Chapter 380

“Hua Shenyi, the most important thing is to cure diseases and save people! The rest will be discussed later.”

“Yes, sir, I’ll go!”

Holding down the doubts in his heart, he followed Zhuge Liang out. At this time, Xiang Yu looked at Ye Chen and was grateful.

“Sir, you specially took over Hua Shenyi for me. I’m really grateful in my heart, and I’m willing to die for you.”

“Xiang Yu, I know that you are very loyal to me, but now everything is mainly about healing the body, and the rest will be discussed when the body recovers.”

Ye Chen came to Xiang Yu’s side and said quietly:

“I feel that these two days, the gluttonous beasts of Planet S will attack the earth. You should try your best to recover your body within two days, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the battle.”

“Yes, sir, I will definitely cooperate with Hua Shenyi’s treatment, and when the gluttonous beasts of Planet S arrive, I will kill them all.

“That’s good, you rest early, I have to go back to deal with some things!”

At this time, Zhuge Liang and Huata returned to Xiang Yu’s room.

“How about Hua Tuo, does the medicine store here have the medicinal materials you need?”

“There are many kinds of medicinal materials here, but there are two kinds of medicinal materials that are not available here!”

“Then we will go back to the medicine store in the main hall of Changsheng Palace to find it, there will definitely be the medicinal materials you need.”

So Ye Chen, Zhuge Liang and Hua Tuo took the spaceship back to the main hall. After Hua Tuo and Zhuge Liang left, Ye Chen sat on the chair and kneaded his forehead.

At this time, Li Guang came to his room and saw Ye Chen bowing his head there, as if thinking about something.

“Mr. looks worried, not sure why.”

“Oh, nothing for now, I just feel a little tired!”

“Li Guang, this time I feel that the gluttonous beasts of Planet S are about to move, and it seems that they are going to do something to the earth.”

“Sir, those beasts who are only greedy should not be afraid!”

This time, “Xiang Yu sneaked into Planet S secretly and was seriously injured. When he came back, he brought back some important news.”

“Oh? Sir, what important news did Brother Xiang bring back?”

“He once saw on Planet S that one hundred thousand gluttonous beasts were eaten by his own kind in one day, and he once fought with one of the gluttonous beasts. He felt the gluttony that he had fought against. The beast is not simply fighting for food, it seems to be training the ability to hunt.”

Li Guang, who heard these words, was also very surprised.

“Sir, if this is really the case, it means that the current gluttonous beast already has an IQ, then it is really troublesome.”

Ye Chen nodded and continued:

“I suspect that they can evolve into greedy beasts with IQ by devouring the same kind, so there are 100,000 gluttonous beasts that are eaten clean by the same kind in one day.”

Ye Chen looked at Li Guang.

“Imagine that a greedy beast with an intelligence quotient can fight with a fierce general like Xiang Yu and cause him to be injured.

“Ten, one hundred, ten thousand? It’s just that I don’t know what the probability of greedy beasts is to evolve IQ.”

“Don’t worry too much, sir, that gluttonous beast will definitely not have a high probability to evolve an IQ, otherwise there is no need to sacrifice 100,000 gluttonous beasts.

“Well, what you said is also very reasonable, it is true, if it is really what you think, there is nothing to worry about.

“By the way, Li Guang, what’s the matter with you coming to see me?”

“Oh, that’s it, sir, my subordinates and I have finished training and can fight for the Hall of Longevity. This time I came to see sir to see if there is any mission.”

“Haha, then you are really here. Xiang Yu was seriously injured and can’t participate in the battle for the time being. In order to prevent the gluttonous beast from suddenly attacking the earth, I asked you to go to Xiang Yu’s place to defend with him, how about it?”

“Yes, sir, I will take my subordinates there now.

“Let me know if anything happens. I’ve asked Zhao Yun and Lian Po to come back, and I’m just waiting for the greedy beasts to throw themselves into the net.”

“Yes, sir!”

After Li Guang left, Ye Chen called Zhuge Liang over again.

“How about the newly recruited mech soldiers?”

“Mr. Hui, the first batch of mecha soldiers has ended, including 200,000 defensive soldiers, 200,000 mobile soldiers, and 100,000 special mecha soldiers.”

“I have completed the mecha control and actual combat training, and I can go to the battlefield to participate in the battle at any time.

“Okay, very good! With these mecha soldiers, there is no need to mobilize other defense units, so you let Lian Po continue to lead 100,000 mecha soldiers to clean up the locust clan on Planet X.

-0 for flowers. …

“Let Zhao Yun bring 100,000 mecha soldiers back and prepare for the battle on Planet S. Now that there are enough soldiers, we won’t wait for them to attack us!”

“We pre-empted them and caught them off guard.”

“Yes, sir! I’ll do it right now.”

“Wait a minute, Zhuge Liang, you told Li Guang not to go to Xiang Yu’s place and let him lead 300,000 mecha soldiers on standby.”

Ye Chen’s heart is suddenly clear now, yes, instead of sitting still, it is better to take the initiative to attack and annihilate this hidden danger while they are still young.

“By the way, how’s it going at Warren’s?”

“Divine Doctor Hua Tuo has found the two herbs in the medical storehouse, and has given the prepared medicine to General Xiang. The arm of General Xiang who received the herbal treatment has grown new flesh, and the recovery speed is very fast. ”

It’s really “good news keeps coming, Zhuge Liang, you have contributed greatly. After this war is over, I will definitely have a few drinks with you.”

“Mr. Xie praised! It is an honor for Liang to be able to share his worries for Mr.

“Okay, hurry down and do what I told you! Tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to invade Planet S and catch them off guard.”

After Zhuge Liang left, Ye Chen came to the window, looked at the world outside, and felt that the universe is so big, and human beings are just a speck of dust in this vast universe.

Humans still have a long road to conquer the universe!

Just then, the door opened, and a figure came to him.

“What are you looking at?”

The soft voice made Ye Chen’s heart a little disturbed, and he felt a lot more at once.

Look at the universe outside, how small we are, the ambition of human beings to conquer the universe seems to be impossible in a short time.


“What are you laughing at?”

“I laugh at how confused you are, because the last thing you need is time!”

“Yeah, why did I even forget this, I have the Lord of Time System!”

“I heard that you are going to attack Planet S tomorrow, you must pay attention to safety!

Don’t worry, “Well, this time with Li Guang, Zhao Yun and me with 600,000 mecha soldiers, we will definitely win. When I come back, let’s have a cup with my brother.”

“Hmm!” Again,

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