when the equity gap between the two parties is so small, the defection of any little person will lead to earth-shaking!

"Steve, is there no other way?"

Jeff was really panicked now!

Steve smiled slightly, patted Jeff on the shoulder, and said: "There is no way!".

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