I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

123 The Eve Of The Decisive Battle! (3 Updates)

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes and said while eating: "Who told you to be so nervous?"

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun looked at each other, dumbfounded: "What do you mean we are nervous? Isn't it because of you that we are nervous?"

However, the two of them finally understood that Zhao Feng was not trying to defeat the enemy in this battle!

Zhao Feng had a plan and a plan for this battle!

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

Jiang Tao seemed to remember something and said to Zhao Feng.

"What's up?"

"The "Titanic" movie you invested in was also a hit in Xiangjiang! Should we bring it inland?"

"Of course!"

"Some talent scouts recommended new talents to us before. I think these are pretty good and I want to check them with you."

Jiang Tao took out a set of photos and handed them to Zhao Feng.

"Take a look at these. If there's anything you like, let's sign it!"


Zhao Feng glanced at it and didn't bother to see who it was, so he said to Jiang Tao: "Anyway, a good-looking sign will do, and this kind of newcomer won't cost too much money.

"This little girl named Zhang Bozhi is very good. She is only 19 years old! She came back from Kangaroo Country, and the scout said she has great potential!"

"Then just sign it!"

Zhao Feng curled his lips. For him, signing a few people was enough to make his own company, Universal Film and Television Media, more decent!

"If I have a chance in the future, I'll sign Yangmi in and let her work for me. I'll be happy!"

After eating, Zhao Feng took a shower and went to bed.

The next battlefield has nothing to do with him!

It’s a battle between short sellers and Xiangjiang!

Knowing that Hong Kong tycoons Ren Zhigang and Zeng Yinquan personally stepped in to rescue the market, many people have regained some confidence in the market!

The two sides began fourteen days of brutal fighting!

From exchange rates, to bonds, to individual stocks, a fierce fight has begun!

The market also maintained within the range and began to vibrate!

There is no longer any imagination of losing six or seven hundred points in one day!

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, stood still and quietly shipped goods despite the ups and downs of the market, keeping the funds in his hands!

This is also normal. Since the big guys in Xiangjiang have already entered the market to fight, Zhao Feng does not need to invest all his funds!

With the arrival of the 27th.

Everyone knows that the 28th will be the decisive moment for the battle between the two sides!

Zeng Yinquan and Ren Zhigang are waiting for the reply from the people sent out!

It is still the reservoir of Yanjing.

Mr. Zhu continued fishing, but unlike before, he had this thick stack of Xiangjiang newspapers in his hand!

After several people got off the car, they came to Mr. Zhu's side.

The person who came was not in the mood to greet me, but took the initiative to say: "Mr. Zhu, tomorrow is the settlement day. I wonder if you can give me an accurate letter?"

"Haha, I have arranged for people from the bank to be there."

Mr. Zhu smiled. This person has been in Yanjing for nearly two weeks. It is right to be anxious!

"Don't worry, we will fully support Xiangjiang in fighting against these international speculators!"


Hearing Mr. Zhu's words, the visitor breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for your help!"


Mr. Zhu waved his hands and said with a smile: "We are all on the same page. Those foreigners want to plunder the wealth of our Daxia people, but they are totally wrong. Although Daxia people do not cause trouble, they are never afraid of trouble!"

"Let them fly back with you later and prepare for the settlement day tomorrow!"

"I see!"

The visitor nodded excitedly.

Just as he was about to leave, Mr. Zhu suddenly shouted: "By the way, there is one more thing!"

"whats the matter?"

"I heard that a mysterious force suddenly appeared on the 13th. Do you know who it is?"

"Why did you remember to ask about this?"

"I'm curious!"

"Mr. Ren said that it was the boss of Lingyun Group who took the initiative to help stabilize the market on the 13th and buy us time.

"Lingyun Group? Haha, I didn't expect that boy to actually keep his word. He actually dared to take the lead in using his sword before others did anything!"

Mr. Zhu immediately understood what was going on.

Immediately, he asked again: "Is it this little brat's idea to have you come to Yanjing for help?"

"Little bastard? How does he know if the boss of Lingyun Group is old?"

The visitor was very surprised.

Very few people knew about this matter, because he was a close confidant of Ren Zhigang and Zeng Yinquan, so he knew that Zeng Yinquan had gone to find someone for advice.

And it turns out that because of that person's guidance, they saved the entire Hong Kong stock market!

However, even Zeng Yinquan didn't know until he met Zhao Feng that the Lingyun Group, worth hundreds of millions, was actually controlled by a young man!

He was ordered to do something critical the next day. After learning the whole story, he was equally shocked!

But looking at the old man in front of him, he seemed to know it earlier than he did!

"What? Can't you say this?"

Seeing that the other party was silent, Mr. Zhu asked with a smile.

"No, it's not. Indeed, Mr. Zeng went to find Mr. Zhao on the night of the 12th and received Mr. Zhao's advice. Then he thought that they would fight first to delay, and then quietly sent me over to ask for support. In order to catch the opponent off guard. !”

"Haha, interesting, interesting!"

Mr. Zhu's eyes were full of approval and he laughed: "This is my businessman in Daxia. When faced with danger, he dares to show his sword to his opponent even though he knows he is outmatched! Very good!"

As he spoke, the conversation suddenly changed and he said with a hint of displeasure: "But this Li Zhaoji is a bit chilling, isn't it?"


The visitor was completely confused!

He had also heard about Li Zhaoji. To be honest, he felt a little ashamed of such a person!

At the critical moment, forget it if you don't take action.

Why take credit for other people's work?

Do you think that 260 cannot speak for the stock market, and it is not easy for them to speak for Zhao Feng, so you can act so recklessly and still feel like a "frontline soldier"?

"Forget it, this kind of thing has been around since ancient times. The little guy didn't even speak, so it's hard for me to say anything. You should go back first. Winning the decisive battle well is the key!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, I'll take my leave first!"

The visitor hurriedly left, sweating profusely.

Mr. Zhu put away the fishing rod, stood up, and said to the people around him: "Tell Pengcheng that Li Zhaoji's real estate project should be slow for a while. If you eat someone else's tofu, you have to pay back!"

same day.

Yanjing sent people back to Xiangjiang with the people asking for help!

Zeng Yinquan and Ren Zhigang were really shocked when they learned that Mr. Zhu was so concerned about Zhao Feng!

"Sure enough, it's not like a fierce dragon can't cross the river. It seems that this young master is a real dragon!"

Zeng Yinquan’s eyes showed admiration!

He picked up the clothes and found Zhao Feng again, hoping that Zhao Feng could help them tomorrow!

Zhao Feng agreed without hesitation. Anyway, it is preparing to enter the stock market to compete with Soros and others on the settlement day tomorrow!

"Master Zhao, you only need to take care of these ten stocks, which will be the greatest help to us!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zeng, there are only ten stocks, I can still watch them!"

Zeng Yinquan also believes that Zhao Feng can do it. After all, if they can't afford ten stocks with 12 billion, then they can just surrender!

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