Chapter 384 Defense Base

“Haha, I said Lao Xiang, you are also powerful enough, a group of beasts surround you, you can still run out, if I were, I would have been snorted by them, snorted, and eaten in my stomach.”

“I said everyone, don’t be careless, last time I was lucky, that guy played with me like a prey and was caught by me and ran out, otherwise it would be a dead end, this planet is now different from before, with IQ The beast is not so easy to fight.

“Brother Xiang is right, I don’t think it’s that simple. Brother Xiang, my admiration for you is flowing.

“Go go go go go, Zhao Yun, you are here again.”

“Hahaha, I really can’t think that we can fight side by side on a battlefield. This is really incredible.”

At this time, Li Guang, who had not spoken, turned on the communicator.

“Generals, this is very strange to me. If it really is what I think, then the leader of the other party is a very powerful glutton with a very high IQ.”

“Oh, Brother Yue, why do you say that?

“This is our attack on Planet S? Mr. 827 ordered to use six laser cannons to clear the battlefield and establish a defense base, but until now our defense base has been completely built, and no gluttonous beast has attacked us.”

Hearing Li Guang’s words, the three of them stopped talking haha ​​and began to ponder.

“It’s been a long time since then, and still no gluttonous beasts have attacked, so this means that the leader of the other party is controlling them and preventing them from attacking us.”

“But why would he do it?”

At this time, Zhao Yun began to speak.

“I feel like he’s killing our morale. The morale is shaken, and it’s going down again and again. It’s exhausted.”

“Yeah, why didn’t I think of it, it must be like this!

We “just landed on planet s, the morale of the soldiers was high, and they wanted to fight against the greedy beasts right away, but there is no battle now, which makes the soldiers feel that they have nowhere to go, and gradually their morale began to decline, becoming restless and slack. ”

“No way, those beasts who only eat meat and rush up when they see it have such a high IQ, they even take into account the morale of humans (bacd).”

“No matter what, we have to fight them sooner or later. It doesn’t make any difference if they come sooner or later. As long as they dare to come, we will make him come and go. Don’t think about these things anymore.”

“Whatever comes, let’s be safe. Anyway, what we have is time, like nails nailed to their earth and their planet, come and kill one, one pair and one pair.”

At this time, on Ye Chen’s spaceship, Zhuge Liang fanned his feather fan beside him.

“Zhuge Liang, what do you think of the current situation?”

“Sir, these are just small tricks. After all, they are beasts, and their evolutionary IQ is limited. Although they know the importance of morale, they did not attack at the best time, allowing us to build a complete defense base. They just The best time has been missed, although they have some intelligence but it is not surprising.”

Ye Chen nodded, he thought that what Zhuge Liang said was very reasonable, and he thought so too.

At first, Ye Chen was worried that when he established the defense base, he would be attacked by greedy beasts, which would affect the construction of the defense base.

It would be a lot of trouble to set up defenses while fighting the gluttonous beast, so he kept 200,000 soldiers for emergencies.

But until the defensive base was built, the greedy beasts did not attack.

Now that the defense base has been built, it is even more difficult for them to break through.

Zhuge Liang is right, the greedy beast has evolved intelligence, but it doesn’t seem to be as smart as he imagined.

At this time, Zhuge Liang brought a cup of coffee and handed it to Ye Chen.

“Sir, our first step has been successfully completed, and the start is not bad.

“Yeah, I really didn’t expect it to be so smooth. It depends on what the other party will do next.”

“It’s almost dawn now, it will be dawn soon, the weather is hot, give up your advantages and launch an attack at dawn, I think they will not launch an attack until this evening at the earliest.”

Ye Chen took a sip of coffee from a dedicated cup and looked at the planet in front of him.

“Yeah, your thoughts are the same as mine, and I also think they will choose to launch a wave of attacks tonight to test the defense of our defense base.”

At this time, while Ye Chen and Zhuge Liang were drinking coffee and chatting, in a mountain pass on Planet S, a greedy beast with cold eyes but very calm was ambushing there, behind him there were 100,000 greedy beasts. There’s a buzz there.

This cold-eyed greedy beast is Sayergo, who came here to ambush at Artisci’s order,

Here you can easily see everything in the defense base, but in the defense base, you can’t see the gluttonous beasts ambush here.

This is Altishi after watching the defensive offensive built, researching the terrain and finding a geographic location.

No one is more familiar with the terrain of this planet than them, and this is their advantage, and he makes perfect use of this.

At this time, Sayergo saw the precarious smoke rising from the defense base, and he quickly activated the signal, and 100,000 gluttonous beasts rushed out from the mountain and ran towards the wall of the defense base in front of him.

Among the 100,000 gluttonous beasts, there are hundreds of gluttonous beasts with huge bodies and special horns in front of their heads. Every time they run, they will cause the earth to shake.

This is the gluttonous beast that Artiski chose to attack and defend the base.

They are huge and powerful. And they are rough and thick and can withstand the attack of ordinary bullets.

Although they moved slowly, they quickly rushed to the bottom of the defensive base because the col was not far from the wall of the defensive base.

At this time, the guards of the defense base discovered the attack of the gluttonous beast and immediately raised the alarm.

The siren sounded from every corner of the defense base, and most of the soldiers who were eating breakfast quickly put down the food in their hands, put on protective clothing, boarded the mecha, and began to prepare for battle.

Because this set of actions took a little time, although they did not panic, they carried out every step in an orderly manner and could participate in the battle in the shortest time possible.

But the timing of the gluttonous beasts was too good. It was when they were about to have breakfast that they launched the attack and took the lead.

The mechas who arrived at the defense base first began to shoot with machine guns in front of them, like the gluttonous beasts they rushed over. Many of the gluttonous beasts were beaten to the ground and could no longer stand up.

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