He plans to grow fruits here and raise some silkworms at the same time.

Gu Shaoyang looked at everyone in front of him:"If you want to have enough to eat in the future, then follow me. I can give you a certain amount of principal first, but these principals will have to be paid back later. Mine."

The people in this village are usually poor. Now suddenly such a big pie has fallen in front of them. How can these people control it?

Gu Shaoyang had just finished these words, and the people in front of him were already cheering, and Gu Shaoyang immediately led them to get rid of poverty and become rich.

After almost three months, Gu Shaoyang finally built a complete system in this village. In addition to growing fruits, Gu Shaoyang also processed these fruits into some additional canned fruits and so on.

In just three months, these people in the village finally no longer had to eat without enough food, and the reputation of the village began to get better and better.

After finally conquering the last household in the village, Gu Shaoyang prepared to move on to the next battlefield.

He has helped so many people one after another, and more and more people are becoming particularly good with his help.

Although the reputation of the previous organization was indeed not very good, after such a long period of hard work, the reputation of the organization has quietly changed.

Time goes on like this, and it continues to move slowly. In the blink of an eye, it is only one month away from the full year. In these 11 months, Gu Shaoyang has already made the organization's reputation very, very good.

Compared with the previous times, the organization established by Gu Shaoyang this time is better than other organizations by an unknown amount, and the reputation around it is also very good.

Gu Shaoyang looked at his men happily:"I admit that you were quite capable before, but you must have never been respected by so many people!"

Not only did he manage the internal system very well, It was so good that even the reputation outside was restored bit by bit, which made these subordinates very excited in their hearts.

They used to think that strength was the king, but after following Gu Shaoyang, they discovered that not strength can determine everything in this world.

Time continues to go on like this, and now there is only one month left before the previous one-year appointment, and during this month, Gu Shaoyang has to do the last thing he can do every day.

Sometimes she was actually full of entanglements in her heart. He knew that the people in the organization truly regarded her as their elder brother.

But after all, it was just a one-year promise back then, so Gu Shaoyang didn't plan to be the big brother for a long time. He still wanted to return this position to Xunqi.

Today, Gu Shaoyang is thinking about whether there is anything else he can do. Suddenly the sound of panicked running came to my ears, and there was a person holding a letter in his hand:

"Brother, the people in the village wanted to come over to thank us, and they have prepared a lot of things. Do you want them to come over to thank you?"

It's almost the time for the Chinese New Year. Maybe those people also want to come over and thank me, but Gu Shaoyang never cares about these false claims. Instead of thinking about these messy things here, Gu Shaoyang hopes that he can He should cultivate himself well, and he also wants to travel with Zhi Zhi.

"Go talk to them. These are just our duties. There is nothing to thank them for. Just let them spend all their thoughts on their own business."

Gu Shaoyang didn't want to participate in that so-called touching situation. He hoped that he could think about his own things.

After watching the younger brother just muttered away, Gu Shaoyang finally felt relieved. tone.

During this period of time, his organization has become bigger and bigger, and it has also absorbed some people that no one cares about at all.

Although there are all kinds of people in Gu Shaoyang's organization, some People used to be thieves before, and some people used to be robbers before, but after they joined the organization, they began to develop in a good direction unconsciously. At this moment, Xunqi was practicing on the mountain. He was completely He doesn’t know what happened at the foot of the mountain, and in this year, except for occasionally going out to purchase some supplies, he has never been out of other places.

If it goes according to the agreement between the two people, then After the last month, the organization was able to be returned to Xieqi's hands.

I knew that Xieqi was always a neat and tidy person in doing things.

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