Chapter 366 Laser Scanning

The team led by Lian Po was called Elephant Armor, a mecha team that was mainly defensive.

The locust soldiers who came here to attack the residents were all killed by the Xiangjia mecha soldiers ambushed here.

They came out one after another and stood in neat rows. Lian Po was in front of them, holding two big axes in both hands, and laughed loudly:

“Hahaha, I, Lian Po, have returned to the battlefield again, and I can lead troops to fight again, this feeling is really good.

Then he looked in Zhao Yun’s direction.

“Brother Zhao Yun, look at the number of locust soldiers killed by you and me?

Their mechas were all equipped with communication equipment, so Zhao Yun could hear what he said, and he was still killing in the air. After Zhao Yun, the locust soldier, heard Lian Po talking to him.

“Okay, Brother Lian Po, let’s start from “August 17″ now, so as not to take advantage of me, whoever wins can drink two more glasses of fine wine, and whoever loses is responsible for pouring the wine?”

“Okay, then let’s say Dingka! Haha! Boys, rush with me, after killing these locust soldiers, we will go back to drink.

kill kill kill”

The soldiers shouted arrogantly, their faces turned to the front of the battlefield, and Lian Po quickly lifted the two big axes to the sky.

The axe flew into the air in two arcs, splitting each locust in half on the way.

Then he directly opened the leg jets, and Lian Po also flew into the air. With his hands stretched out, he just picked up the axe that was flying back.

Both his and Zhao Yun’s weapons have been technologically improved, and many technological elements have been added to them, such as jet devices, navigation devices, and electromagnetic suction devices, which are all relatively advanced scientific equipment.

Previously, when Zhao Yun shot the locust leader when he was chasing him, it was when he pressed the spear’s spray device, and the long spear passed through the leader’s body at a high speed.

And now the axe thrown by Facebook is also made by the mecha through the jet device on the axe to make it fly far away, and then use the technological effect of electromagnetic suction to suck the axe back to its hands.

When the two axes are thrown out, they swirl in an arc in the sky to kill the locust soldiers by using its navigation function.

If the navigation function is turned on, as long as Lian Po’s eyes are looking, the axe will naturally fly to the place he is looking.

In this way, the two of them kept beheading the locust soldiers in the air, and they were shouting the number. The competition of the two coaches drove the two teams twice, and they also began to compete with each other.

The weapon of the Elephant Mecha is more powerful than the Mecha mobile weapon, but its flexibility is also less.

In addition to having the same machine guns on their arms as the mobile mech soldiers, they also carried a laser cannon on their backs.

Although it consumes a lot of energy, the attack power of the laser cannon is really nothing to say. Once the cannon is fired, the area becomes much cleaner immediately.

Under the attack of the two teams of locust soldiers, the number of locust soldiers gradually decreased, and the locust soldiers who were still overwhelming have now been compressed into only the part in front of them.

Ye Chen watched all this from the spaceship, feeling that his team was strong and at the same time gave him the illusion that his opponent was weakening.

“How could this be? I feel that the current locust soldiers are really weak, and their attack power is far worse. Is there any conspiracy that can’t be accomplished.

Zhuge Liang was also puzzled by the side. It stands to reason that the locust soldiers attacked the earth on a large scale, and they should go all out. If they use the fire tactics, they can only kill as many as they come, which is very unfavorable to them.

“These may be their vanguard troops, and the strength is not very strong. It is possible that the focus is on testing the strength of our team!”

“The lord is right, take some weak soldiers to test the combat effectiveness of our army, they are likely to use such tactics.

“Order the soldiers and let them fire with all their strength to wipe out all the locust soldiers in front of them and prevent reinforcements from coming.

“Yes, my lord!”

Before the order was issued, the wormhole suddenly began to expand outward, and it doubled in size. The black hole was filled with smoke and it was impossible to see what was inside.

This is a huge sickle-shaped tentacles appearing on the edge of the wormhole, and then a huge locust with a huge body crawled out from there.

Standing behind him were four locusts a little smaller than him.

“Cough, the protagonist is here, let’s see what strength they have!”

“Zhuge Liang told Lian Po, Zhao Yun should not be careless, the one in the middle should be the supreme leader of the locust army, Si Keqi! The last four are his generals, and his strength should not be underestimated.0”

“Then he recalled going back to the spaceship cabin, preparing the mech for me, and I was going to fight.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Zhuge Liang arranged the main attack according to Ye Chen’s instructions, and put a black mecha, which is Ye Chen’s exclusive mecha, a mecha of the highest level, covering almost all technological elements.

At the beginning, it took 1/10 of the resources of the Hall of Longevity just to make this mecha.

Stealth, super-light speed, high critical strike, high defense, nano-laser weapons, the material alone is already made of the top nano-alloy on earth.

Ye Chen, entering the black mecha, began to integrate the identification with the frame, moved his fingers, moved his arms, and thought to himself.

It’s been a long time since I fought, I should be active today, my body is now, and Ye Chen’s blood boiled with the joy of watching Zhao Yun and Lian Po kill the enemy.

In addition, he really needs to add some time points, so today he is also preparing to participate in this battle. Since the opponent’s handsome has come out, then we have to give them face, right?

At this time, when he heard Zhao Yunhe arranged by Zhuge Liang, Lian Po looked up at the spaceship and saw a black mecha flying out of the spaceship.

This time the mecha doesn’t look tall in 2.3, it feels very light and even looks thinner than Zhao Yun’s mecha.

But the pressure emanating from him made Zhao Yun and Facebook feel uncomfortable. He stopped there, but the locust soldiers around him did not dare to attack him.

I don’t know why this black mecha reveals the coercion of a king, which makes people dare not look directly.

This is the locust Marshal and the four locust leaders who discovered the existence of the black mecha. Their five huge guys turned around and came to the front of the black mecha, and they did not rush to attack, they just faced each other.

A terrible thing happened. At this time, the black mecha suddenly disappeared, and then I saw the two locust leaders standing one after the other on the left side of Marshal Locust, their heads moved.

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