I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

124 Someone Is Always Forcing Me To Make Money! (4 More Updates)

The 28th is the delivery day!

It’s also the final settlement day!

On this day, Ren Zhigang, Zeng Yinquan and others tensed their nerves.

And Li Zhaoji’s youngest son is also paying attention to the market!

The Xu family also pays close attention to the direction of the stock market. This battle will determine whether they should transfer all their capital and leave Hong Kong!

People from other families are also paying attention to the market!

Zhao Feng alone picked up a guitar and started practicing singing!

There is no way, he can't live without seeing Xu Rui for the rest of his life, right?

If he ever met, he would have to pretend and sing a song to lighten the atmosphere!

"What to sing? I remember that the lyrics of "The Ordinary Road" that Fang Xu hummed didn't seem too difficult!"

Early in the morning!

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun heard Zhao Feng standing on the balcony of the upper floor of the hotel and started singing!

"Wandering, on the road. Do you want to go? ViaVia. Fragile, proud. That was also what I looked like. Boiling, restless. Where are you going? ViaVia. Mysterious, silent . Are you really listening to the story? I once crossed mountains and seas, and also passed through mountains and seas of people. Everything I once owned was gone like smoke in the blink of an eye. I was once lost, disappointed, and lost all direction, until I saw that ordinary is the only one. s answer."

Not to mention, due to a slight cold, the noise was hoarse and the singing voice was low, even Guo Zicun and Jiang Tao couldn't help but look at him!

"Young Master Zhao sings quite well!"

"Nonsense, Xiaofeng has written so many songs, it's normal for him to be able to sing!"

"No, I used to think that Mr. Zhao only composed and did not sing because of his poor voice. I didn't expect that his voice is also very good!"

Guo Zicun and Jiang Tao really didn't bother to care about the market this time.

Anyway, Zhao Feng had already made a plan. They knew that no matter how anxious they were, it would be in vain. They might as well listen to Zhao Feng sing!

But the two people missed seeing this battle of the century with their own eyes!

The stock market is open!

In just five minutes, the stock market turnover reached an unprecedented 4 billion!

Shocked everyone at the exchange!

Everyone knows that the decisive battle has officially begun!

Throughout the morning, the two sides went back and forth, and I bought as much as you sold. The transaction volume in the morning alone exceeded 40 billion!

This is the total of the whole day on the 14th when the big guys in Xiangjiang stepped in to rescue the market!

In the afternoon, the battle became even more tragic!

Just when Zhao Feng thought it would end with Xiangjiang defeating his opponent.


A trader suddenly shouted: "No, someone is selling a large amount of the twenty stocks we hold"[!"


Zhao Feng frowned, put down his guitar, and came to the computer. Seeing someone targeting him, he felt unhappy!

"Damn it, is Lao Suo targeting me? That shouldn't be the case. I'm just a little fish. He's fighting with those big guys, how could he notice me?"

I’m confused, but I’m not telling the trader to be in a hurry, I’m a stable foodie, don’t relax, I must stabilize the price!”

Zhao Feng is not worried that he will be defeated!

If Lao Suo targets him and beats him hard, he may lose so much today that he even loses his stick!

If he were not a capital tycoon like Lao Suo, a small fish and a shrimp, how many stocks would he want to trade with a person like me holding 12 billion?

It also depends on whether the other party has the talent!

And the other side.

Li Zhaoji's youngest son, Li Jiacheng, shouted angrily: "Keep selling to me, and I will make this bastard lose all his money! Let him dare to shout at me, let him dare to rip off our family!"

"In order to take revenge for his broken leg, I will make this kid completely bankrupt!"

"But Mr. Li, this 1 billion lighthouse knife money is the funds that the master requested to move overseas. Isn't it a bit dangerous for us to invest in the stock market like this?"

"What are you afraid of? Do you think that with Ren Zhigang's two moves, he can stop the invincible Soros? As long as we also short-sell, we are not afraid of losing money, and maybe we can make a small amount of money. Maybe my father will be able to make a small profit by then. You still want to praise me!"

"But if we are short selling, if people find out that we are taking advantage of others, the impact will be very bad. Especially when you were interviewed before and said that our group is protecting the market!"

"Hahaha, you are also a fool. Okay, let me ask you, what will happen if Xiangjiang loses this battle?"

"The stock market crashed, banks went bankrupt, and people were in dire straits."

"This is the end!"

Young Master Li Er said triumphantly: "When everyone can't even afford to eat, who will care who smashed the plate today and who saved it?"

Li Jiacheng's men's eyes flashed with disdain!

Although he knew that Li Jiacheng, the second generation ancestor, was not a good person, he didn't expect that this guy didn't even have the most basic sympathy. He said it as if the death of other people's families had nothing to do with him.

Even if you don't have to rescue the market, it's really abominable for you to take advantage of the situation like this!

And in fact.

Many people in the four major families are doing this kind of thing!

This is the essence of these rich people in Xiangjiang!

They have no sense of belonging, they only pursue interests first, and they only care about how much money they earn!

In fact, the reason why Soros can lead international speculators to defeat one country after another is not because Soros is really rich and powerful, but because after he starts this short-selling war, there will be people in the country itself who will cooperate with the short-selling war. .

If everyone is short on their own, you can imagine how high this wave of short selling will be!

Mr. Li Er said to himself with a smile: "Hey, if Xiangjiang survives, so many people are shorting, who can find out that it is me? I will quietly delist, and the money will still be in my hands. ?Wa hahaha!"

This subordinate secretly pressed the button of the recording device hidden on his body at the same time, and recorded the entire conversation without saying a word!

When he came today, he knew what Li Jiacheng was going to do. Because he was very unhappy, he hid a tape recorder in his clothes in advance!

Every ten minutes in the next ten minutes, nearly 1 billion Xiangjiang coins were sold, and Zhao Feng continued to take over!

Seeing that the market was about to close, Young Master Li's eyes were red!

He didn't expect that after he invested nearly 6 billion, the stock prices of the stocks that Zhao Feng bought into not only did not collapse, but rebounded, it was like a ghost!

"."How much money does this guy have? Does he have more funds than I have 8 billion? No, keep throwing it all in, I must let the stock price fall!

"But Second Young Master, if it doesn't fall, we will lose money! And the market has not plummeted so far. If we continue to short, we will probably be stuck!"

"I'm not willing to accept it. We are at the end of our war effort, and the other side is also at the end of its war effort. If we throw these 2 billion into it (Wang and Li Hao), we will definitely succeed! Continue!"


"TMD, who is the second young master, do you listen to me or do you listen to me? Smash it to me. You must let it fall for me before the market closes!"

"Okay, okay!"

The traders continued to sell goods, but to Li Jiacheng's despair, the stock price continued to climb up little by little!

Until the closing bell rings!

The trading volume on this day broke the all-time record!

The trading volume for the whole day exceeded 80 billion!

And Li Jiacheng plopped down and sat down in front of the computer, muttering: "It's over. It's over now. Xiangjiang has really come through. I, I will lose at least 500 million for my short position." !I, how should I explain to my father?"

Zhao Feng sat on a chair and saw the slight increase in the final closing price. He scratched his head and muttered with confusion on his face: "This is the end. Obviously Xiangjiang is blocking it. Who is this idiot who gave me so much?" Stocks? Are you forcing me to make money? I’ve seen two people before, but I’ve never seen one like this!”,

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