Chapter 365 Mecha

The fast-falling king worm leader couldn’t control the speed of his fall at all.

However, when the locust leader was still falling, and there was still some distance from the ground, Zhao Yun, who was behind him, had already caught up to the top of his head.

I saw his finger on the spear, and the spear suddenly disappeared from his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun suddenly accelerated, and did not continue to attack, the leader of the locusts that was falling at an extremely high speed.

Instead, it surpassed him and fell to the ground first, only to see that a long spear stuck on the ground in his right hand had returned to his hand.

This is when the locust leader fell to the ground. With a bang, the huge body smashed a big hole into the ground.

Although it fell to the ground, the locust leader remained motionless, and it seemed that he could not die any longer.

With such a huge body, the speed of falling is very fast, but the body of the locust leader is as hard as steel and it is impossible to fall to death.

“Okay, a good Zhao Zilong, a good spear of the overlord who will always win the general.”

Others may not be able to see it, but Shen Chen saw it very clearly, when the locust leader was shot to the ground by Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong, who was chasing behind, quickly threw out the long spear in his hand when he saw that he was chasing the leader of the worm.

The spear flashed by and landed on the ground, but it had actually penetrated the head and body of the locust leader, killing the locust leader.

That’s why Zhao Zilong came to the ground one step ahead and used the electromagnetic force to retract the spear.

At this time, Zhao Yun’s spear stood on the right side of his body, and his red mecha was spotless. Even though he killed so many locust soldiers, he even killed the locust leader in one fell swoop.

But his mecha didn’t even get a drop of locust blood on his body, standing there, no one could match his heroism.

Zhao Yun was also very excited in his heart, thinking that he had rescued A Dou in front of Changbanpo, killed all seven of Cao Cao’s camp, and also took away Cao Cao’s sword.

That battle was indeed his peak moment, although in the battles that followed, he also had many extraordinary feats.

But such a hearty battle has never happened again. When he didn’t come here, he was an old man who was over half a hundred years old.

But Zhao Zilong is a strong-willed person, so those hurts can’t affect him, but the cowardice of the Shu Kingdom really makes his heart hurt. When he knew all this, he cried bitterly for a long time.

Afterwards, he picked up his mood and started to train his young body hard. He already knew that he was no longer Zhao Yun from the Three Kingdoms period, but Zhao Zilong, the pioneer of the Hall of Longevity.

He only works for the Hall of Longevity now, and Ye Chen is the only master. He has completely accepted this reality and is also enjoying this moment. He has also been looking forward to this station, wanting to feel his youthful physical state and explosive output through the battle.

In his peak state, he feels really great. He has both rich combat experience and a young and powerful body. All of these make Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong feel that he is so powerful.

“Hahaha, happy, who else will fight.”

After speaking, he jumped up and flew to the sky again, and wherever he passed, the locust soldiers fell one after another.

The locust soldiers who lost their locust leaders became disorganized, and they no longer even attacked the soldiers in front of them, but flew to the residential areas in the distance.

They are obeying the orders of their leader to kill all creatures they see.

So there are still countless locust soldiers in the sky, the mech team.

There were also some worm soldiers scattered around and flew to a residential area a little further away, where there were still civilians.

Just when the locust soldiers wanted to enter the dwellings of the residents and search for the civilians there, an axe suddenly came out and then came out again, cutting the locust soldier in half.

And the axe did not stop, it continued to rotate and flew towards the locust soldiers in the air, the axe drew an arc, and then flew back to its starting point, which was a huge mechanical palm grabbed the axe. Axe handle.

At this time, a stout mecha warrior walked out of the civilian house.

His color was a little dark red, which was darker and thicker than Zhao Yun’s red just now. He was holding two giant axes in both hands and looked very heavy.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the axe he threw out in midair, and the locust soldiers who were cut in half were falling.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Hahaha, Zhuge Liang is really too powerful, and he guessed that you gang of scourges will attack the poor here, and let the old man wait for you here.”

That’s right, this is another of Ye Chen’s vanguard generals, General Lian Po brought back from Qi Guocong.

He accepts the reality faster than others. He is over seventy years old. Although he is a prime minister, his heart is very empty. He is doing nothing and spending time there, waiting for death.

The appearance of Ye Chen gave him 20 years. This was a situation that would only appear in his dreams countless times. When he realized that he was 20 years younger in the dream, how much he hoped for this after waking up. it is true.

When I came here with Ye Chen, I felt the changes in my body when I was twenty years younger, and I couldn’t be more happy.

In the past few days, I followed Zhuge Liang to understand, from the history and biography of China and foreign countries, he also understood the changes in the world.

He is very fortunate that Ye Chen can bring him here from ancient times, so that he can know what the future society will be like?

What’s better is that he can continue to participate in the battle. Since ancient times, civil officials have died quickly, military officers have died in battle, and heroes who can die in battle are immortal.

The old general has always wanted such an opportunity, but because of his age in his seventies, he can no longer go to the battlefield.

Now, he has put on the battle armor and weapons again. Although the enemy is different, for him, as long as it is an enemy, as long as it is a battle, all this is enough.

When I saw Zhao Yun’s boy just now, he flew up and down again, and he was so happy that he felt his heart itch.

The heart can’t wait to immediately rush forward to kill two locust soldiers, and happily reward one.

But Zhuge Liang asked his hands to be here to prevent the locust soldiers from sneaking up here and hurting the surviving and retreating civilians here.

At this time, just like him, the mecha warriors walked out of the bungalow in the residential area, and their signs were slightly different from the mechas of Zhao Yun’s team before.

Their mechas are slightly thicker, and they look like armored soldiers with better defense. In fact, there are still differences between the two teams. Zhao Yun and the two teams are called mechas. again,

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