Chapter 382 Infinite Evolution

This matter has always made Saergo uncomfortable, and if he can catch it, he may get some useful things about the mecha.

He remembered that he had bit the other party’s head at that time, the other party should have been in a coma or died, but he didn’t expect to use it and run away with interest.

“It seems that we have to increase the number, do we still need 100,000? The number of our detectors is huge, but if this consumption continues, there will be problems.”

At this time, Uso Lance came to Artischi’s side and said:

“Altiski, my five gluttonous beasts are evolved by 100,000 gluttonous meat devouring each other, which is equivalent to 1/20,000. Why don’t we increase the number to 20,000 and see. Will there be greedy beasts with IQ evolved?

“That’s right, Artiski, I think what Dasquite said makes sense. If this is the case, we can control the consumption of the quantity and also try to figure out how many gluttonous beasts are needed to evolve.

Artisi nodded.

“Well, it makes sense. Well, I will prepare 20,000 gluttonous beasts tomorrow and let them evolve.”

Altish looked at the five greedy snakes, and nodded in satisfaction.

“Let’s discuss it here today, you go back first, have a good rest, tomorrow.

Then Sayergo suddenly rushed out of the hole and looked up at the sky.

I saw six spaceships and battleships hovering over their planet.

“An enemy attack, a warship of the earthlings.”

Sayergo shouted loudly, at this time Artischi and the other four greedy beasts also ran out and saw the spaceship and battleship overhead.

Altishki quickly sent a message with his tentacles and summoned the gluttonous beast in the distance.

I don’t know how they communicated the message directly, the tentacles of all the greedy hands began to vibrate slightly.

Then practice, the gluttonous beasts in any place on this planet began to run in the direction of Artiski.

There are so many gluttonous beasts on a planet that it is hard to see how many there are.

Ye Chen was on the spaceship, looking at the planet, and thinking to the gluttonous beasts gathered in this direction in front of him.

If such a large number of greedy beasts were allowed to come to the earth, what would happen to the earth, it was hard to imagine.

Be sure to control the number of gluttonous beasts within a safe range before it appears that day.

He saw that he just had his own direction, and knew that that thing must be where the greedy Beastmaster was.

“Order all warships to launch artillery fire in the direction of longitude 285 latitude 487.”

“Yes, sir.”

Zhuge Liang conveyed Ye Chen’s order, and then the six battleships began to charge continuously, hearing a huge roar, and six laser cannons shot at the surface of Planet S.

The laser cannon fell into the surface of the planet s and disappeared, and there was no movement.

Artischi saw the six laser cannonballs land on his planet, and feeling the great danger, it quickly launched its tentacles to transmit a message, causing all the gluttonous beasts to disperse into the distance.

The gluttonous beasts that got the information quickly ran to the distance, but just as they fled here, from the origin where the six shells fell, the huge explosive power spread to all around.

All the gluttonous beasts under the power turned to ashes, and the six shells blasted out a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters.

Artisqi watched his gluttonous beast being killed by hundreds of thousands in an instant, and he was also distressed to death. Although he no longer admits that he is the same as them, those are his own fighting power after all!

The place where the bomb fell just now was far away from him, but after a while, a strong wind almost blew Artisqi somersaults. They stood there hard, trying their best to let themselves be blown away by the strong wind.

This is the cleverness of Artiski, he sent a message that the place where all the gluttonous beasts gathered was not his place, but a place far away from him.

After watching the power of the bomb, Altish began to transmit information again, and the gluttonous beasts who were still running away stopped fleeing, and then stood there quietly, looking at the direction of the open space that was blown up by the bomb.

“Then this is Ye Chen’s order. The vacuum zone has been formed. Each mecha team quickly occupied the planets with small spaceships. After logging in, they quickly established fortifications and built it in the shortest possible time.”

Zhuge Liang conveyed all the orders again. At this time, only six of the main spaceships of the spaceships began to open, and hundreds of small spaceships began to fly towards Planet S.

They logged in quickly and then they opened it, got off the spaceship, and walked down a lot of mecha warriors. They drove the engineering vehicle with boxes of alloy iron plates that resembled walls.

They quickly drove the car to the periphery of the vacuum zone, and then began to build fortifications with core iron plates. It didn’t take long to build a 30-meter-high and ten-meter-thick containment around the edge of the vacuum zone. up.

Two hundred thousand mecha soldiers quickly came to the fortifications to set up defenses, and Xiang Yu and Li Guang were now looking into the distance from the fortifications.

They know that there will be countless gluttonous beasts attacking here 823 soon, their purpose is to break through these defenses, and then tear him and these mecha warriors to pieces and swallow them into their stomachs.

The engineers continued to build another circle of fortifications inside the outer defense, and this layer of fortifications was guarded by Lian Po and Zhao Yun.

“Hmph, Zhao Yun just jumped out of your way, so we didn’t go to the front line, so we could only stare at Xiang Yu and the others in the limelight.”

Lian Po shouted to Zhao Yun angrily.

“Hey, old Lian, don’t worry, there will definitely be a chance for us to exert our heat. Don’t worry if the years are so long and youth is invincible.”

“What a mess, I won’t tell you!”

Lian Po turned around and left where Zhao Yun was.

At this time, Zhao Yun looked into the distance. This battle was not easy. As the general of the Five Tigers, Zhao Yun, of course, would not be afraid.

It’s just that he went to Xiang Yu and saw Xiang Yu’s injury, and even if he saw the wound, he felt numb on his scalp when he saw the wound.

This is completely different from the locust group on Planet X. There is only a one-sided slaughter, but the fighting power of the greedy beast here is more than ten times stronger than that of the imperial family. What Li Guang cares most about is that Xiang Yu once said, The gluttonous beasts on this planet have evolved their IQs, and the IQs of leaders determine the direction of the war.

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