Chapter 383

What’s more, no one knows how many such existences exist on this planet!

This is what Zhao Yun has experienced the most. His military advisor, Zhuge Liang, is a leader with a very high IQ.

Forget it, the soldiers will block, the water will come to the earth, and besides, isn’t this kind of battle exactly what I want.

Zhao Yun grinned, his eyes burning with fire.

Ye Chen watched the situation below from the spaceship. The power of the bomb made it take eight hours for the greedy beast to get here at the earliest.

Therefore, he asked the mecha engineer to complete the construction of the defense company within eight hours. Now the technology on the earth is very developed, and now the company is all a safe digital automation construction.

Just put the material in there and press a button to create a tall, thick wall.

Everything was in the plan, the defense company was about to be built, and Ye Chen began to give orders.

Li Guang and Xiang Yu led 100,000 mecha soldiers to guard the east and south sides of the fortifications, while Zhao Yun and Lian Po guarded the west and north sides.

After Zhuge Liang conveyed Ye Chen’s order, he came to Ye Chen’s side.

“Sir, will there be another 200,000 troops also sent for defensive defense?”

“Let’s take a look first, I would like to see what this man with IQ will do next?”

“Yes, sir.”

At this time, on a high mountain on planet s, Artisqi watched coldly there, and the earthlings established defenses there.

“What do you think, Bradley.

It seems that “it was already prepared, it should be the last time that the earthman told the leaders on the earth about the evolution of high IQ on our planet,

So they don’t want us to accumulate strength, they are afraid that we will pose a threat to the earth, so it is better to start first.

“You’re right, Bradley, it must be that” gas.

“Sayelgo, do you think Bradley is right?”

“Brandley is right. I accidentally let the Earthman escape and leaked our secrets. I am willing to accept any punishment.”

Saying that, Sayergo knelt down, waiting for Artisci’s punishment.

“Get up, no matter what, you are all my subordinates, five of you have evolved from 100,000 greedy beasts. I cherish you very much, and I hope you will be absolutely loyal to me.”

Artiski took a few steps forward, looking down at the base of the Earthlings in the distance.

“Since the earthlings have already known our plan in advance, and we are here, let’s play with them and let him know that it is not so easy to log in on our planet.”

“Boss, what are we going to do next?”

“Do nothing, just wait like this, and when they are impatient, it is a good opportunity for us to attack.

After obeying Ye Chen’s arrangement, the four generals guarded the four directions, east, west, northwest, and waited for the greedy beasts to counterattack.

But they waited for a long time but still did not see any movement from the greedy beast. The mecha soldiers became impatient, and the fighting enthusiasm that had just arrived on this planet was slowly consumed.

“Hey, it’s been a long time since you talked about it, how come there’s no movement at all! It’s said that the gluttonous beasts of Planet S are particularly ferocious and powerful. They won’t be blown up by our six laser cannons.”

“Don’t say it, it’s not necessarily, there’s no movement for so long, maybe you’re really scared by our firepower!”

These are Zhuge Liang, the outstanding mecha soldiers recruited from the earth.

Although they have participated in actual combat exercises, they have never actually participated in a battle, let alone a real gluttonous beast.

Most of their understanding of the parameters is the pictures and data descriptions obtained on the computer.

When these young people just landed on the island of S, the blood and energy of the young people were strong, and everyone felt particularly excited.

After training for so long, they can finally participate in the real battle, making them eager to try one by one, eager to rush out immediately and fight against the gluttonous beast.

But what they didn’t expect was that when they came to Planet S, apart from building fortifications, they didn’t always say frankly that they attacked.

What excites them the most is like a fire being poured over a basin of cold water.

“I said you cheer up, the gluttonous beast will kill you in no time.”

“Take it down, captain, I think they were blinded by our firepower, and they are still confused now, I don’t know who came to their planet!”

“Yes, Captain, I think it’s better to open the defense company and rush out, kill them all directly, and end the battle.”

“Don’t talk nonsense there, obey the orders of the superiors, let us wait here for defense, and don’t complain. When you are fighting, one by one is not like eggplants beaten by frost, it will give me some energy.”

“. If you look so lazy again, the military law is engaged!

“Yes, Captain.

The few soldiers who spoke just now saw that the captain lost his temper, and immediately restrained a lot, and looked outside with energy.

Seeing that his attitude changed steadily, the captain shook his head and left the place with a smile, and continued to inspect other places.

In fact, he is also very puzzled now, this is too abnormal.

It stands to reason that those gluttonous beasts will definitely attack when they see Earthlings coming here.

Not for anything else, but for the earthlings to be their food.

This food was delivered to their door, and they would be so patient. It was completely different from the gluttonous beasts they had come into contact with in previous battles.

The captain is also depressed, and this situation is not only here, but in the three mecha corps in the south and northwest, (Qian and Zhao have such voices, only the Eastern Corps trained by the Yue family army led by Li Guang has a little voice. None, they were still staring intently at the front of the fortifications.

The eleven Yue Jiajun brought by Li Guang to train these mecha soldiers were trained in the way of the Yue Jiajun.

It is said that a general is bristling with a roar, and what kind of general will bring what kind of soldiers, it is indeed the case, a general is the soul of a regiment.

At this time, the communication between Xiang Yu, Li Guang, Zhao Yun and Lian Po rang out.

“I said Lao Xiang, it’s all my fault. If you didn’t have to follow me, those greedy beasts wouldn’t be scared like this.”

Lian Po shouted loudly on the communicator.

“Fart, Laozi escaped from this planet. He almost lost his life at the time. If it wasn’t for luck, he might not have seen you. These beasts are afraid of me. They want to take me back and eat them alive.” ,

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