August 13th!

The Hong Kong stock market is filled with worries!

There is a strong and persistent mourning in the entire Hong Kong financial community.

Everyone feels that no one can stop the stock market index from plummeting!

As soon as the market opened, the whole market was in red, and almost all sectors plummeted!

For a moment, people felt that the 6600 point had been held!

Even Xu Rui, who checks the market during the review period, feels that once 6600 points are broken, the 6000 points mark will be close at hand!

But suddenly.

Two constituent stocks suddenly turned green, stopped their downward trend, and started to climb up little by little!

With the midday trading time.

More than 10 constituent stocks have turned from red to green, driving the entire sector to rally!

this moment.

All the people in Hong Kong were shocked!

Even the normal speculators were stunned!

"Damn it, why did someone suddenly come in to take over?"

Laosuo's traders all looked at the international speculators who had prepared champagne.

"Could it be that Xiangjiang has entered the market?"

Immediately, the assistant next to Lao Suo came out to check and asked at the same time: "Where is the news? Has any important information happened?"

"No, boss, it seems that a large amount of money was suddenly released. There seems to be a sum of funds entering the market to absorb the goods we smashed!"

"Do you know where the funds came from?"

"It's not clear yet, but it shouldn't be the four major families. They have no reason to ignore their own stocks and manage other people's stocks!"

"Check it for me immediately, I want to know the source of this fund!"

Lao Suo came over, looked at it with disdain, and sneered: "It's only a few billion, and you want to take over with this small amount of money? You guys increase your strength this afternoon, I really want to see where he can get 10 billion." Take over!”

Zeng Yinquan and Ren Zhigang, who were just coming out of the office door, saw that the stock market unexpectedly stopped the plummeting trend. Ren Zhigang exclaimed: "Really or not, just these 10 constituent stocks this morning, this guy... He spent at least 1 billion or more, right? He is really rich!"

"He makes more than I thought!"

Zeng Yinquan said with emotion: "From 200 million to more than one billion, it seems that he has not doubled it, but at least seven or eight times!"

"But, Lao Zeng, do you think he can protect the market? Can it be done with just his little money? One or two stocks can barely do it, but for the entire market, I think... it's difficult!

"Yes, I find it difficult too, but fortunately in the morning, the market was still barely above 6,600. I hope it will be a little better in the afternoon and hold on to 6,000 to buy us time!"

"But I didn't expect that things went smoothly today. I didn't expect that I agreed in less than half an hour!"

"Well, the next step is to send people to the inland. We must also seize the time to prepare!"

"Okay, I'll announce the news tonight and start the whole thing tomorrow!"

Ren Zhigang looked at the tally and murmured: "I just hope this kid can last through today!"

One p.m!

The stock market is open!

Just at the beginning, the scene that Ren Zhigang and Zeng Yinquan least wanted to see happened!

International short sellers immediately stepped up their efforts!

He even mobilized some of his strength, gave up the exchange rate operation, and entered the stock market to smash the market like crazy!

Within an hour, more than 5 billion transactions were released!

The huge trading volume made the entire Xiangjiang stock market excited!

Obviously, someone is protecting the market!

Smash it over there, pick it up here!

Zhao Feng is really sweating profusely!

Jiang Tao and Guo Zicun worriedly stared at the jumping points on the screen. Every time the red and green flipped, they both let out a breath of joy!

"Xiao Feng, we have invested 5 billion, do we still want to continue?"

"Continue, don't stop until the close!"

"But, if I run out of ammunition today..."

"If we can't hold on today, there will be no future!"

Zhao Feng's eyes were firm, and he exchanged all the 1.5 billion lighthouse knives in his hands for Xiangjiang coins. Holding nearly 12 billion Xiangjiang coins, he was ready to defend this day!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the market continued to decline and broke through 6600 points again!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the market rebounded and stood above 6600 points again!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the market continued to fluctuate. As the confidence of the bulls recovered little by little, until the closing, the market points dropped by 56 points than before, but it still barely closed at the price of 6604 points!

And then, Zhao Feng threw almost all 12 billion into it!

With 12 billion to protect the market, the trading volume throughout the day exceeded 50 billion Xiangjiang coins, which was more than 30 billion more than the normal trading volume. This was definitely a shocking battle!

Xu Rui was shocked after seeing the closing price.

"Is there someone protecting the market? Is it really him?"

Xu Rui couldn't help but think of Zhao Feng!

That night!

Major newspapers across Hong Kong began to report that there was a mysterious force protecting the market. God bless Hong Kong. This was the smallest decline in the Hong Kong stock market since August 5th!

…Please give me flowers…

TV stations are also speculating on where this power comes from!

Many people have speculated that they are the four major families!

The Guo family did not respond because Guo Desheng was not feeling well.

The Zheng family also avoided talking about it!

Li Jiacheng immediately stood up and said it was not him, and publicly thanked this protector for his power, saying that he had raised nearly 3 billion in funds and would participate in this decisive battle and defend the future of Xiangjiang to the death!

Immediately, Li Jiacheng gained a very high reputation!

But at the same time, it triggered speculation among people in Hong Kong!

"Who is this mysterious force?"

Everyone finally turned their attention to Li Zhaoji!

Li Zhaoji neither denied nor admitted, and his attitude was the same as that of the Guo family and the Zheng family.

But at this time, his youngest son jumped out and accepted an interview and announced: "Yes, it is our Li family who is protecting the future of Xiangjiang!"


For a while.

Li Zhaoji became a hero that everyone in Hong Kong flocked to!

The next day.

Seeing the Xiangjiang newspaper, Soros sneered and asked the bespectacled man next to him: "Have you found out that fund? Is it Li Zhaoji's?"

"Absolutely not!"

"I guess so. I know this person is a pure businessman. He would not spend so much money to fight against us. He would definitely not be the one to do such a stupid thing even if he knew it was impossible!

"But I have a guess!"

"you say!"

"This person spent nearly 12 billion to protect the market. I guess this person is from the same background as the guy who ate our flesh before!"

"Oh? Tell me about your analysis!"

"First, the funds are in Xiangjiang, and the previous guy's funds eventually flowed to Xiangjiang. Secondly, that person previously made a profit of almost 1.5 billion. Judging from the current exchange rate, the other party probably used this money to protect plate!"

The man with glasses raised his glasses and continued: "Finally, I have a suspect!"


"The boss of Lingyun Group!"

"Lingyun Group? Never heard of it!"

"It is a newly established company that was just established when they were trying to steal our meat. And I heard that their boss happened to borrow 25 million from the bank before entering the market, and the scale was exactly the same as when the funds first entered the market! I don’t think there is such a coincidence in this world!”

Lao Suo leaned on the sofa, holding champagne in his left hand and tapping the table with his right hand, murmuring: "Ling Yun? I'll remember you!".

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