Chapter 381 Attack Again

The next evening, Zhao Yun, Lian Po, and Zhuge Liang came to Ye Chen’s side. Seeing that they were completely modern soldiers, Ye Chen was also happy.

“Sir, let’s make a bet this time. We were very unconvinced when we lost last time!”

“Lian Po, this is what you said, I didn’t say it, my admiration for the lord is to go to the Taotao River.

“Zhao Yun, you kid, since you became young and released your emotions on the planet of the locust family, you have become sloppy!”

“Sir, you said, it has become like this, and you have to speak word by word as before, how tired?”

“I’m so happy here, I don’t want to waste my youth, haha.

Ye Chen turned his head to look at Zhuge Liang, who tapped Zhao Yun on the head with a feather fan.

“Don’t take offense, my lord, Zhao Yun was watching a cartoon on “August 23” recently, which is about youth and inspiration…

“What I said, why is there such a big change? It turned out to be influenced by cartoons. I said you should show him some more mature cartoons!”

“Sir, I’ve shown him a lot, he likes this the most, and he always imitates the movements and tone of the animation?”

“Oh, that’s it, then forget it, this look is actually quite good, it’s more than a headache for those who know it.

At this time, Li Guang opened the door and came in.

“Sir, everything is ready and waiting for your order.”

“Brother Yue, my admiration for you is like.”



Li Guang and Zhao Yun are always together these days, because they are both generals, they often learn from each other, and they admire each other’s kung fu very much.

So it can be regarded as mutual sympathy, but recently, maybe it was a little boring with the locust clan, Zhao Yun became a little bit out of touch.

I always say some inexplicable things, maybe I really watch too many cartoons.

Great, “Okay, pass my order and get ready to go.”

Li Guang, “You take 200,000 mecha soldiers on the No. 1 spaceship, and the No. 2 spacecraft will attack Planet S from the right.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Zhao Yun, Lian Po, you lead 200,000 mecha soldiers from the No. 3 and No. 4 spaceships to attack Planet S from the left.”

“Yes, sir!”

“In this operation, when the spacecraft approached Planet S, a laser cannon was used to create an empty area as the landing site.”

“Then the mecha soldiers of each team quickly landed on Planet S in a small spaceship, and the main ship will give you fire support in the air at the periphery of the planet.

“But the main ship can’t land, because once it landed, if it is surrounded by gluttonous beasts, it is likely to be destroyed, which is not good for us to evacuate this planet.

“After Ruolu, let the mecha troops quickly expand the occupied area and then build fortifications, understand.

Planet s is in our pockets as long as we can stand there.

“Yes, sir

“Okay, let’s go!”

“Wait a minute, sir!”

“Brother Xiang, why are you here? Is your injury healed?”

Xiang Yu nodded and came to Ye Chen’s side.

“Sir, this attack on Planet S? I would like to be the vanguard.”

“Is your injury healed? Xiang Yu.

“It’s all right, sir, don’t worry.”

Speaking of which, Xiang Yu stabbed his left shoulder a few times, and he looked really agile. He sighed at Warren’s superb medical skills. Of course, this is also related to Xiang Yu’s physique and amazing resilience.

Ye Chen nodded and said yes, then you and Li Guang will enter the battle from the right side!

“Yes, sir.

“Set off!”

At this time, on the planet S not far from the earth, in a spacious cave, there was a huge gluttonous beast.

Its body size is much larger than that of ordinary gluttonous beasts, and its tentacles are also much wider than other gluttonous beasts.

He is the king of the gluttonous beasts on Planet S. His name is Artisqi. He is a gluttonous beast with a particularly high IQ. He discovered that by devouring the same kind, the gluttonous beast can evolve into a greedy with IQ with a low probability. eat beasts.

The five gluttonous beasts around him were the last time Xiang Yu infiltrated Planet S and saw 100,000 gluttonous beasts whistling cleanly at each other in one day, they evolved into gluttonous beasts with IQ.

They have all given names to themselves, and the bigger one here is called Bradley.

Then his one who was slightly smaller than him was called Asura.

Then Ashura’s name is Daslami, who is a relatively thin and gluttonous beast. Even Artiski is curious why she survived and evolved an IQ.0

On his left, there is a gluttonous beast called Usorance, and then Usorance is called Sayergo, who is the gluttonous beast that attacked Xiang Yu.

His eyes were different from those of the others, cold, sharp but very calm.

They are communicating in their own language.

“How are things going, Ashura?”

“Let’s turn back, according to your instructions, I will let three groups of gluttonous beasts eat each other, the first group of 1,000 animals, the second group of 2,000 animals, and the third group of 5,000 animals.

“Well, what’s the result!”

“None of them have evolved intelligence.”

Xiao Huang glanced at the five gluttonous beasts around him, thinking that a total of 100,000 gluttonous beasts had evolved into five gluttonous beasts with only IQ.

The success rate of IQ evolution is really pitifully low. If the success rate is higher, even if you gather a thousand greedy beasts with only IQ to attack the earth, I will be bigger.

Now he no longer counts those gluttons who only know how to eat as his own kind.

They’re just their own pets, or rather their fighting tools, but they’ll never be leaders like them because they don’t have an IQ.

Since he knew, there is a chance that cherishing the same kind, 2.3 Jinhua said that the three hands with IQ, he is commanding 100,000 gluttonous beasts to devour each other.

It is a pity that the result did not reach his ideal appearance. Only five of the 100,000 gluttonous beasts evolved.

The only thing that can be fortunate is that these five IQs are very high.

In particular, Sayergo was his most powerful subordinate, calm and witty, and possessed all the characteristics of a killer.

The last time an Earthman infiltrated his planet, he was discovered and hunted down by Shuyergo. At that time, he was just practicing hunting, and he didn’t want to kill that Earthman at the beginning.

I just want to understand the weaknesses of the Earthman’s mecha through the battle with the Earthman?

However, when he finally saw that the earthlings were about to escape, he attacked the killer, but he was still injured and escaped, which is what he did not expect.

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