Chapter 379 Hua Tuo saw the spaceship?

“Hua Tuo is like this, I’ll bring you a gift. If you are satisfied with the gift, then you can leave here with me, okay?”

Hua Tuo looked at Ye Chen with strange eyes, this young man is really strange, when you come to the prison, you want to give my old man a gift.

You have to take me out of here. This is the prison of Cao Jun’s camp. There are heavy guards outside. How can you say that you can leave if you leave.

But he seemed to ignore a problem, because Ye Chen came here from the outside, and his mind no longer had so many problems in his mind.

“Can you let me see what the gift is first, Mr. Xiao, and if I’m really satisfied, what if I leave with Mr. Xiao?”

“I have to go to the execution ground tomorrow anyway. Wherever the little gentleman takes me, it’s the same for me. Anyway, it’s just death.”

“Okay, Mr. Hua Tuo, wait a moment, I’ll take out the present!

“Open the Lord of Time system, I will give Warren twenty years of life.

[System: The tree mainly deducts 20 time points for Hua Tuo’s 20-year lifespan and the remaining 99)

After clicking OK, Ye Chen opened his eyes and saw that Warren was still looking at him in that 823, waiting for him to get him a gift.

“Mr. Hua Tuo’s gift has been delivered, why are you still looking at me like this?”

“What? It turns out that the little gentleman is just making fun of me, the old man! Take pity on this old man and take it seriously, it’s ridiculous, ridiculous.”

Hua Tuo seemed very angry and helpless. After thinking about it, he thought about it. Anyway, they were all people who were going to die.

At this moment, he turned around again and looked outside the cell, never thinking about you, rude young man again.

When he was carrying his hands behind his back, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He has been treating illnesses and saving people all the year round, and he is very sensitive to the feeling on his hands.

At this time, when he put his hands together behind his back, he suddenly felt that his hands were different.

He quickly brought his hands in front of him and watched repeatedly, and suddenly found that his hands were no longer as old and wrinkled as before, it seemed that his hands were much younger.

Could it be that this is Ye Chen’s gift to himself, if that’s the case, then it’s really a big gift, these hands are really too important to Warren.

Healing and saving people, healing wounds and detoxification, when one’s hands are performing surgical operations, they must not tremble and make mistakes.

That’s how it was when scraping bones for General Guan Yu to heal his wounds, but as you get older, your hands start shaking involuntarily.

So much so that when he heals others, he will always be extra careful, but sometimes he just can’t control himself, there is no way, this is the ruthlessness of the years.

He looked at his hands repeatedly, very sure that they had become young, when he suddenly thought of something, and then quickly touched his face with both hands.

The doctor has a particularly keen sense of the body. He pulled his hair and found that they were no longer gray, but black.

This time, he understood what the big gift Ye Chen said was?

He came to Ye Chen and knelt on the ground and was about to kowtow, Ye Chen quickly helped him up.

“What is Hua Tuo doing?”

Just now I didn’t know that Mr. Xiao was an expert outside the world, and I blamed me for being blind and ignorant of real people. ”

Saying that, he wanted to kneel down again, but Ye Chen tried so hard to hold him that he couldn’t kneel down.

Doctor Hua Tuo knelt down for a long time, but still couldn’t get back to the ground. He looked up and saw that Ye Chen was looking at him sincerely.

Doctor Hua Tuo no longer struggled to go down, but stood up slowly.

“The little gentleman is really a god, and he actually knows the art of rejuvenation, can you hand it over to the old guy and let me treat more people.

“I really can’t teach you the medical skill of rejuvenation, but there are better medical skills you can learn (bacd), would you like to go?”

“I am willing to go, I am willing to follow the master to learn better medical skills, please take me away.”

“Okay, then I will give you another 20 years of life, and then you will leave this place with me. There must be patients in my place that you can’t learn and can’t cure.”

After speaking, Zhuge Liang opened the aperture and led Warren out of the cell. The old man in sixty-six who was squatting in the corner and trembling saw this scene, as if he saw a ghost himself.

The picture was frozen in Ye Chen’s room in the Hall of Longevity. Ye Chen led Warren out of the aperture. Looking at the environment around him, Hua Ti also felt very strange.

“This is my home, this place is called the Hall of Longevity, I will take you to see someone in a while, and then you can take a look at his injury to see if it can be treated.

At this time, Ye Chen called Zhuge Liang and asked him to prepare a spaceship. Ye Chen, Zhuge Liang and Hua Lun came to Xiang Yu’s place again.

When he saw Xiang Yu again, his spirit seemed to have recovered a lot. Ye Chen hurriedly asked Hua Tuo to read the notes to see how Xiang Yu’s wound was.

Hua Tuo looked at Xiang Yu, who was tall and strong, and his father opened his gauze.

The shocking wound also made him stunned. What kind of wound is this? After suffering such an injury, he can still have such a mental state.

Next, he opened Xiang Yu’s gauze on his head again, and saw four terrifying holes.

Hua Tuo looked back at Ye Chen and believed everything he said.

It was a miracle that this sturdy man was able to maintain such a state of mind that he could no longer live in an injury in his opinion.

After bandaging Xiang Yu’s wound again, he came to Ye Chen’s side.

“Sir, with all due respect, his wounds are large and deep, and it seems that the teeth of the monster that bit him have toxins on them, so it is difficult for his wounds to heal and new flesh to grow.”

“But I know there is an herb, so although it is very rare, it works wonders for this kind of bite.

When Ye Chen heard the words, he was very happy in his heart, and hurriedly asked:

“May I ask what herb is so magical?”

“It is not a single herb, and the second is to mix the concentrated herbs together to have the effect of healing and detoxification.”

“Okay, no matter what medicine, I will get him, Zhuge Liang, you take Hua Shenyi to the medicine store, and no matter what, you must get the medicine he said.”

Okay, “Sir, I’ll go right away! This way, Doctor Hua.”

“Zhuge Liang? You, are you Zhuge Kongming, Liu Bei’s military advisor?”

“Hua Shenyi, I am Kong Ming, but I am no longer Liu Bei’s military advisor. Let me explain these things to you slowly!”

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