"You, what on earth are you going to do?"

Li Yanhongbei came from it. Although he was blindfolded, he also knew what kind of fierce men it was that had won his part!

He is not afraid that the other party has plans!

I'm afraid that the other person is greedy for him!

"Hey, boy, didn't you say yesterday that you would rather die than surrender?"

"I was wrong, please forgive me. Tell me, how much do you want? I have money, and if someone is willing to invest in me, I can give you the money he gives me!"

"Oh? Really? This is an unexpected surprise!"

After saying that, one of them used a baseball bat to lift Li Hongyan's chin and said with a smile: "Where is the money?"

"Here, at the bank!"

"Nonsense, you want us to rob a bank?"

"I, I can, I can ask my girlfriend to transfer money to the account you set up!"

"Hahaha, the cooperation is very good!"

The man paused and got to the point: "I heard that you also have a patent?"



Before Li Yanhong had time to answer, he was punched by these people until his eyes were filled with stars!

"Can't remember?"

"Remember, remember! I, all my patent documents, are there, in my safe.

"Where's the safe?"

"In the bank!"

"How to get it?"

"After making a reservation in my name, just take the key to the drawer of my study and go directly to get it."

"Yea, very good!"

The man took the baseball bat and left proudly.

Li Yanhong let out a long breath. Now he won't receive the inhumane treatment like yesterday, right?

Unexpectedly, the remaining group of people made strange noises!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, if you don't play, you won't have a chance in the future!"

"Yes, who told you to be so white?"

"Ah, you guys, you don't keep your word!"

"Did we say anything? Gah gah gah!"

Then, screams echoed throughout the entire mountainous area throughout the night!

Three days later.

In a manor at the foot of the mountain, the lights were bright. A bearded middle-aged man was holding a beer bottle, dancing and drinking and said: "Haha, today is a rare day. Our Shirley actually brought her little My boyfriend is back!"

"Dad, he is not my boyfriend, he is my boss!"

Zhao Feng was also speechless. Why did this man suddenly change his face when he was sarcastic to him just now?

Soon, Zhao Feng had the answer!

The man put a hand on Zhao Feng's shoulder and said with a smile: "You have a bright future, and you are definitely a good candidate for our line of work! Just now White called back and said that the boy still has 5 million lighthouse knives in his account. Hehe, just rely on it. I will do this money and this transaction for you for free!"

"Ahem, um, I really haven't been around. I have a brother who is not my biological child, but is better than my own. He has been around. How about you go and talk to him?"

"What's so good about being a gangster? A bunch of idiots with only muscles and no brains! You're so awesome, you made that tough-talking Daxia man speak in no time!"

Why does Zhao Feng sound so awkward!

But there was no other way. In order to get Li Yanhong's search engine patent, he had to resort to this strategy!

Speaking of which, since Fang Xu was reborn, Zhao Feng has become accustomed to hiding behind the scenes and doing very little things in the front!

The only time was when Soros hit Hong Kong, he entered the market without hesitation to protect the market!


Brakes sounded.

I saw a tall and strong man getting out of the car, slamming the door shut, and striding over.

"Brother, the things have been brought!"

The strong man handed the patent to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng looked at it and knew that this was Ji Yanxiao's search citation patent.

With this, Zhao Feng can run a search engine!

Seeing Zhao Feng's greedy look while holding the patent document, the strong man murmured strangely: "This kid is greedy for money at first sight. He doesn't like the 5 million. Why does he like these pieces of paper?"

"Hey, don't I need them?"

"Let me see, what's in there?"

Shirley's stepfather held it in his hand. After looking at it for a long time, he returned to Zhao Feng and said, "I don't understand. What is this?"

"A computer program!"

"Oh, this thing is very valuable? What is it for? Can it crack the bank's system?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Who can crack the bank's confidentiality system? If there is such a thing, then the whole world will not be in chaos?"

"Then why are you so excited about seeing these things instead of seeing money?"

"This is money to me."

Zhao Feng was not afraid to tell these guys the value of this document.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Anyway, to them, these documents are worthless in their hands, but in his hands, they are treasures!

"Really or not, this thing is very valuable?"

"Not worth anything in itself!"

"Then you still want them?"

"Look in whose hands it is!"

At this time, Shirley came up, looked at the document in Zhao Feng's hand, and asked: "Patent document?"

"Dad, don't worry about it. The big business they do is high-tech, and you guys can't handle it!"

Shirley returned the file to Zhao Feng.

Shirley's stepfather scratched his head and said with emotion: "High technology, knowledge is power. It was indeed right to send Shirley to school. Now we can't keep up with the times!"


Shirley's stepfather started drinking.

The strong man on the side asked curiously: "Boy, what are you going to do next?"

"When you start a company, you need to set up the procedures!"

"Then, can I..."


"Hey, why do I want to follow you too!"

"Do you know programming?"

Zhao Feng asked in surprise.

The strong man shook his head and replied: "Can you knit a straw hat?"

"You don't know how, how do you want me to take you?"

"I can, I can help you be a bodyguard!"

"No, I have it, thank you!"

"Well, then I can help you contact some people. I know many people in New City. For example, when you want to do something again in the future, hehehe!"

Zhao Feng looked at this strong man, sighed helplessly and asked: "Aren't you afraid of what your boss will say?"

After saying that, he looked at Laser’s father!

Shirley's stepfather waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, he is my brother, not a subordinate. And I am afraid that Shirley will suffer a loss when she is in New City, so I feel more at ease with several brothers in New City.


Zhao Feng looked at Shirley, and Shirley shook her head quickly, obviously not wanting anyone to monitor her!

Zhao Feng understood a little bit, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll hire you as our company's security consultant.

"Hey, I knew you had the best idea, brother."

The strong man immediately protected Zhao Feng and laughed happily.

Faced with Shirley's dissatisfied glare, Zhao Feng simply ignored it.

It's understandable that a father is worried about his daughter. He can't deliberately make things difficult for him, right?

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