I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

122 Speculators Who Suffered Heavy Losses! (2 Updates)

"Okay, let's forget it for today. I didn't expect such a little brat to suddenly come out.

Although the money in Zhao Feng's hands is not much, after all, Soros is fighting on two fronts. On the one hand, they want to control the currency exchange rate, and on the other hand, they enter the market of futures, stock markets, bonds, etc.

In addition, the 13th was not the day they decided to fight, so they controlled the ammunition in their hands very carefully!

Therefore, his funds were dozens of times that of Zhao Feng, but he still allowed Zhao Feng to make a loophole and Zhao Feng could barely survive for a day!

Lao Suo looked indifferent to this and said calmly: "I'll call a few friends to say hello tomorrow. I'd like to see how many chips this kid still has in his hand!

"Well, I will let people pay attention tomorrow!"

Soros did not take Zhao Feng seriously!

But he is very small-minded. He not only resents those guys who made him fall, but he also resents those guys who dare to "four, four, three" to steal food from him!

Especially for a lone wolf like Zhao Feng, who took the first bite of meat without saying hello before, which made Lao Suo very uncomfortable!

Since I'm not feeling well, I naturally have to take care of Zhao Feng!


The next day, August 14th!

International speculators are all concerned about the dozen constituent stocks that Zhao Feng pushed for yesterday, and they have the momentum to bring Zhao Feng down!

Just opened!

The market plummeted by more than 200 points!

Zhao Feng's stocks were also red across the board. Seeing them getting lower and lower, Quan and Guo Zicun almost fainted!

Because they know that Zhao Feng has no chips now!

All the chips were used up yesterday!

"Now I'm going to lose all my money!"

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun finally understood why some people were so desperate that they jumped off buildings during the stock market crash.

Because no one can accept that someone who was a billionaire yesterday will become a pauper without any money tomorrow!

"Master Zhao, what should we do?"

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun became anxious!

"What's the rush? It's not close yet!"

Zhao Feng sat aside calmly, not in any hurry, and said to Guo Zicun: "Brother Guo, buy me a lunch box. In addition to the braised pork rice, give me a bottle of Coke!"

"Are you still in the mood to drink soda now?"

Guo Zicun almost cried!

But I still went to buy lunch for Zhao Feng!

Anyway, the money is not theirs, but they think it is easy for Zhao Feng to get the money, and it is too easy for him to leave!

Jiang Tao sighed and looked at Zhao Feng and asked: "What about the acquisition case of Tai Chi Country?"

Jiang Tao also knew that Zhao Feng asked Shirley to go to Tai Chi Country for investigation. After the investigation was completed in a few months, the acquisition of Daya would begin.

If Zhao Feng does this, how can he acquire it if he has no money?

"We'll talk about the rest later, and we haven't counted yet!"

Zhao Feng replied calmly.

He did not use leverage. Although these stocks fell sharply, they were still worth some money after all.

Moreover, as long as Xiangjiang does not collapse, the market will return to the previous 12,000 points or even higher sooner or later. In the long run, you will not lose anything!

"It depends on when they enter the market!"

Zhao Feng was also a little nervous!

After all, Fang Xu was talking about past life experience, and Fang Xu also said that there is a butterfly effect. All experiences in the previous life cannot be applied to this life!

Just like Zhao Feng, Fang Xu's experience in his previous life cannot be applied to him now!

Closed at noon!

Everyone, keep eating!

International speculators are gearing up to defeat Zhao Feng in one fell swoop.

Among the four major families, the Guo family, the Zheng family and Li Zhaoji did not respond.

Even Li Zhaoji did not come out to refute the rumors. Instead, he was noncommittal about whether he was the hero who rescued the market yesterday.

the reason is simple.

Although he was angry with his youngest son for talking nonsense, when he thought about it carefully, it was difficult to explain the matter clearly!

The market and stocks will not take the initiative to say who saved me!

And with such a title, the investment cases he recently talked about regarding several pieces of land in Pengcheng will progress more smoothly.

Thinking of these interests, Li Zhaoji deliberately kept silent!

But Li Jiacheng was keenly aware of this!

"Haha, Li Zhaoji likes to be clever. Taking advantage of him is really out of character."

Li Jiacheng shook his head and ordered his subordinates: "Immediately invest the 3 billion funds we raised and raise our own stocks first!


Opening in the afternoon!

Li Jiacheng's own company's stock stopped falling and began to slowly rise!

Their eyes were not on Li Jiacheng's side at all. They were staring at the stocks in Zhao Feng's hands and chasing after them!

Especially seeing that Zhao Feng had not responded, Lao Suo looked at the time and started cheering with his friends in advance!

"The little speculator in Xiangjiang dares to fight against us. He is looking for death! After knocking him down in this battle, let him know how powerful he is. Let's start preparing ammunition for the decisive battle!"

Lao Suo announced in a high-profile manner...

Everyone also cheered and toasted in celebration!

After all, everyone was very unhappy when their own flesh was eaten by such a person before. Now that I see the other person being trampled on the ground by myself and others and unable to get up, my heart naturally feels happy!


The traders exclaimed: "What's going on? There is a lot of money coming in!"

"No, they are raising the stock price!"

"They have continued to buy dozens of blue chip stocks, and the losses we made are being recovered!"

Starting at 2pm!

Everyone discovered that a well-trained team entered the stock market, began to purchase a large number of high-quality stocks in an orderly manner, and steadily began to increase the market!

Before Lao Suo and others could react, at three o'clock, a full 10 billion yuan had entered the market, forcefully pulling the market back!

Before the end of four o'clock, the trading volume reached a terrifying 40 billion, and the market closed almost at the same level as yesterday. Several stocks that Laosuo focused on also rebounded, from a big drop to a small drop!

International speculators feel like someone has slapped them from behind!

From the exchange rate to the stock market, everything has been successfully attacked!

At the end of the day, I lost nearly 1.2 billion Beacon Knife!

"what happened?"

Just now everyone in Hong Kong is guessing who saved the 5.6 market!

Ren Zhigang released news and announced his official entry into the market!

Seeing the content at the press conference, Lao Suo smashed the champagne in his hand angrily!

"Fake Squid, these dogs, the damn Daxia people, they actually dare to end up! Damn, bastards, shameless! I will not let them go, Ling Yun, Xiangjiang, I will take you all away! "

Lao Suo is angry!

And Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief!

"Fortunately, we won't be at a loss if we bring it back later!"

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun were sweating profusely, as if they had taken a bath!

This stock market is terrible!

But it’s so exciting!

The two people looked at Zhao Feng, because Zhao Feng had been calm from beginning to end.

At this moment, Jiang Tao asked hesitantly: "Mr. Zhao, did you already know that they would enter the market to fight? So you don't care how much they fell in the morning [right?"

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