So Gu Shaoyang thought that the curious people in the past few days would come to him immediately. Unexpectedly, it had already been several days and he still didn't see the shadow of the other party at all.

Sometimes the younger brothers kept saying:"I think, I think we should actually go to other places to see, and the previous eldest brother has not come back, just in case he doesn't want to be the eldest brother." Where are you?"

They have been following Gu Shaoyang for a year, and they really hope that Gu Shaoyang can become their eldest brother. When they think of Xunqi's return, how many of the younger brothers feel reluctant to let go?

Although these juniors all hope that Gu Shaoyang can stay in his post, Gu Shaoyang has never had such an idea. He also knows that he is the one who comes to act as a temporary agent.

He waited there eagerly for more than half a month, but still didn't see Xunqi's figure, which made Gu Shaoyang break into a cold sweat.

He didn't know where the other party went to practice. If he encountered some messy things again, wouldn't it become very dangerous?

It's not long before the agreed time, but he has never received a letter from Xunqi, which makes Gu Shaoyang feel very uneasy in his heart.

After waiting for nearly two days, Gu Shaoyang finally couldn't bear it anymore and went directly to the old doctor in the organization.

The old doctor is usually loved by everyone, and the previous leader Xun Qi also respects him very much, so to some extent, the old doctor in front of him is the legendary soul of the team.

Now Gu Shaoyang is frowning tightly in front of the old doctor:"The leader was never a person who would let others go before. Now that the appointed time is almost here, I feel really lethargic in my heart. No less."

Gu Shaoyang couldn't even sleep at all in the past two days, and after hearing this, the old doctor also felt that something was not right.

What Gu Shaoyang said just now is indeed correct. The old doctor has always been very clear in his heart that hunting for novelties pays special attention to the concept of time, and it is absolutely impossible to be late.

We had made an agreement before, and if it hadn't been for some special reasons, Xunqi wouldn't have broken his promise inexplicably.

The old doctor clearly felt that something was wrong, but Gu Shaoyang next to him didn't even have time to let him speak, so he directly stated the purpose of his coming here today:

"I can't just watch something happen to the leader. I'm thinking of searching outside in the next few days. If I can find it, it's best. But if I can't find it, it's best for us to make some preparations here.."

Gu Shaoyang thought something must have happened to Xunqi. After telling the old doctor all these things, Gu Shaoyang turned around and handed over the affairs of the organization to others.

She had also specially cultivated the people around her before. Those few younger brothers now have management talents, and they manage each one quite decently.

Anyway, they have already told the old doctor their plans, so Gu Shaoyang has no intention of thinking about anything else. What, he immediately prepared to find Xunqi.

After packing his luggage, Gu Shaoyang started on the road. In order to find Xunqi as soon as possible, Gu Shaoyang also contacted the branches.

Because trees are everywhere, and there are some mature trees in every place, and the branches It can be said that he is the king among trees, so Gu Shaoyang asked the branches to come out to contact the trees in various places.

Let them pay attention to see if they have seen Xunqi, and if so, tell him quickly, and then he will go look for Xunqi. If not, If you see Xunqi, it is very likely that he is in danger and needs help urgently.

"Once you know it, act quickly. I'm going to leave now, and you should stop practicing first."When Gu Shaoyang told Zhi Zhi, he was still sucking spirit stones from the spirit stone veins to practice.

After learning about it, Zhi Zhi could only stop what he was doing and follow Gu Shaoyang's order first, and Zhi Zhi returned to the ground and put his The roots penetrated deeply into the soil.

Then soon deep in the ground, the rhizomes of the branches spread through the underground to the tree spirits in various places. They soon learned of Gu Shaoyang's order, and then started to act one after another.

When the branches were finished After this incident, he was not idle, but hurriedly rushed in the direction of Gu Shaoyang.

Because Zhi Zhi and Gu Shaoyang had telepathy, and Zhi Zhi felt comfortable very quickly, it didn't take long for them to reunite, one person and one pet merged again

"Where do you think the curiosity might go, Master?"Coming to Gu Shaoyang's side, Zhi Zhi asked meekly and doubtfully. Facing Zhi Zhi's inquiry, Gu Shaoyang also had one head and two heads, because he didn't know where Xunqi was now.

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