Chapter 378 The Divine Doctor Hua Tuo

I just don’t know how high the probability of them is. If there are only dozens of them, it is not enough to fear. It is indeed a huge challenge to the earth to have thousands of gluttons with IQ.

Just like the gluttonous beast that fought with Xiang Yu, although it was raining at the time, it was because he was eager to get out of the battle that he was at a disadvantage. He was besieged by them and was seriously injured.

But being able to bite Xiang Yu wearing a mecha like this, the attack power of the gluttonous beast seems to be more powerful than before.

His time system can only give life to dying people, but it cannot really treat trauma.

Although technology is advanced and medical skills are advanced, they do need a top-notch surgeon to treat injuries like Xiang Yu.

Having decided everything, Ye Chen started to open the Master of Time system.

“I’m going to the place where Hua Ti was the day before Hua Tuo was beheaded by Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period.”

[System, the host wants to go to the place where Warren was the day before Hua Tuo was killed by Cao Cao, deduct 100 time points, and the remaining 99.]

After Ye Chen clicked OK, an aperture appeared in front of him, and Ye Chen strode into the aperture.

He didn’t stop, because the time was very urgent for him right now, even if he gained a minute and a second, it would be beneficial to the battle situation.

The picture quickly freezes, Ye Chen walks out of the aperture, this is a dark and damp cell, an old man in sixty-six with white hair squatting in the corner, trembling all over, as if he is sick.

He didn’t pay attention to Ye Chen’s arrival, so when Ye Chen sat in front of him, he seemed very flustered.

“Who are you? Are you going to kill me?”

“Your death is tomorrow. I am the one who saves you. It depends on whether you need my help?”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, the person who was shaking sideways in the corner raised his head and looked at Ye Chen, if you can save me, of course it would be the best, of course I need it.

Telling “me, are you the genius doctor Hua Tuo” for a long time?

The sixtieth old man who was squatting at the foot of the wall was stunned and shook his head.

I am not Hua Tuo, the genius doctor you are looking for is the one behind you.

Isn’t this the same as Ye Chen? It turned out to be the wrong person. He turned his head and looked at the door of the cell, standing there with his back to him, also an old man with white hair.

His back is straight, his hands are behind his back, and his clothes are clean and tidy, and he doesn’t look like a prisoner at all.

His hands are very slender, and there are calluses between the thumb and index finger, and it seems that he uses them often.

At this time, Ye Chen came to him and asked:

“Excuse me, old man, are you Hua Tuo, a genius doctor?”

Hua Tuo didn’t even look at Ye Chen, he just said faintly:

“I’m just a criminal in Cao Cao’s prison now. I’ll be beheaded tomorrow. I’m no longer a genius doctor. Are you looking for the wrong person, sir?”

Hearing the old man say this, Ye Chen knew that Hua Tuo was the one he was looking for.

“The old gentleman is not curious about who I am and why I am here?”

Only then did Hua Tuo turn around and look at Ye Chen. The appearance of Ye Chen’s clothes he looked at was indeed completely different from the clothes of this dynasty.

Alien “Although I don’t know how you came to this prison, or why you came here, it has nothing to do with me.

“I’m just a doctor. If you are sick, I can treat you. It’s a pity that my current treatment tools have been taken away by Cao Cao, but some diseases in my hands can still be treated.”

“Then can the old gentleman treat me to see if I have any ailments that you can treat?”

At this time, Warren took a serious look at Ye Chen’s face, grabbed one of his right hands, kneaded and kneaded it on his hand, and swung it on Ye Chen’s chest.

Then he stopped and didn’t speak anymore, just looked at Ye Chen quietly there?

Ye Chen looked at Hua Tuo and didn’t know what was wrong with him when he saw that he just looked at Warren calmly.

A quarter of an hour later, Hua Tuo looked at Ye Chen with a smile and said:

“Little gentleman has no pain in his body, his body’s qi is unobstructed, his blood is surging, and his breath is long and long, but it seems that something has made you a little anxious recently, but it’s not a big problem, you don’t need medicine, you can relax your mind in everything. , the anxiety disappears naturally.”

After speaking, Warren turned to look outside the prison again.

Ye Chen sighed that the medical skills in these words were indeed brilliant, and he thought that this time he had found the right person, and he must be brought back to the Hall of Longevity, so that even if someone was injured again, there was no need to worry that no one could be cured.

“The old gentleman’s medical skills are excellent. I have a friend below. His arm was bitten off by a monster, and a large piece of flesh has been exposed. There are four holes in his head. Can you treat him, sir? ”

Huatu heard Ye Chen’s words, and turned to look at him again. Although he didn’t believe Ye Chen’s words, it didn’t look like he was lying when he looked at Ye Chen.

| The little gentleman is joking, the wound described to you, then the patient has already died and needs no treatment!”

“Haha, the old gentleman can really make a joke. Although my friend is seriously injured, his mental state is still very good, and he is still far from Huangquan.”

Ye Chen opened his eyes, and suddenly thought that it would be better for me to stimulate him, and see how it works.

“Folk rumors that the genius doctor Hua Tuo can cure all diseases, scrape the bones for General Guan Yu to heal wounds, and also throw away his head for General Cao Cao to take out the evil wind. It seems that the folk rumors are false. Doctor Hua, you actually even kill my friend. I can’t even guess, it looks like I’ve come down to the wrong place and said goodbye.”

“And in our place, Hua Shenyi, treats internal organs aside from the belly, and breaks the skull to treat the brain organs. These medical skills have been widely used by the common people.

At this time, Hua Lun turned around and looked at Ye Chen seriously. He said that others may not understand these words, but Hua Tuo, who is a genius doctor, can understand the meaning inside.

His expression was very shocked, he knew what Ye Chen said, if he didn’t know medical skills, he couldn’t say it at all.

“Who are you? What are you here for?”

“I am the one who came to save you, Hua Shenyi. Tomorrow Cao Cao will behead you to show the public to prove that your superb medical skills are wrong, but in our place, such an operation is only the most common treatment.”

“It’s a pity that Cao Cao’s life should be like this, if he only believed in you half a point, maybe he wouldn’t be like this, maybe the history would be very different.

Ye Chen saw that the time was almost up, and he had said everything he had to say, and Hua Ti should also be able to understand what he meant.

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