Everyone could see that there were several farmers around him greeting him warmly, and those people did not shy away from praising him at all.

Nowadays, Gu Shaoyang has become synonymous with good people. After seeing this situation, Gu Shaoyang set off immediately. She had to go to the next place.

After walking for about a day, Gu Shaoyang finally came to a village, which should be called Banqiao Village.

After arriving in the village, Gu Shaoyang was shocked by the situation in the village. There were skinny people everywhere, and every household had broken windows.

Compared with the previous small town, the small town in front of it is like a collection of rags. Only one or two people's doors and windows are intact, and the doors and windows of others have long been tattered and cannot be seen.

Just when Gu Shaoyang frowned and was about to see if there was any inn or place in this town, he suddenly saw an old woman next to him. There was a basket in front of the old woman with some fruits in it.

This old woman is also very skinny, and she looks particularly bad. The fruits in the fruit basket in front are quite fresh.

Gu Shaoyang usually despises this kind of poverty, and this old woman looks pitiful at first sight. He hurried up and prepared to buy all the fruits.

"Give me all these fruits. I haven't eaten fruit here for a long time. I'll give you this."

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang gave the old woman a tael of silver. After seeing the silver in Gu Shaoyang's hand, those people nearby were almost going crazy. They rushed to bring the fruits in their baskets:

"The fruits I have here are freshly picked at home. They are the freshest fruits. If you don’t mind it, why not take my share of the fruit and I can give you a cheaper price."

There were chirping sounds everywhere, and after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang frowned. It seems that these people in this town are really very poor.

That night, Gu Shaoyang came to this city. In the only inn, he first asked the innkeeper about things in the village. The innkeeper looked very helpless:"Actually, we really have no choice, and we don't know what to do. The village It's very poor inside. Our ancestors have been very poor for generations."

There is not even the simplest decoration in this inn. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang shook his head. It seemed that his work had come again.

The next day, he immediately looked around the village. This village is shabby, but the fruits in the village grow very well.

"Brother, I think we should go somewhere else. Look at what this place has become. If we continue to stay here, we will be assassinated by poor people like them.."

These young men even look down upon the poor people in these towns.

But Gu Shaoyang has never had any plans to leave. Now that he has come to this town, he must help this place get rid of poverty..

Gu Shaoyang rolled his eyes directly at the subordinate next to him.

"Is this what you said in human language? Why did we come out this time? It's just that we want to preserve the reputation of our organization. We have done so many things before, why can't we all of a sudden now?"

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang immediately turned around. He had already reviewed the basic situation of this village just now. This village is actually particularly suitable for the development of fruits:

"We have just walked around this village. The natural resources in this village are actually very rich, and the fruits here also grow very well. I tasted the fruits I bought from the old lady last night. , fruits are very sweet, we can start from this aspect."

If we can really sell all the fruits in this town, maybe we can really lead the villagers in this village out of poverty and become rich. After thinking of this, Gu Shaoyang immediately asked the villagers He was called over and looking at the group of skinny people in front of him, he said directly:

"I just took a look at the overall situation in your village. Your village is actually quite favorable, and if you grow fruits, you should be able to create a very good sign."

Single fruit cultivation is likely to result in losses, so Gu Shaoyang specially remembered some previous experiences, just in case.

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